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Puntland Oo Xayirtay Aqoonyahan Reer SSC Ah Oo U Socda Shirka Khaatumo 2

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Boosaaso,(lasanod Online)- Maamulka Puntland waxay sabab aan la qeexin awgeed ay magaalada Boosaaso ku xayireen Ahmed Tabaatiig oo ah..



aqoonyahan u dhashay gobolada SSC,ahna guddoomiyaha Jaaliyadda SSC ee dalka Kuwait.


Kadib markay diyaaraddii Ahmed la socdey soo caga dhigatay Garoonka Bandar Qaasim ee magaalada Boosaaso,xannibaadan oo qaadatay saacado badan ayaa Ahmed loo geystey,kadibna waxaa laga qaaday waraaqihii socdaalka(passport) uu sitey,inkastoo warar sheegayaan in la sii daayey baasaboorkiina la siiyey..


Ahmed wuxuu fasax u soo qaatay inuu ka qayb galo shirka Khaatumo 2 ee idinka Eebbe dabayaaqada bishan December 2011 beesha SSC uga furmi doona magaalada Taariikhiga ah ee Taleex.


Xog isa soo taraysa waxay tibaaxaysaa in xorriyad iyo waqti ka qaadka Ahmed lala xiriirinayo shirka Khaatumo 2. Xog kale waxay tilmaamaysaa inay jiraan ashkaas kale oo magacooda la dhigay garoomada Puntland oo iyana mudan doona xayiraad haddii la arko.


Waa fal aan qalin iyo qawl midna lagu cabbiri karayn,una dabran jawaabta ay ka bixiyaan inta leh Damiir weli damqada ee u dhashay deegaanka SSC..







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No one cares about that conference it is irrelevant.


And you secessionist have much more to lose than Puntland has.


There is a meeting with the whole Somali leadership in Garowe, I hope it annoys the hell out of you, XX.

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This is not new..waa la ogyahay puntland iyo wixi support gareeyaba inay kaso horjeedaan SSC. It is just sad that I once considered myself a rabin in ay wax ku qabtaan waxna rabin in aad qabsato!..


Anyways, SSC guul way gaadhi..labo cali isma waydiinaso taas.



p.s the irony of all this is xaaji xanjuf is pretending like hes angry abt what puntalnd is doing when he supports tSomaliland and their agression on the SSC ppl..sheeko uu mesha ku haya

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Somalia;766645 wrote:
No one cares about that conference it is irrelevant.


And you secessionist have much more to lose than Puntland has.


There is a meeting with the whole Somali leadership in Garowe, I hope it annoys the hell out of you, XX.


There is nothing spectacular about sharif meeting and discussing things with the governor of garowe maybe you think its a remarkable event but its just similar to the meetings in Mogadisho few months ago. The Garowe Clan enclave has accused the Conference organizers G6 to be behind the recent killings in Taleex they do care about it but they can't stop the Conference even if they wanted. Guul inshallah Shirka Khatuumo 2 umad Muslim oo Somali oo shireysa waxa shirkooda lo carqaladeyo wa cawaanimo walibo qaar la tol sheegenaya disgusting i say.

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Aaliyyah;766658 wrote:
This is not new..waa la ogyahay puntland iyo wixi support gareeyaba inay kaso horjeedaan SSC. It is just sad that I once considered myself a rabin in ay wax ku qabtaan waxna rabin in aad qabsato!..


Anyways, SSC guul way gaadhi..labo cali isma waydiinaso taas.



p.s the irony of all this is xaaji xanjuf is pretending like hes angry abt what puntalnd is doing when he supports tSomaliland and their agression on the SSC ppl..sheeko uu mesha ku haya

That is a false statement. Not all Puntland supporter or Puntland administrators has something against SSC. Somaliland is much more threatened by SSC than Puntland is.

