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Verse About Men: Do you agree with it?

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Sayid, maqanaha markuu yimaado ayaa laga faa'iideysan karaa, lakin kan kale isagoo jooga ayuu sifir calaa sifir yahay. Ma kastay?.


Waa meesha ay Soomaalidu ka tiraah: 'Madax maqan & middi saawira midna lagama samro!'.

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Sayid, wa run in labaduba waxba tareen Laakin kan maqan waaba maqanyahay excuse uuba haystaaye kan hortaada yuucan ee irbad dunta ku galineen waa ta ugu daran....


mathalan familigayga maanta hadaan ka maqnahay oo aan wax tareen way xuntahay, laakin waxa ka xun anoo hor yuucan oo wax tareen? do u get what im trying to say lol..



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There was an Arabic poem that went something like, "There are people far away from you, but they are present with you (they still benefit you despite distance) ... and there are those close to you, yet, their names are dead to you (let alone benefiting you, they might harm you more) ...

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