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Qandalawi;766392 wrote:
High ranking TFG ministerial delegation led by Prime Minister Abdiwali Ali Gaas is expected to arrive Garowe tomorrow. Tune in for more updates and pictures



Viva the Republic


Can't wait until the PM comes to GAROWE


Welcome Abdiweli. Welcome:cool:

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Shirka wadatashiga oo maanta ka furmaya magaalada Garoowe


Garoowe: (Sh. M. Network) Saacadaha soo aadan ee maanta ayaa waxaa la filayaa in magaalada Garoowe uu ka furmo Shirka wadatashiga Soomaaliya kaasi oo qaban qaabadiisa ay socoto.


Qaban qaabada furitaanka Shirka wadatashiga ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay ka socoto magaalada Garoowe ee gobolka Nugaal halkaasi oo saacadaha soo aadan ee maanta lagu wado in si toos ah uu uga furmo Shirkaasi.


Madaxweynaha Shariif, Ra’iisul wasaare C/wali Max’ed Cali, Madaxweyne Faroole, Shariif Xasan Sheekh, Wafuud ka socota beesha Caalamka iyo xubno kale ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay ku sugan yihiin magaalada oo ay isku diyaarinayaan ka qeyb galka Shirka.


Maamulada Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca iyo Galmudug oo ka qeyb galay wajigii hore ee Shirkaani ee ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa la sheegay in aysan ku sugneen magaalada kuwaasi oo sida la sheegay la filayo in saacadaha soo aadan ay gaaraan magaalada Garoowe.

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Somalia Constitution Conference To Open In Puntland, 21-23 Dec

18 Dec 18, 2011 - 10:28:10 PM


United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS)


For Immediate Release



High-Level Conference on the Constitution, 21 – 23 December 2011

Nairobi, 19 December 2011 – Following consultations with the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions and other stakeholders, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia announces that a high-level Conference on the Constitution will take place in Garowe, Puntland State, from 21 to 23 December 2011. This conference follows the Consultative Meeting on Ending the Transition, which took place in Mogadishu from 4 to 6 September 2011.

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Sidee loo sugay Amaanka Hoolka Shirku ka socdo iyo guud ahaan amaanka magaalada, Amisom se ma joogtaa Garowe(Sawiro)

Posted by Pi on December 21st, 2011



Garowe(Pi) Ciidomo kumayaal ah oo ka tirsan qaybaha kala duwan ee Ciidanka Puntland ayaa ku sugan Garowe iyo nawaaxigeeda, kuwasoo masuul ka ah amaanka Shirka Wadatashiga ee Garowe.


Goobta shirku ka socdo oo ah Jaamacada PSU waxaa ku wareegsan Ciidanka Qalabka sida ee Puntland, iyo ciidanka amaanka ee sida khaaska ah u tababaran, waxaa weheliya Bileys.


Jaamacada Gudeheeda Waxaa iyana jooga ciidan isugu jira dharcad iyo kuwo labisan, Hoolka shirku ka socdo waxaa jooga oo kaliya wafuuda shirka kaqayb galaya, saxaafada iyo qaar ka tirsan ilaalada khaaska ah ee Ciidanka abniga Puntland, qof aan kaar wadan jaamacada masoo gali karo maanta.


Magaalada waxaa jooga iyana Cidian u badan dharcad, Kantaroolada lagasoo galo magaalada waxaa ku sugan ciidan dheeraada oo baaraya cida soo galaysa iyo cida ka baxaysa magaalada.


Ciidamo Amisom ah ma joogaan Magaalada


Labada shariif ayaa midkiiba waxaa la socda afar askari oo ilaaladooda khaaska ah, 8daad askari waxay hada ku sugan yihiin qol kamid ah qolololka Shirku ka socdo, sababtoo ah Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanku wuxuu codsaday inuu fasax siiyo 4 ta lasocota oo ay hotelkooda joogaan.


Waxaa kaloo jooga dhowr sargaal oo iyana shirka ka qayb galaya matalayana wadamada ay kayimaadeen mana hubaysna.


Ma jiraan Ciidan kale oo amisom ah oo jooga Puntland, Amaanka guud ee Shirkana waxaa gacanta ku haya Wasaarada Amniga Puntland .


Sawiradaan hoose ee aad arkaysaan Waa qaybo ka mid ah ciidanka, dhamaantoodna waa cidanka Puntland oo qaybo kala duwan ah sida aad labiskooda ka aragtaan.

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Qayb ka mid ah Kooxda Musikada Ciidinka iyo horin Ciidanka difaaca ah oo salaan ka qaadanaya Madaxweyne Shariif oo shalay ku booqday Xerada 54aad.



