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Che -Guevara

Sharif Jets off to Garowe

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Proud to be a Somali today, for these ****** have done something they should have a long time ago.

Now bring results agree on something and restore a little bit of confidence. The people are dying of hunger, generations have lost hope and we have these unnecessary division and failure with these incompetent clan worshipers at the helm.


Garowe is not a foreign city, nor is Puntland a foreign state. They are an integral part of Somalia and we should recognize that.

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Che, I have been resting since the defeat of the fake religious groups. Now I am back pushing for the final victory of the Somali republic. Mogadishu is getting better and the Garowe conference is on.


I see you still drinking Late in Boston and supporting Al Shabaab and Fangoole.

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^^^Yeah there was a difference between the US army and the Nazi regime. I support the Somali state, you support those who have no agenda other than to kill as many Somali's as possible and even destroy the Somali identity.


Yes there is a difference my old boy.

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Che -Guevara;766099 wrote:
^I'm not sure what's upsetting you?

That shouldn't bother you, Shoodhe-shongole. This is between those with Somali agenda not Al-Habib ideology!

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