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Mahiga’s Woman, Art and SNM’s Pimp politics

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xiinfaniin;766945 wrote:
Hadduu saa yeelo shamso iyo qamar ba waa iga furanyihiin

You will divorce shamso & qamar if AT makes an apology? Who said any one wants AT to apologize? Who really cares? You're pissing in the ocean and so is AT. This is nothing but a distraction and some soothing for ones soul when we hear Somaliland is progressing. Don't have a heart attack now. Don't let the sorrow make you take it out on shamso and qamar. Don't treat them like some article of clothing you can toss whenever you please.

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Breaking news


xiinfaniin has effectively divorced Shamso and Qamar :D


Waryaa, Ace of S, gabayga NGONGE u *** una fasir . Somaliland xubbi iyo kalgacal badan baan u haynaa ee ha isku kaaya dirin

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Xiinfiniin, waxba ha is yeel yeelin. Meelo aan la gacan toogalayn ayaad wax mariseen. Wax cusubna ma aha. Ninka meesha waashmaanka laga dhigayna waxba kama qaban. Taasina mid inagu cusub ma aha. Ee waa halkii Salaan Carabay : Hadaad ficil hinaastay asaad, hiilin kari wayday, ma afkaad ku hawl bixi cidlaad ka hanjabaysaaye.


Waxaad moodaa in siduu uu NGONGE u sheegay, where it counts Somaliland is in control from Borama to Lascanood from Seylac to Ceerigaabo. If you can't harm Somaliland on the battle field, nor economically, and now not even diplomatically when the BOSS of Somalia is openly calling for Somaliland's recognition, what is left is to resort to insults. As I remember, as another great poet said af xumo nabadna way kaa kaxaysaa, colaadna wax kaagama tarto.


Markaa kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiyaaye bal iska soo qufa naxliga bal inaad ku caafimaadaan la arkiye.

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"ma afkaad ku hawl bixi cidlaad ka hanjabaysaaye"


Mr Carabay is a kindered spirit (how is that for understanding a poem, Xiin). :D

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^^Carrabey is one of my favorite poets in the Guba poems. I believe he was also the winner of that contest.


You are disappointment to the tradition of Burco waryaa. Dr. Abtigis drew you in and got you where you have no advantage; you shoud've waited this one out :D

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Ngonge response is accurate and insightful ( without sounding someone bent on setting score with AT&T insult)..The original message of AT&T only inadvertently fueled the conspiratorial theories among certain people who have always had bone to pick with SL progress (Xiin and our brothers from Puntland). The careless insult of SL women will not coagulate into a more strong assertion that SL is grooming their women for pimping. Wonder what will happen when SL evolves into a recognize state that dominates the political and economic force of the region? Perhaps more insult maybe?For now Let them behave like a wild beast chasing after its own tail until sanity knocks on their conscious...

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Stoic, we all know who AT is. He does not need a political agenda to talk about Zina & prostitution. It is as Somalis say " Bahalna caydhiin ma daayo, nina caadadii ma baajo". What was interesting in this thread is that the waashmaan of this forum did nothing. LOL

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First, the calls or rather the optimistic hopes that I will apologize to the SNM is not coming out of a genuine conviction that I erred or an expectation that I will indeed express regret. Rather, it is based on SNM’s deep-seated self-delusion that everybody owes them something: the international community owes them recognition, Somalia owes them compensation, Djibouti owes them solidarity, and little souls like me, who expose the squalid political strategies they follow owe them an apology. It is an affliction which hasn’t started in 1980's or at SOL. Its history dates back to the first union, where spacious political accommodation accorded to them seemed as two-by-two room for them. No one can cure the self-delusion that because a certain British man put a line between what came to be known as British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland, a small Somali clan must usurp disproportionate political clout in a unified Somalia. Demographic realism simply throw-outs such wanton petulance and mischief. The drive for secession is firmly rooted in the realization that such day-light pilfering of an underserved political power will not be acceptable to other Somalis.


Second, I have always thought it is only in Sports that teams or individuals often get an off-day – a day where the Barcelona of this world will get whipped by the likes of Stoke! I never thought such off-days come in the intellectual realm. We have just seen what it looks when Ngonge has an off-day, maybe because he hasn’t taken a sufficient dose of the simulant with the smoke and pipe. Or maybe those he relied on for historical data to refute the allegations against SNM did not do their homework. All in all, Ngonge is never known for cadre-style mindless slogans, but he just did that. Let me ask him, which Somaliland is he talking about? He said Borame? Does that mean he doesn’t accept Awdal State? And if so, why? He hasn’t lived in the lands, but the joke below summarizes the ‘somalilandimo’ of Rayaale Kaahin, Xaabsade and the other gluttons.


They are like the proverbial glutton who chanced upon a funeral wake, and after seeing a hefty quantity of meat cooking on the fire in a corner, wailed to high heaven, throwing his body on the ground, mourned more than the grief-stricken widow. He soon faked fainting and was soon taken to the shades. Eyes closed, but ears firmly recording the exchanges over his frail body, he heard elders ordering that the first slices of meat and milk be given to him when he awakens. Minutes later, he opened his eyes, and soon devoured in no time sizzling camel meat and milk. Stomach full, and a twig in between his big teeth to pluck obstinate strings of meat, he asks the person nearest to him, “hawl-kan yaa loo sameeyey” (whose funeral wake is this)? In this case, “whose aqoonsi are we in hot pursuit for?” So Ace of Spadez and the rest of secessionist should disabuse themselves of this false notion that Las Anod and Borame are part of the secession craze!


Third, Ngonge’s jab that any poetry lines get me titillated is not supported by any empirical evidence or precedence. As such, it remains a speculation on his part. The rest of his talk about the wonders the SNM has achieved or is achieving is a hearsay he was fed by overzealous uncles from the stone-throwing village. It is not his fault.


Lastly, the manufactured annoyance about women insulted comes because debating SNM’s moral paucity is too painful to face for those who call this abode of infamy (SNM) home. As the result, a safe escape route is to regurgitate the ‘women are insulted’ non-issue with sickening prurience. The hard-core SNM elements like Ace of Spadez know the dilatory defense-lines they have built over this issue. But the sad thing is they are using the gullible as fetching dogs. They throw the stick with ‘women are insulted’ and say fetch; and off goes Abokor and Jacayl yapping happily.

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I swear this guy is drunk.. Period

Abtigis, your a poor occupied O, who has lost more land than the American Indians and the aborigines of Australia combined. All these little insults aimed at the good hard working men of Somaliland's integrity won't stick. Simply because it's clear that you harbour a deep hate which like cancer will take you to your grave.

Old man have some dignity and act like a man your age. You can hate the SNM for chasing your Opuim sniffing Mad Mullah or dismantling you master Afweynes mafia state. They fought gallantly and in the end were victories. Don't be a mad loser old man. Forget pimping our women, heck, we don't even pimp yours. We have our moral compass functioning perfectly with zero room for error.

So as they say "pull your finger out" ..

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