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Ciidamada gaarka ah ee sida khaaska ah u tababaran oo ilaalinaya banaanka hoolka jaamacada ee shirku ka dhacayo, waxaa ciidankaan dhowaan lagusoo tababaray Adis Ababa






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Garowe(Pi)Live: Shirkii oo furmay,madaxweyne Faroole oo shirka furay, khudbadihii oo qoraal ah

Posted by Pi on December 21st, 2011

Garowe(Pi) shirkii Wada tashiga Soomaaliya ayaa si rasmi ah uga furmay Garowe, Waxaa khudbad furitaan ah ka jeediyay Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland ee soomaaliya Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Sh. MM Faroole.




Madaxweyne faroole wuxuu kusoo dhaweeyay ergada shirka, wuxuuna sheegay inuu ku faraxsanyhay in shirku sidii la rabay u bilowday uuna filayo in guul laga gaaro.


Madaxweyne Caalim ayay ahayd inuu isna ku xigsado Madaxweyne Faroole lakiin wuxuu codsaday inuu khudbadiisa ka dhigto Jamcada,


Waxaa xigay oo hadlay kuna dheeraaday Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mr. Mahiga, wuxuu ku bilaabay safarkiisii New york oo uu yiri “Xoghayaha Qaramada Midoobay Ban Ki Mood wuxuu aad uga xumaaday dib u dhaca ku yimid shirka Garowe, wuuna kaniyad xumaaday arintaas, aad ayuu ugu hanwaynaa in Shirka Garowe dhaco, isaga kaliya ma ahan dadka ka xumaaday arintaas, Midowga Yurub iyo Caalamkakale ee daneeya arimaha soomaaliya iyana waa ka xumaayeen dib u dhiga shirkaan lakiin waa guul haduu maanta bilowday”.


Mahiga wuxuu kaloo ka hadlay sadix qodob oo uu yiri waa muhiim aduunkuna waa danaynayaan in shirkaan lagu dhameeyo, sadixda qodob ayaa ah.


1- Shirkaan Garowe waa inuu dhalaa Dastuur Soomaali leedahay, qodobkaan sadix jeer ayuu ku celceliyay


2- Waa in la taageeraa Barnaamijka Roadmap-ka aana wadadaas laga leexan, lana joojiyaa khilaafka iyo tashuushka.


3- Khilaafka Baarlamaanka waa in shirkaan lagu xaliyaa si degd eg ah oo aan qalad dame kasoo noqon.


Mahiga wuxuu hoosta ka xariiqay in qodobadaan ay yihiin kuwo muhiim ah. waa xalka kaliya ee hada la tiigsanayo ayuu yiri.


Wuxuu kaloo sheegay inuu isagu Nairobi ku noqonayo uuna warbixin siin doono Xoghayaha Guud ee Qaramada Nidoobay kadibnauu soo noqonayo.


Waxaa isna hada hadlay Ra’iisalwsaare Gaas oo markii hore Engilish ku khudbeeyay kadibna soomaali u badalay wuxuu yiri” Waxaan si wayn ugu qanacsanahay shirkaan, Caalamka oo dhan indhaha ayay ku yhayaan shirkaan, waana muhiim in ay kasoo baxaan waxyaabo wax ku ool ah, Caalamku wuxuu usoo jeestay sidii Soomaaliya wx loogu qaban lahaa,Waxayna indhaha ku hayaan shirkaan Garowe, wixii kasoo baxana waxay noqonayaan tan inoo horseedaysa inaanka baxno jawiga aan hada ku jiro”


Ra’iisal wasaare Gaas wuxuu u mahad celiayay Dowlada iyo shacabka Puntland oo sida qurxoon usuura galyay shirka.


Waxaa hada hadlaya Madaxweyne Shariif Sheikh Axmed, markuu dhameeyo khudbeeyo ayaan idin soo gudbinaynaa wuxuu ku hadlo.


Haka dheeraan





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Garowe Live:- Madaxweyne Shariif:- Road map-ka waa wadada kaliya ee aan Dowlad ku hanan karno..

Posted by Pi on December 21st, 2011



Shirka Garowe(pi) Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo hada khudbad dheer ka jeediyay sirka wada Tashiga Soomaaliya ayaa ku dheeraaday in Roadmap-ku yahay wadada kaliya ee Soomaaliya Dowlad aan kumeelgaar ahayn ku hanan karto.


Madaxweynaha oo khudbadiisa ku bilabay mahad celin uu mahad celiyay Dowlada iyo shacabka Puntland ayaa sheegay inuu aad ugu riyaaqsan yahay Wadad Puntland ku taagantahay.