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^Perhaps you are a puntlander and you got offended by my comment. But, know that for years I was a puntlander and I always showed my support. Si cad ayaan u tageeri jiray. But, ma wacna in la isindho tiro the reality is puntland administration does nothing but to try to sabotage SSC and have always undermined what they achieved. Tan kale ma fiicana to generalize it is very much possible there are those who are puntlander who acknowledge SSC and want them to succeed laakin badanaa waxaad moda in blindly puntland u tageersanyihin xita yagoo og inay SSC ka xaqdaranyihiin..hadaan tuslaau ku siiyo iisheeg ninka puntlander ah ee Somaliaonline memberka ka ah ee si cad SSC u tageeray?? kuligood way ka af gaabsadaan ka ugu fiican waa puntland laascaanod way xoreen doonta ka dhaha kaasna wa iska hadlaya waa ogyahay inay puntland irbad dun u galineen laascaanod. ma wacna labo wajiile in la noqdo..I have supported puntland in the past and I expect the puntlander supporters to use their logic and stop being clan-minded and support SSC and know that SSC was there for them throughout the years and the only reason SSC decided to determine their own future is because puntland turned their back on them. Nothing less and nothing more..



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Aaliyah as usual is bussy fitting regional admin and a clan while ignoring her uncle Axabsade who led the SNM militia in Sool and Sanaag regions. Our dear Aliyah is also forgetting the actions of Xaglatosiye who took all the bling, promised to fight and is now living a cushty life in Ohio.

I would suggest we would all take this SSC thing seriously if you took on those who are puppets for tr secessionists and not wailing against others for no reeason than clan nonsense. Charity starts at home.

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^horta adiga horay baan kula hadlay oo hadal badan oo murti leh kusoo qoray laakin aad wax ku fahmi waydey oo waqti ado kale kuma luminayo..laakin just to make one point xaabsade iyo labada nin ama sadex nin ee la socda hadad leedahay laascaanod yaga bixiyay? ii sheeeg labo nin oo reer bosaso ah maanta bosaso somaliland ma u dhiibi karaan? taasi waa maya oo puntland maba u ogolaanaso? marka puntland haday SSC tirsado oo dad xaq jecel oo daacad ah yihiin power maxay usiiyen xaabsade iyo wixi lahalmaala?? jaawaabtu waa iska cadahay...


inta inukala wad..



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So, if I disagree with your statement, I must be a Puntlander? That is strange!


First, I am not from Puntland, I am from Southern Somalia.


Second, I support Puntland because they are only legitimate state in Somalia that has always stood behind and advocated for Somali unity. As you are well aware, I am knew here and I don't know many members here, so I couldn't tell you who supports what. However, you have to acknowledge you were a pit reckless when you stated that "all Puntland supporter and Puntland politicians are agian the people of SSC and their interest," which is a false statement. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who hail from Puntland that want to see SSC succeed.


When it come to SSC, things are very complicated. Perhaps if they were more united and worked for a common goal, people wouldn't try to take advantage of them. Also, some news outlets that are affiliated with certain region/government are really bais and they main aim is to spread propaganda so I am a bit hesitant believing somethings.

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Aliyah my dear it's you and other clannish groups who gave Xabsade, Ava aye and axaglatosiye political power and who support them.

Every clan has it's own contradictions however the SSC group will be taken serious when they curtail their own men from supporting the secesisonsists. Less calaacal dear and more work.

You are doing the same thing and what's getting you angry is the Garowe conferene. Because Adeer Xabsade and Galayr are not big players. Better luck next time.

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Atirisho, I said perhaps you are a puntlander, not necessarily you are..ok so u are somali from south. Got that and you are entitled to support puntland after all I supported them in the past. But, I have received my wake up call.

Secondly, it is a fact that most of their politicians and even their supporters are against SSC. At the same time im not denying that there are those who support SSC..for sure there are few out there..


as for things being complicated when it comes to the SSC? for sure nothing worth having comes easy. Puntland isnt something that just started neither is somaliland...somaliland was infact holding meeting as far back as what? 1981? that was even before I was born. So its gonna be a process and the SSC are more united than ever and they will reach their goal..and neither puntland nor somaliland can stop them!...each state dadkeeda haka adkaato umada kalena faraha haka qaado. It is as simple as that..


my 2 cents..



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Duke as soon as I read "it is you " ayaanba joojiyay in aan rubbishkaaga in aan akhriyo..Nin inta leeg inuu saa u hadlona waa wax laga murugoodo...but oh well I dont give.



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