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Somalis Copying Each Other Hurts Us More Then We Think

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This has been huge question looming in my head for a long time. Why do somalis copy each other? I can give many examples like the conference in mogadishu which is now duplicated to a conference in garowe. Even at a local level this copying is seen such as Bosaso having 4 tuna factories. This level of copying is even seen across administrations for example puntland digging oil, building coastguard, business fair somaliland attempts to do the same.


Now I bet you with abdullahi yusuf book opening in about a year or two all somali leaders will do the same. When does this nonsense stop? We need to stop copying each other its no benefit having having 4 tuna factories in one city when we could have 2 tuna factories and 2 cement factories or salt factory. We need to really stop this because it will hurt us in the long-run nin walbo wa inuu samaya something gooni or we will never progress I can gurantee you that.


Seriously do we need so many hotels when those funds could go into building vital infrastructure such as hospitals, roads, schools in rural areas. Do we need so many? What is it serving a few business men who travel around regions, a few truckers and diaspora returnees. The amount of hotels just for the above factors is totally ridiculous.


We need to stop it and we need to stop it now. I encourage development and progress its needed but we need to learn something called diversification where its better having diverse range of industries then just a certain few like telecommunication, banking and small manufacturing.


If you guys get angry at this level of copying let me know because it really makes me angry and I stated my reasons above!!!


I remember watching this a long time ago which explains the negative impact in regard to the lack of diversification


Remember diversiication benefits are huge, when you provide something in a city that noone else provides you eliminate competition so all revenues will be for you and the locals benefit because every service they need they will be able to get it local.

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:D :D


Now you need to know:


The tuna factories were copied from the Laasqoray one

The conference is copied from Xamar

The LAND is copied from Somaliland :D


................. Miyaan sii wadaa ??

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Dr.Osman, i dont think the organisers in Muqdisho copied Garowe's Conference. They just want the Conference to be organised in Moqdisho, thats all.

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Jacaylbaro;766000 wrote:


Now you need to know:


The tuna factories were copied from the Laasqoray one

The conference is copied from Xamar

The LAND is copied from Somaliland

................. Miyaan sii wadaa ??

It was copied from Land of Punt, not "Somaliland", loooooooool.

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