Madaxweyne Shariif wuxuu sheegay inay muhiim tahay in la hergaliyo dastuurka lana meel mariyo, wuxuu ku booriyay Dowlad Goboleedyada inay fadhiga ka kacaan oo buuxiyaan sharuudaha laga rabo oo Roadmap-ka ama dastuurka cusub tilmaamayo.


Madaxwyne Shariif wuxuu sheegay in Dowlada Kumeelgaarka ah ay ku qanacsantahay Qorsha Roadmapka iyo maamul goboleedyada inay buuxshaan sharuudaha laga doonayo.


Madaxweyne Shariif wuxuu kaloo soo qaaday khilaafka baarlamaanka oo uu ku tilmamay mid aan loo baahnayn, una baahan in laga waantoobo lana raaco axdiga iyo Qorsha cusub.


Madaxweyene Shariif wuxuu isna hoosta ka xariiqay in Caalamku uu diyaar u yahay in la garab istago qorshaha kasoo baxa shirkaan iyo in la adkeeyo oo la raaco Roadmap-ka.


Hada waxaa lagalay nusaac nasasho ah.


Garowe shirka Wadad tashiga Soomaaliya- Live from Garowe

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Axmed Naaji Sacad “Waan ku faraxsanahay In aan ka qeyb galayo Shirka wada tashiga”+Dhageyso


December 21, 2011 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byWebmaster


Alfanaan Axmed Naaji Sacad oo Markii ugu horeysay yimid gudaha Dalka tan iyo intii uu Bur burka laxaadka leh ku jiray islamarkaana ku sugnaa Xarunta uu ka dhacayay Shirka Wadatashiga Soomaaliya ee gelinkii dambe maanta ka furmay Magaalada Garoowe xarunta dowlada Puntland ayaa la hadlay Idaacada SBC International.


Axmed Naaji Sacad ayaa sheegay in uu si aad ah ugu faraxsanyahay maanta oo uu ku sugan yahay ciida Dalkiisa Hooyo islamarkaana uu ka qeyb qaadanayo shirka Wada tashiga Aayo ka talinteeda Soomaaliya, islamarkaana uu rajeynayo in uu ku soo dhamaado Guul iyo weliba is fahan dhaliya midowga Soomaali meelkasta oo ay joogto.


Alfanaan Axmed Naaji ayaa Intii mudo aheydba ka maqnaa Dalka isagoo ku noolaa dhanka wadamada qurbaha Balse manta ayuu ka soo degay Garoonka aadan cade ee Muqdisho ka dibna uu ka soo degay Magaalada GAroowe oo uu ka soconayo shirka wadatashiga Soomaaliyeed oo looga hadlayo arimo ku aadan Dastuur u sameynta dalka iyadoona ay goob joog yihiin masuuliyiinta Maamulada ka jira Soomaaliya.


Hadaba Dhageyso Codka Alfanaan Axmed Naaji Sacad

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Photo News SBC International Sawirada Shirka wada Tashiga ee Galabta ka furmay Garoowe


December 21, 2011 - Written by Webmaster - Edited byWebmaster


Daawo Sawirada Shirka wada tashiga ee Maanta gelinkii dambe ka furmay magaalada garoowe Xarunta dowlada Puntland








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Somalia Constitutional Conference opens in Puntland capital

21 Dec 21, 2011 - 7:37:32 PM


GAROWE, Somalia Dec 21, 2011 (Garowe Online) - A well-organized event attended by the top leaders of Somalia opened Wednesday in the capital of Puntland State, in northern Somalia, Radio Garowe reports.


The event marking the opening of the Somali National Consultative Constitutional Conference in Garowe was attended by TFG President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, TFG Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gas, TFP Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole and Vice President Abdisamad Ali Shire, and Galmudug leader Mohamed Ahmed Alin.


Representatives from pro-government Ahlu Sunna group, based in central Somalia, were also present as signatories of the Roadmap adopted by TFG, TFP, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunna.


Foreign dignitaries included UN Special Envoy to Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, and his deputy, Mr. Christian Manahl.

Puntland government forces have secured Garowe airport, where the delegations from Mogadishu, Galkayo and Nairobi have flown in since Monday.


The conference is being held at the conference hall of Puntland State University in Garowe.


Puntland President Farole


Abdirahman Farole, Puntland’s leader, offered the opening remarks and his speech focused on efforts to restore Somalia’s dignity.


President Farole welcomed all the delegations to Puntland State and thanked the conference organizers and participants.


