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Galmudug Threatens Puntland

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Galmudug: Faroole colaada uu Mudug ka hurinayo ha joojiyo


Galkacyo:(RBC Radio) Agaasimaha guud Ee Gaadiidka Cirka iyo Dhulka Galmudug Nuur C/laahi Xuseen Ayaa Sheegay In Aan Xiligan loo Bahnayn In lakiciyo bulshada Iyadoo La ‘adeegsanaayo Warbaahinta,Waxaa uu Soo Hadal Qaaday Siyaasada labada Madaxweyne ee Puntland & Galmudug In Aysan Wanaagsanayn,Islamarkaasna Waxaa uu sheegay In canuga La Aftuubtay Ay Ka Xunyihiin Kuna Dadaalayaan Sidii Loo Soo Dayn Lahaa.


Nuur Ganay Ayaa Waxaa uu Sheegay in Aan lagu Eedeyn Karin Dilalka Qorshaysan Ee Ka Dhaca Magaalada Gaalkacyo Maamulka Galmudug Isagoona Tilmaamay In Galmudug Waxgaradkii Lalaayay Dad Farabadan Looga Dilay,Waxaana uu Tilmaamay Hadii Qolo Diyaarado u Timaado Kuwa Kalena Mustaqbalka Ayey u imaanaysaa Ayuu Hadalkiisa Sii Raaciyay.


Agaasimaha Guud ee Gaadiidka Cirka Iyo Dhulka Galmudug Ayaa Waxaa uu Sheegay in Shacabka Puntland iyo Kan Galmudug Aysan Waxba Ka Dhax jirin Isagoona Sheegay Masuuliyiinta Gobolka In Ay Qayb Ka Noqdeen Dagaalka Madaweynaha puntland uu Ka Hurinayo Gobolka Mudug Sida hadalka uu u Dhigaye, Isaga Hadalkiisa Sii Wato Ayuu Waxa uu Ugu Baaqay Madaxweyne Faroole In Uu Joojiyo Colaadda Uu Ka Hurinayo Gobbolka Mudug Dhamaantiis.


Hadalkaan Ayaa Waxaa uu Imaanayaa Iydoo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Ee Puntland uu Ku Eedeyay Dilalka, Dhaca, Afduubyada In Ay Ka Danbeeyaan Dad uu Ku Tlmaamay In Ay Raadinayaan Dhul Balaarsi Isagoona Qof Walbana ugu Baaqay Inuu u Diyaar Garoobo Siduu Isku Difaacilahaa.


Sikastaba Waxaa Gobolka Mudug Soo foodsaaray Caqabado fara Badan Haba Ugu Horeeyso Dilalka Sida Xoowliga Ah uuga socda Miyi Iyo Magaalo Labadaba Dhibaatooyin Loo Gaysto Dadka Barakacayaasha Ah, Iyo Kooxaha Burcad Badeeda oo fariisimo Waaweeyn Kuleh Gudaha Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Axmed Maxamed (Rajaa)





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Puntland threatens GalMudug


Puntland Oo Ku Dhawaaqday Dagaal Ka Dhan Ah Maamulka Galmudug



Gaalkacyo (RBC):Tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay go’aankii baarlamaanka maamulka Galmudug ay xilka kaga qaadeen madaxweyne Caalin ayaa waxa soo baxay in maamulka Puntland uu ku lug lahaa qorashahaas, waxa ay cirka sii galisay xiriirka labada maamul ee dariska ah.

Gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Maamulka Puntland Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac ” Tigey” ayaa shir jaraa’id oo ku qabtay Arbacadii ku qabtay magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug waxa uu weerar ku qaaday maamulka Galmudug oo uu shegeegay in ay iyaga ka dambeeyaan falalka amni daro ee ka taagan gobalka Mudug.

Waxa uu ka war bixiya socdaal uu ku tagay xarumo ciidamada Puntland ay ku lee yihiin magaalada Gaalkacyo, halkaas oo uu ku soo arkay ciidamada oo heegan ku jira.

Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac guddoomiyaha gobalka Mudug ee Puntland ayaa ka war bixiyar duqeen soo noqnoqatay oo dableey hubeesan oo ka yimid dhinaca Galmud ay ka geysteen garoonka diyaradaha magaalada galkacyo.

Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in maalmihii lasoo dhaafay garoonka dayuuradaha Gaalkacyo ay kasoo dagtay dayuurad u siday Puntland hub iyo rasas badan oo kasoo kicitintay dhanka Muqdisho.

Dhinaca kale,waxa uu ku eedeeyay maamulka Galmudud in ay ka dambeeyaan afdubka gabar sagaal sano jir oo lagu heesto sida uu sheegay xaafada Baraxley oo ka tirsan deeganada ay maamulaan maamulka Galmudug.

Si kastaba, lama ogga sida maamulka Galmudug uu uga jawaabi doono eedeentan dhinaca Puntland uga timid, laakin waxa hubaal ah in labada maamul uusan xiriirkooda fiicneyn waayo Galmudug waxa ay ku eedeeyeen Puntaland in ay ku lug leedahay khilaafka haatan ka dhexjiro maamulkaas.

Dhawaan ayaa baarlamaanka Galmudug waxa ay xilka qaadeen madaxweyne Caalin in kastoo uu diiday oo ku tilmaamay sharci daro tallaabadaas.

RBC Radio


Xafiiska Wararka Gaalkacyo

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Somalina the situation is very grim. If they kill your educated elites who is going to have the brain-power to make us progress? If they kill our shaykhs who going to teach our kids whats right and wrong? If they kill our business community who is going to provide work for our youth? If they kill our officials and nominated leaders who is going to lead us?


Arintu ma ficno meesha manta puntland laga dileyo kaftan ma aha and I dont find it funny one bit, it is serious issue and it needs to end and its needs to END NOWWWWWWWWWW or we will be one day like those folks of maryan mursal who exist as population but have no power because of a lack of leadership, if this garbage is not put to an end immediately.


I don't believe the issue is with galmudug they maybe playing small role like taking in enemies or criminals of puntland in their districts but the issue is mainly an internal one and farole needs to stop ducking it because if it was external issue the first place to be targetted would be garowe and the cabinet it is where the government sits not bosaso or galkayo.


The only logical explaination i've heard is that it is former ministers who are disgruntled with farole sacking them in his cabinet re-shuffle like ina samatar and gaagaab. Gaagaab being local in galkayo is probably plotting all this in galkayo so the ppl can rise up against farole and the clan-elders call for an emergency shir wada tashi and remove farole and I guess ina samatar is doing the same thing in Bosaso plotting assasinations of important people so the bosaso people rise up against farole and cause an instability to such a stage that puntland will need to have new president immediately and their hopeing they get the spot.


That's what make sense to me!!! I see a clear motive they want the president seat and some of them have already declared their presdential intentions like ina samatar who said his running for presidency august 2012. They are obviously disgrunted cause they got sacked. The problems are happening in their home-towns which indicates they getting runners to pull of these hits and those runners are getting the blame when its not them its coming from a long way away!!!


But I just wish I could tell ina samatar and gagaab if they play this sort of game even if they get the presidency how do they think they going to live in peace in garowe with the locals and not only that but this will open a can of worms where whoever is sacked will just go do assasinations and cause instability so that the president can be sacked its just a never-ending cycle of violence noone wins so I dont understand why they would be doing this? Its political suicide in the long-term. If u treat the current president bad when its your turn you will get exactly the same thing from that's president sub-clan.

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Cant believe i've been active on these forums for 2 years now. Time goes by quick thats for sure. But I seen alot change in Puntland some good and some not so good but I've become alot wiser then I was 2 years ago where I know things at a more educated level!!!

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Lol, he has been member for 2 years, but I am hated for my brilliance, I have yet to have 1 person outsmart me in a debate.


what the hell who is giving me a negative reputation?? :D

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