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Verse About Women: Do you agree with it?

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Tix yaro 'thought provoking' ah - wondering whether SOL's gallery agree with or not. Here it is;


"Murwo hadal xun, maangaab ninkeed maqasha, baa dhaanta"





Aniga waxay ila tahay in ay labaduba yihiin: 'Isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed'. - What do you guys think?

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Sayid, hadii uu ninkeedu uu yahay mid kale oo iyada ka sii maangaban bal ka waran:confused: "Ragow raali ha la ahaado"

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^lol fair question?


Malika, saan filayo maangaab waa qof caqliyar, maan wa caqli baan umaleenaya.


Sayid, qof af xun iyo qof caqlidaran waa dameer iyo labadiisa dhagood. Sababto ah af xumada maxa keenaya waa caqli daranaanta marka wa iskumid..


my three cents



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^Ah. thanks sweety.


I would say, waxaa la qaatee maangaab atleast she aint going to be spewing venom..You know the saying ' stones and sticks break bones, but words dont' ah that was nonsense - words actually do hurt. Marka qof hadal xun wa qof xun hee despite her marwo

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Qof af-xun, despite male or female, weey adagtahey si loola dhaqmo ... laakiin qof was maqlaayo weey fududahey la dhaqankooda ... If u r leader, u would of-course prefer the follower that listens and passionately dislike the one that always talks back (and usually for no good)

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