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Xaaji Xunjuf

Citibank chairman gets a warm welcome in Hargeysa as he wants to run for office+PICS

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Jamaal Cali Xuseen Oo Si balaadhan Dalka loogu soo dhaweeyey kana waramay Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa.


"Ujeedada Socdaalkaygu wuu ka duwan yahay Socdaaladii hore ee aan Dalka ku iman jiray............."Jamaal Cali Xuseen

Daawo Sawiradda


Hargeysa (GNS) - Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ah Aqoon yahan u dhashay Somaliland oo ka Shaqeeya Baananka Caalamiga ah ee Afrika ka hawl gala ayaa maanta Dalka ku soo laabtay, isaga oo ka waramay ujeedada uu Dalka u yimid.


Aqoon yahan Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ah Qoraa qoray Buugaag aad u xiiso badan, kuwaas oo ay ugu muhiimsan yihiin Buuga Diiwaanka Qosolka oo ay Bulshada Afka Somaliga ku hadashaa si weyn u akhristaan kana sheekeeya Maada iyo Qosolka, sidoo kale waxa uu yahay nin abwaan ah oo curiya Heesaha iyo Maansooyinka.

Aqoon yahanka oo markii uu ka soo degay Madaarka Magaalada Hargeysa ay si weyn u soo dhaweeyeen Salaadiin, Aqoon yahano, Masuuliyiin iyo Dhalinyaro .


Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Hutel Sumertime ee Magaalada Haregeysa ayaa ka waramay Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa, isaga oo sheegay in ujeedada socdaalkiisu tahay sidii uu uga qayb gali lahaa Siyaasada Dalka, waxaanu intaa ku daray in uu u taagan yahay Musharaxnimada Xisbiga UDUB.


Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo ka hadlaya Ujeedada Socdaalkiisa ayaa waxa uu yidhi “Socdaalkaygan wuu ka duwan yahay Socdaaladii hore ee aan Dalka ku iman jiray, waxaanu Socdaalkaygan la xidhiidhaa Arrimo Siyaasadeed”.

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He finished SIDAM College in Muqdishu, he was there also teacher while being student at the same time. And then went to US were he obtained an MBA in Harvard.

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The highest ranking in my opinion are;


This guy

Some people in a city council in Norway

And President Siilaanyo.


.. Dahabshiil owner too.


@Carafaat every community has its elite, I am not talking clan but elite in business and politics in the diaspora.


I can not mention Puntland's elite :(

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Then in that case, Xaaji Xunjuf(the real one) tops the list of Somaliland elite.


I know many members of the Puntland higher societies, many are among us here on SOL.

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