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Religious Brotherhood vs Brotherhood of Mankind!

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Do you agree with the following poetic verse?:


"Muslinimo nimaan kugu dhaqayn, muminimo khaas ah

Gaal maxasta kuu nabadgashood, magansataa dhaama"



In your answers - can you relate the verse to the current dilemma faced Somalis both at home and in the diaspora?

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Actually, Islam encourages humankind brotherhood and cooperation unlike the superficial understanding so common;

compassion, wishing well and praying for non-muslims is even recommended as the prophet did.


You would be surprised at the level of evil (envy, backbiting or character assasination etc) and greed shown by many "wadads" and even some "sheikhs" are not the kind of people you would want to deal with...though they are overall more moral than the rest.


The truth is that people are born and raised with some level of ethics and self-control, that could be enhanced via religion (high intellect and being well-read helps too greatly), but being religious at least assists in avoiding the most patent red lines and having some coherent ethical system.

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In the internet age we would say the Sayid got 'pwned' with this poem!


Sayid*Somal;766874 wrote:
Do you agree with the following poetic verse?:


"Muslinimo nimaan kugu dhaqayn, muminimo khaas ah

Gaal maxasta kuu nabadgashood, magansataa dhaama"



In your answers - can you relate the verse to the current dilemma faced Somalis both at home and in the diaspora?

I think this would make good exam question!

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A person who didn't understand that who is his creator and how this system of universe is running, so i don't think so he could be included in Mankind. Human is that who knows that there is some power who is responsible for every thing in universe.

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Manahel.fatima;769536 wrote:
A person who didn't understand that who is his creator and how this system of universe is running, so i don't think so he could be included in Mankind. Human is that who knows that there is some power who is responsible for every thing in universe.

What a laughable post!

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dadka ayagoo walaala ah ayaa hadana kala sokeeyan oo isa sii xiga , taasna waxa inoo sheegaya quraanka ,Eba weyne waxa uu Quranka karimka ku xusay suurat xujuraat aayada 13 (( dadow waxaa idinka abuuray lab iyo dhadig ,waxaana idinka yeelay shucuub iyo qabiilooyin si aad isu aqoonsataan ,ruuxase ugu sharaf badan Alle agtiisa waa kan idinku dhowrsanaanta badan )) sidoo kale ch 50 v 10 (( mu'miniinta waa walaalo )) . sidaa darteed walaalnimada waa qeyba badan tahay mid waa dhalyo , midna waa caqiido , midna waa bini aadanimo . mid walbana qaab loola dhaqmo ayaa jira . walaaltinimada ugu sareysana waa tan caqiiqada oo hadii walaalkaa kula dhashay hadaad kala caqiido tihiin waxaa kaaga dhaw walaal aad kala wadan tihiin balse aad isku caqiida tihiin .


gaalka haduu ku nabad galinayo kuna soo dhaweynayo isagoon caqiidada faraha la galeyn inaad u tagto ood la dagto waa caadi , as long as you can openly practice your faith . balse hadii walaalkaagii muslimka ahaa uu ku dhaqmanayo waxyaalo diinta islaamka ka fog . ee uu ku dhibayo waa inaad isaga tagtaa ee aad raadsataa meel nabadi taalo .


sida adiga iyo walaalkaa hadaad is qilaaftaan aadna is fahmi weydaan waad isaga tageysaa balse walaaltinimadiina ma go'eyso si kastaba aad ugu xanaaqsanaatide , dhibaata hadey ku dhacdana waad usoo gurmaneysaa . islaamkana waa sidaa oo kale .


wadad iyo sheikh waxaa lagu noqdaa waa inaad raacdo diinta waxa eey sheegeyso , wixii xaq ah ka qaado haduu qalad ka dhaco wey dadaaleen ajarna wey helayaan balse wajibkugu ma ahan inaan qalad bini aadam ku raacdo .


walaaltinimada biniaadan nimo waxey ku kooban tahay si fiican isula dhaqan , is ixtiraam ,cadaalad usuubin , balse tan caqiidada waa mid ku dheehan jaceyl naxariis , naf isu hurid ,dhiboo dhan isla qeybsi yacni sida uuba nabiga ku tilmaamay( in muslimiinta yihiin sida hal jir oo kale0 hadey fartu ku xanuunta jirkoo dhan baa ku xanuuno . ) sidaa darteed xanuunka qof kala hayo ama dhibkiisa wuu ku dhibayaa laakin lamid ma ahan midka aad jirkaaga ka dareemeysid hadey meel ku xanuunto .

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