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Lets talk Awdal State

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I have just listened to this radio intervieuw on Awdal State. And to my suprise Awdal State's most important objective is not seek self determination of the own region but its rather a leverage for Somali unity against Somaliland's cause for complete independance from Somalia. And in the article below 2 out of 5 principles are focused on the Somali union.


Why I find this suprising is that Awdal is in the far west of Somaliland, and if it wants self-determination from Somaliland then this conflicts their unity with Somalia agenda(because the rest of Somaliland is in between in contrary to SSC region for example). Therefor I came to the conclusion that Awdal State most important objective is to work as a leverage for Somali unity rather then self-determination or self rule(which they already have to some extend).


What do you think?

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5 Principles of the Awdal State Revolution – By Aman H.D. Obsiye

Dear Comrades, The Awdal State is emerging therefore we need to have guidelines to the Revolution at hand. As the Revolution approaches, and the freedom and liberty of the Awdal people become a reality, we need to know who our allies are and who our opponents are.

The Revolution has no gray area, it is black and white. You are either with us, or you are against us. If you are an Awdalite and are against the Awdal State (and for the SNM State, aka Somaliland), let it be known that the People’s Army will hold you accountable.


There are 5 principles of the Revolution, and every comrade of the Awdal State must believe in these 5 principles:

(1). Belief in ONE Somali nation-state (i.e. belief in the Somali Republic);

(2). Belief in the Awdal State as a semi-autonomous federal state (within the Somali Republic);

(3). Belief in the criminality of the SNM. You must believe that they are war criminals and should be tried in a court of law for the many injustices they have inflicted on the Awdalites;

(4). Belief in the Ugaas (may Allah preserve him); and

(5). Belief that in the Somali Republic the overall Somali interest comes first and foremost (i.e. it supersedes any clannish interests), and belief that in the Awdal State the overall Awdal interest comes first and foremost (i.e. it supersedes any clannish interests).


Let it be known that if you do not adhere to these 5 principles of the Revolution you are not a true revolutionary. Our Revolution is not only about defending the honor and integrity of the Awdalites from the SNM and the neo-SNM (i.e. the Somaliland National Army), but also to resurrect our Sacred Somali Republic. Somali nationalism is the foundation of the Awdal State and is the foundation to our Revolution.

Victory is for the People’s Army!

In Solidarity,

Wadani Aman H.D. Obsiye

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I think you need to go outside get some fresh air and find another hobby. This Awdal thing is waste of your time, our time and there time.

However, we from Somaliland see this Awdal thing as a project developed by some poor bored people in the disapora, who don't understand the real pro's and cons involved in setting up a state and removing the one in control. If they sat down for a minute from all the SSC inspired parties, they would understand that geographically they would never be able to join Somalia proper without Somaliland.

Also, to set up a state after your boy loses the election, fairly, and having never brought up the idea whilst he was president, is a little disrespectful. It's just not cricket is it?

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Abokor, I agree with you. Thats why I have said, that Awdal State project is more of a political leverage for Somali unity rather then a real ambition to form a viable real State. But by beating on the clan drums they hope to gain support from folks.


If you listen to the "president" of Awdal State in the intervieuw, he is stating that Somaliland should contribute to unity and peace and state building in Somalia. Basicly he is pushing against the whole indepedance cause by beating on the clan drums.

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What a joke...don't put people in flames!

how can less than 10,000 people,3 villages totally encircled swerve the wishes of millions?Do we have to prove by gun everytime....

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This Awdal concept is worse than the square wheel.

It can't function as part of Somalia because it shares no borders with it.

And if you think there aim is to somehow blackmail us back to joining Somalia, by using this Awdal thing, it's dumb.

Hypothetically speaking if they said to us; we don't want to be part of Somaliland, but please, can you join Somalia with us? You don't need to be Einstein to work out the


To be honest this Awadal concept is only competing with Sado Cali and the SSC as the best party organisers in the world. Nothing else.

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that's reality.Give you example...there is a town of 100,000 & out of that 100 people want to be among thm the mayor,governor & the mouth piece of the city.How is that possible?don't you think the otha great majority will be mad at them especially when they know their whole sinister agenda.

Isn't that asking for trouble when you least need it.Provocation, that's not helping them in any way possible.It's ****** & dumb for them.

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Provocation and Polarization is part of the political process. How else will you get attention or set the agenda, if the the corners of the spectrum are not identified?


For example, you cant have Socialism without communist presence in the corners. therefor there is No center or nuance without exreme vieuws and extreme corners of the political spectrum.


How else can people decide where they stand if they dont know the full spectrum?

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how is it possible less than 1% wana destroy the rest.I don't have anything againest anyone expressing himself,but what's this constant barrage of Awdal when it absolutely works againest them,or is it just a show to tell otha people they a sizable community!

They need to weigh their loses to their gains...that's all I'm implying.Don't pull ur head out of the crowd when no one sees you different(proof..Riyale) & when you can't change a bit.Besides all these talking nonesense r either from Ethiopia or Jubouti.Do you have to sacrifise innocent civilians who r way much better than their brethren in somalia for a mere show?

Do you really believe if all the minorities go will have any significant change in somaliland in terms of population & land,disregarding all the bla..bla from otha side "that we have this or that".Or you think SL won't react militarily as to what it sees constant eye sore?Who helped or recognized SL so far & you know strides it made?

WHY You Think people will be patient enough for so long from few who bent on their destruction when they have the means & the muscle to thwart it!

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Look at the unionist logic? It's O.K for them that less than 1% determine the future of 99% as long as they advocate "somalia".

It's beyond imagination where desperation can take you.

You think the majority will tie their hands behind their backs while you advocating civil war in somaliland?

Accept the consequences of your illegitimate actions...It passed beyond sweet words.

You'r the ones calling the shots of violence & I'm just pointing out where could that lead to.TRUE and it should hurt you..GOOD!

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^Threatening and calling for war against the peaceful people of Awdal for deciding to stay away from the sinking project of the secessionist is not a wise move. Whether the SNM gangs threaten to commit massacre in Awdal or not there is no turning back for Awdal state.


Viva to Awdal State of Somalia, and viva to the unionists.

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