“Today is a historic day. The Somali people are waiting for us to deliver a meaningful outcome for this important conference,” said Puntland’s leader. He urged parliamentary reforms to be implemented, in accordance with the Roadmap timeline, in order to end the transition by 20 August 2012.


President Farole emphasized the importance for federalism in Somalia, saying: “Federalism, as ordained by the Transitional Federal Charter, is a pre-condition for the renaissance of the long-awaited Third Republic of Somalia.”


The Puntland leader talked about the political developments in Puntland State, saying that Puntland was advancing towards a multi-party political system.


President Farole praised the African Union peacekeeping force (AMISOM) in Mogadishu and called on the AU and the UN Security Council to approve the deployment of AMISOM peacekeepers in Galkayo, Puntland State.


Further, Puntland’s leader once again welcomed the Kenyan Army’s intervention in Jubba regions of southern Somalia, while commending the visit to Mogadishu earlier this month by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.


On piracy, President Farole announced today that the Puntland Government is planning to resume a training program for the Puntland Maritime Police Force.Resuming the training program is “in line with the TFG-Puntland Cooperation Agreement of 29 August 2011, which called for the establishment of a Somali Marine Force,” said President Farole, adding: “The formation of the PMPF is in direct response to multiple U.N. Security Council Resolutions and urgent calls from the international community, calling on Somali authorities to build security and law enforcement institutions to address the piracy problem.”


UN Special Envoy


Ambassador Mahiga, the UN Special Envoy to Somalia, offered brief remarks and delivered a message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon.


"The Secretary-General has a message for Somalia: 1) implement the Roadmap; and 2) complete the Federal Constitution,” said Ambassador Mahiga, who announced that he would fly to Addis Ababa and return to Garowe tomorrow.


“The Secretary-General has delegated me to attend a meeting in Addis Ababa where discussions are focused on expanding AMISOM forces to areas outside of Mogadishu,” said Ambassador Mahiga.


TFG Prime Minister


Somalia’s Prime Minister, Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gas, offered a prepared statement in both Somali and English languages.


He expressed his thanks to the government and people of Puntland State for hosting the conference and for taking full responsibility for the security.


Prime Minister Gas stressed the importance of federalism in Somalia and urged all Somalis to work out differences peacefully and lawfully.


The TFG Prime Minister highlighted the Roadmap as a document that leads towards ending the transitional period on time, in August 2012.

He expressed hope that the conference will produce a positive outcome for Somalia.


“The Somali people are expecting us to agree to a Constitution. This is the time to act,” said the TFG Prime Minister.


TFP Speaker


Parliament Speaker Sharif Hassan thanked the people of Puntland State who welcomed the delegations and thanked the Puntland Government for hosting the conference.


The Speaker’s speech focused on forgiveness and tolerance. He urged Somalis to forgive each other and to work together towards saving Somalia.


“Our country has suffered and continues to suffer. We must work together to save our people,” said the Parliament Speaker.


He underlined that the Somali stakeholders are committed to implementing the Roadmap.


TFG President Sharif


The TFG President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, thanked the people and government of Puntland State for hosting the conference.


“I am very proud of Puntland State for maintaining security. I am happy to take part of this conference,” said the TFG leader.


He spoke about federalism, saying: “Somalia undergone different phases. In our current phase, federalism is a must. The debate could be ‘what type of federal system.’ The conference delegates will debate such issues.”


Continuing, he said: “Security, political and social developments must run parallel to each other. We can see the light of hope. This is the time to continue our efforts and to strengthen our unity.”


TFG President Sharif spoke about the renewed dispute in the TFP, as dissident MPs stormed into parliament hall in Mogadishu earlier Wednesday. “It is unfortunate that disputes continue to emerge, as our plan is to move forward. Somalia needs a constitution because there can be no government without a constitution.”


TFP Speaker Sharif Hassan and TFG Prime Minister Gas stood next to TFG President Sharif as he delivered his speech, in a sign of solidarity among the leaders from Mogadishu.


The Somali Constitutional Conference was delayed a number of times but has opened in Garowe. The Conference is slated for Dec. 21 – 23, 2011, and organizers hope the outcome will lead to the emergence of an agreed-upon Somali Federal Constitution, in order for the transitional period to end by 20 August 2012.


In September 2011, the Roadmap was formally adopted at the National Consultative Conference in Mogadishu, attended by the Somali stakeholders who signed the Roadmap.



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Thats what I am talking about. Our conferences are the best. We always have legends coming like ahmed naji sacad. Our football tournament had special guests like abdi bille abdi and mayor of mogadishu tarzan. Our Business Fair was attended by somalian ambassador to india!!!


uu firsada mar walbo there is always a special guest whenever puntland is doing something!!! The greatest state of Somalia

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