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Galmudug must vanish from the page of time

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Lol, you don't even know my clan. But this is about Galmudug which has shown itself to be the most uncivilised neighbourhood in post-2008 history.


Which neighbourhood kidnaps children leaving school? Galmudug.

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Garowe 2005



Garowe 2011

Same Spot 2011



Forget about all the other under-construction projects


Under Construction and this is just small example of whats available on the internet





Driving Through The City




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Somalia you're wrong, war is not an answer and does not bring anything except death and destruction.


The governor is over reacting and instead should think of a better strategy to alleviate the problem. First thing first, he should beef up his security apparatus. 200 men is not enough to patrol the whole city, the city needs double of that number or more. And in terms, of Galmudug it has always been clear the admin there is not strong and stable, so instead of all the time complaining about them, Puntland should work with them rather than against them and support in whatever way, even if it means having combined police force operating in the trouble areas. I believe that's achievable,if its well negotiated. I dont think they doing anything deliberately, its just they don't have the resources and so can not control different clan militias.


Secondly, Galkio and surrounding has always been trouble hot spots, clan clashes, random killings, camel robbery you name it always existed and will exist until Rural mudug is brought into civilzation by force or by consent. In the meantime, elders who Pre Galmudug or even pre Puntland solved issues should be reached out to and get involved, this is very important.

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This is a cheap propaganda. It does not cut it.


Galkacyo will be a peaceful place insha Allaah, not through war and hate, but through political unity and security cooperation.

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To Samafal and Xiinfaniin, why is it that only people from Puntland is being targeted, why are there no targetting in Somaliland or in Galmudug, please do explain that to me.


Your security point has no merit due to the insecurity of Galmudug where no targeted assassination happens.


My solution is so simple. Enforce the Green line, no war, just peace then.

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Stop the hate and cheap propaganda. The people of Galkacyu will find peace insha Allah through mutual cooperation and respect.

I agree with Xiin in this, stop the nonsense. Also the Garowe success and development is welcomed by everyone and may it continue insha Allah.

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Somalia you are not comparing like with like, South is much smaller and less populated than the North, therefore its not easy for the assassins to operate in there withou risking capture or getting killed.


The other thing is it may be well true that the assasins live and operate in the South, or may not be true at all, so what do you do? Do you wage a war which will have far reaching consequences on the basis of unsubstantiated information? prove by any means necessay, even by paying militias that actually such and such group plan assasinations in Galmudug, uncover all to know and then and onlythen take steps. But Faroole & co have became incompetent and all they do is throw accusations and threats here and there, no action at all.

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^Agreed that war is no good and leads only to destruction but make no mistake patience is running out from the people of northern Mudug's Puntland side. Constant shelling of the airport, broad daylight attacks against the mayor of the city and Puntland's security apparatus, kidnapping of children and a never ending targeted and calculated attacks and setting of road blocks between Galkacyo and surrounding villages. All these are signs of the provocation of the unruly militia originating from Baraxley.


War is not an answer but as you rightly said, Galmudug is a non entity and controls no where, its an admin that exists only on paper and nothing more. Puntland should realise that and treat them as such by taking matters into their hand specially the security matters, set up barracks and police stations across and all over the city including Baraxley. Allow Galmudug to exist on paper and take the responsibility to ensure the security of the entire city, all its road entrances and the surrounding. That will benefit both sides, the business communities and all residents of Galkacyo.

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