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作者 马丁






关于梁光烈访问塞舌尔,当时中国一些媒体曾以“塞舌尔邀请中国政府在该国建立军事基地”为题报道了这一访问,有的报道甚至具体地称设立军事基地的地点是在塞舌尔群岛中最大的马埃岛(Mahe Island)。但塞舌尔外交部长让-保罗•亚当(Jean-Paul Adam)事后透露,塞舌尔并未考虑让中国在塞舌尔建立军事基地,最多只会允许中国也像美国和欧洲国家那样,“派侦察机和巡逻艇临时驻扎”在塞舌尔。






布鲁塞尔当代中国研究所研究员乔纳森•霍尔斯拉格(Jonathan Holslag)认为,许多迹象显示中国高层已制订某种海外战略,随着中国加大在非洲的投资和商贸,以及寻求从非洲进口石油及原材料,海路运输安全越来越重要,在这种情况下,北京要求“强大的军方要起到维护国家海外利益的更大作用”。




荷兰克林根达尔(Clingendael)国际关系研究院研究员弗兰斯-保罗•范德普滕(Frans-Paul van der Putten)也认为,只要中国海军进驻印度洋,北京就可以派其舰队去访问印度洋国家的港口,从而加强同这些国家的外交关系。


斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究院(SIPRI)高级研究员杜沙泰(Mathieu Duchâtel)分析认为,“中国需要港口基础设施来保障其舰队在印度洋的海上补给,这对中国扩大其护航范围也会有好处”。







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Jacaylbaro;765756 wrote:


^^^^what a trendsetters these guys are – next expect to see other Tolka-lands posting Mandarin & Cantonese or even hindi scripts.


But how can you ensure this is not part of Chinese gov research analysis on how far their nuclear warheads can travel from their deep underground bunkers in Shangdong peninsula to Berbera?

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Chinese military escort for the Chinese foreign trade

Author Martin


Chinese Defense Minister Liang late November and early December this year visited Uganda and Seychelles, caused by close attention to the outside world. Many international observers believe that China's military is seeking to neighboring countries in Africa and the conclusion of the Indian Ocean close military ties, Liang visited African countries like the Seychelles, the purpose is to explore the way for the establishment of overseas military bases for China's sea trade in these areas and economic interests of the escort.


The interests of the Chinese military escort for the role of overseas Chinese, this topic has drawn increasing attention to the outside world. December 1, Liang arrived in the Indian Ocean island nation to visit East Africa, Seychelles. This is the first Chinese defense minister to visit the country. There are reports that during the three-day visit, China Liang publicly expressed intention of the garrison interested in the Seychelles, anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean. It is said that this is the first request in the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, invited the Chinese army in the fight against piracy, but the intention was expressed by Liang troops overseas, so speculation that Beijing has been behind the plot, attempting to use military cooperation to protect the interests of overseas Chinese, including Indian warships and fleet supply base for the establishment and control of oil by sea transport.


Liang visit to Seychelles on, when some Chinese media had "invited the Chinese Government of Seychelles to establish military bases in the country," as the subject reported the visit, some reports even said that the establishment of specific locations in the Serbian military bases tongue in the Marshall Islands the largest island of Mahe (Mahe Island). However, the Seychelles Foreign Minister Jean - Paul • Adam (Jean-Paul Adam) said afterwards, Seychelles does not consider China to establish military bases in the Seychelles, it will only allow China and European countries like the United States as " reconnaissance and patrol boats were temporarily stationed "in the Seychelles.


Anyway, Liang visited the Seychelles, China has established military bases overseas, the topic of a hot topic again. In fact, since 2009, the Chinese naval fleet started in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters escorted, the outside world on China will build military bases in overseas speculation has been continued. General Logistics Department of Chinese military war service program, Deputy Secretary for Peng Zhenhai in a March press conference denied the speculation. According to him, China is not the intention to establish military bases abroad, the Chinese naval escort operations of self-protection and logistical support to supply a combination of docking, the integrated use of portable sailing, marine supplies, berthing organization and implementation of a complementary manner. But Peng Zhenhai argument does not preclude future development of China has sought to establish military bases in Africa and the Indian Ocean goal.


Experts pointed out that the Indian Ocean is connected Europe, Middle East and Africa strategic position, while 85% of China's oil supply and 60% of re-exports via the Gulf of Aden. Last year, the trade volume between China and Africa up to $ 126.9 billion. So far, no Chinese military bases in the Indian Ocean region, only three warships in the Gulf of Aden to participate in international anti-piracy operations; but three warships the Chinese navy is the first overseas expedition, for China is highly symbolic.


Researcher at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China • Jonathan Hall Slager (Jonathan Holslag) that many indications that China has developed a high-level overseas strategy, with China to increase investment and trade in Africa, and to seek imports from Africa oil and raw materials, sea transport safety more and more important, in this case, Beijing requires "a strong military to protect national interests overseas to play a greater role."


• Jonathan Hall Slager that, although China and the Indian Ocean island's military cooperation is currently limited to the "secret exchange of arms equipment," but the tendency to expand cooperation, and become more and more structured. This establishment of the Indian Ocean to China with a military escort is very favorable.


Total root Franklin Netherlands (Clingendael) international relations researcher Frans - Paul • Fandeputeng (Frans-Paul van der Putten) also believes that as long as the Chinese navy stationed in the Indian Ocean, Beijing can send its fleet to visit ports in the Indian Ocean countries to strengthen diplomatic relations with these countries.


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Senior Fellow Dusha Tai (Mathieu Duchâtel) analysis, "China needs to protect its port infrastructure in the Indian Ocean fleet replenishment at sea, which for China to expand the scope of its escort will benefit."


With the increasing pace of China into Africa, the Chinese enterprises to invest in trade to the landlocked African countries are also expanding, so Beijing to protect the interests of the Chinese economy and trade, security considerations have been more than a sea issues. Frequently in recent years, Chinese leaders visited Africa, showing that Beijing's strategic Board continues to expand, in addition to creating a convoy with the Indian Ocean sea beyond, while also seeking to establish in many parts of the continent including military cooperation projects. Therefore, this landlocked African nation of Uganda, has become a Chinese defense minister to visit the land of door.


Researcher at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China • Jonathan Hall Slager analysis pointed out that the reason why the Chinese Liang visit to Uganda pledged $ 2.3 million for the maintenance of Ugandan troops in Somalia, the African Union military structure within the military spending, this is because Beijing concerned a 20-year civil war in Somalia if the situation is not effectively controlled, could endanger the interests of China in Africa. Hall Slager that "Beijing has realized, as instability in Somalia, a country will naturally become pirates of the land, not only a direct threat to the Indian Ocean in the past the Chinese merchant and fishing vessels", "may also be insecurity, terrorism and other hazards, thus threatening to China has significant economic interests in other African countries. "


For example, China is eyes fixed on neighboring Ethiopia, Somalia's oil resources, Chinese companies are also stepping up the construction of connecting Somaliland from Ethiopia (Somaliland) northwest of Port Berbera (Berbera) of the transport routes, and Berbera port has become China sea trade in the Indian Ocean one of the major transit ports

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