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Very factual and accurate, not without some humor;

the blogging grandmother come accross as a "humanist" patriot defending both jews and disaffected nations, but losing patience with zionist embrace of his country (interesting take on other crucial topics too):





Penny Pritzker – Obama’s National Finance Chair


during the election cycle; she is a billionaire heiress of the Pritzker family fortune. Like most billionaires (in my opinion) the Pritzker’s are wealthy for a very good reason, and it doesn’t have much to do with honest hard work. Have a look at one of the Pritzker’s previous businesses, Superior Bank.


Apparently, the Pritzker’s are so money-hungry they’ve even cheated their own family members out of money.. Yet, they remain close associates of Obama. :D


Of course, similar to all other U.S. politicians, Obama has no choice.

If you don’t kiss up to Jews and Israel, your political career won’t last too long. This is a fact that every single politician in Washington realizes, but very few are willing to admit publicly.


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This is true but beside the point. Ultimately money and organization wins out in the political system of the States. Everyone has their opportunity.

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To depict Jews in conspiratorial light is an old tradition which really defies logic and common sense. Israel is incidental beneficiary of West's hostile attitudes toward Islamic nations particularly in the Middle East, and the religious bond between Evangelicals and the old testament teachings. Between 1917-1920s, the British empire achieved victories she would've never achieved without the help of Arabs in Arabia against the Turks. Yet when the war was won and Turks were driven out of Arabia, and in the conference at France, the Arab leader who did every thing he could to mobilize his people against Turks in the hope of establishing independent Arabia was cheated not by Jewish operatives but by white Christian men who acted in the long term interest of their nations against a resilient culture and strong religion that could if unchecked threaten the engine of world (western) economy , the production of oil. As a result, Arabia was divided along political contours intended to weaken Arabs, preserving western interests in the Area for the years to come. It was in that verse that Jerusalem was at first curved out of Arabia map as a multi-faith city where the presence of Jews, Muslims and Christians would preserve city's long and old tradition--or so the west told the Arab leader. Later on, it is true that the Jews showed organizational resilience to lobby the division of Palistine, establishing homeland for Jews.


Today the loudest voices defending Israel and shielding it from any criticism are coming from white Christian politicians---some times doing it in the most absurd and irrational way. And it is not true that they all do it out of convenience (i.e. money , result of strong lobbying by Jewish groups...). Some of them do it out of conviction, and are motivated by religion.


I find the supporters of Israel most in need of skills political or otherwise. What I see is a raw force, and it is a matter of time before that force will meet a superior force and, as history shows, fall.



Remember the crusaders used raw force to occupy Jerusalem in almost 88 years. But when Salaahu-diin came knocking the gates of the holly city prepared, the white men who came on foot all the way from Germany and France were no more...

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It’s rationally repugnant myth that a small ethnic community controls and manages the collective political and economic affairs of societies and nations of the world and their destiny, these internet portals by white supremacist only expose themselves. If anything, perhaps these perpetuated conspiracies of Jews is what put them at pedestal above any groups or nations who tries to step on them into their psychological defeat.


This is not to say, however, they don’t play a leading role in both American media and politics they certainly do. Much has been written and discussed about Jews role in America, everything from presidential election, media, and to their grip over congress regardless which party either democrat or republican. Diaspora Jews on America’s influence has reached to the point where the institutional leadership of America in either party believes that if they advocate on behalf of Israel’s interest, by extension they are also advocating for US interest - that is powerful persuasive credence and hard to reverse. Influence over media is far more reaching in its scale, atrocities that are committed by Israel rarely get reported. Criticizing Jews lobby groups is always perilous, as was the case by Mearsheimer/Walt’s book few years ago, and the backlash they have endured since their book came out.


It is marriage of alliance with Evangelist groups which is aimed at offsetting what they both see as their foes, first the “evil communist’ and now their mutually perceived global threat of Islam. Groups like friends of Israel are powerful bloc but one that will eventually reach its tipping point for their support of Jews interests. They both have fundamentally divergent views; Evangelists believe in their scripture that Jews are antichrist and should be saved. While Jews tradition believes Christianity was born out of witchcraft as idol worshipers - they are on a collision course at the absence of shared global threat.

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