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Heedhe horta Jacayl Xiisa banadaa xaax!

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Sowkan aan malmalkiiba horay u dhitaystay? Talow maxay iga dhur sugaysaa, miise waa odagakan dhacay riyo dhexdeed dhalanteed ha kugu dheelalaabo - War maxaa rag waranka u dhaaban yahay dhayalsi loogu dhibayaa, Wadareey?


La yaab samanka.


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Looooool that just cracked me up the Xaaji Jacayl & Mr Smooth Trickster part :D


I have nothing against him i'm all for L.O.V.E the lovey dovey and all that but all i'm saying is that you just can't get around it anymore every singer singing about love so we are all getting sucked into that world.

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