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UN: Somaliland Child Abuses Increase; Sexual Violence/FGM

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A joint study by UNICEF Child protection and the ministry of family affairs and social development of

Somaliland has shown
an increased trend of different forms of Child abuses and Violence In

many parts of Somaliland, among the major types of child abuses stated in the joint study;


i. Children live or work on the streets

ii. Violence against children (Home, Schools and on the streets)

iii. Children without primary care givers (Orphans)

iv. Children with mental or physical disabilities

v. Children subjected to traditional harmful practices (Like FGM)

vi. Children engaged hazardous or exploitative labor

vii. Children in conflict with the la

Children live and work on streets
increases in number considerably in
main towns of



Female street children are recently seen in Hargeisa, Berbera and Borama districts

that are very prone to be sexually abused

This further supports the trend I have been showing of increase sexual violence in the region. I believe it is incumbent on the Somaliland government to work vigorously to stop these heinous acts when it is especially minorities who seem to be more likely to face such abuse at home. Both due to economical and social instability.


The secessionist government of the region has not implemented any laws to prevent Female Genital Mutilation even though most of the United Nations considers it barbaric and inhumane.




Joint Somaliland and UNICEF Study


More on Somaliland's "Most Dangerous" Female Genital Mutilation


Source of this thread; GenderIndex.

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