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The Legend Of The ONLF

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Ethiopian missiles are killling women and children.


A reporter from a human rights organization is taking the video of starving kid whose all families are massacred by the Ethiopian shells and bombardment.


The only survived crying kid is saying to the cameraman representing human rights groups, by pointing to Ethiopian missiles, "Taking photos and video of me will not do anything good for us. Please turn the camera to those Ethiopian missiles killing the women and children and tell the world."



Ethiopian missiles are killling women and children

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Shariif Ahmed (Sakiin), Meles Zenawi and members of Somali parliament.


Having 20 years experience of interfering Somali affairs, Meles is here guiding the destructive game going in Somalia.


Meles Zenawi is always the ultimate decision maker in Somali affairs. How long will the world leaders let Meles be the only king arbiter of Somali affairs? Meles leadership has been part of the Somali problem for the last twenty years, and hijacked the Somali issue by using IGAD's name. The world leaders must be honest enough to tell Ethiopian get out of Somali affairs. Not only to tell him that but to take Somali problem out of IGAD and Ethiopian dominated AU.



Shariif Ahmed (Sakiin), Meles Zenawi and members of Somali parliament

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Ethiopian President Meles Zenawi and his lovely Somalia leaders President Sharif Ahmed (on his chest), Riyaale, Faroole.


President Meles Zenawi is cuddling Somalia's different factions. His favorite faction, the TFG, represented by President Sharif, is being put on the chest. The rest of them on different positions.


Up to now, the world is still letting Meles Zenawi take the lead of solving Somali problem. Was there ever a nation that has been let to hijack another nation's reconciliation process and keep it while it is causing more destruction to that nation for the last twenty years of peace process? What a hypocritical world are we living today! How long it will take for the world leaders to realize that Meles Zenawi is not there to solve Somali civil war problem but to prolong it?



Ethiopian President Meles Zenawi and his lovely Somalia leaders President Sharif Ahmed (on his chest), Riyaale, Faroole

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IGAD is an entity used by the Ethiopian regime to keep destroying Somalia.


IGAD is the most destructive organization keeping Somali anarchy to continue. IGAD is a tool used by Ethiopia to destroy the Somali nation.


The world should know that Somali problem would have been very easy to solve if IGAD wouldn't have given a mandate to ETHIOPIA to make Somalia its playground. MELES will again invade SOMALIA soon under the pretext of protecting AMISOM troops.


Ragtag SHABABS are being supplied and supported by ETHIOPIA since its sole interest is to keep dismantling Somali nation, demoralizing Somali people, and radicalizing some portion of Somali society to put them against others. As long as Shabab's most destructive activities will fall upon Somalia, Ethiopia must stand with them now.


Somalis are being destroyed daily by Ethiopian new empire led by Meles with the support of new-colonial forces that has always been on the Abyssinian side.



IGAD is an entity used by the Ethiopian regime to keep destroying Somalia

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Meles Zenawi is a hyena swallowing the Somali nation and people.


Meles Zenawi, the hyena, can not wait to gulp and completely eat the sick and dying Somali people.


The woman representing Somalia is already suffering the great pain inflicted by warlords, Al Shabab, TFG, AMISOM and this hyena is coming, not to save her, but to swallow her.



Meles Zenawi is a hyena swallowing the Somali nation and people

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Meles Zenawi, a scorpion, wants to deliver venomous killing sting to the Somali public.


Former President Abdullahi Yusuf and Former Prime Minister Gedi are here handing over starving Somali people, suffering two decades of war flaming by Meles regime, to Meles Zenawi depicted as scorpion venomous.



Meles Zenawi, a scorpion, wants to deliver venomous killing sting to the Somali public

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Meles Zenawi and Peace in Somalia(Nabadda Somalia).


Meles can not tolerate any peace in Somalia. For him, peace in Somalia(Nabadda Somalia) is detrimental to his future.




Meles Zenawi and Peace in Somalia(Nabadda Somalia)

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President Riyale.


President Riyale is taking some Somalis from Hargeisa to Meles of Ethiopia and telling the Somali women " This is the time to make Meles more happy because his love is decreasing these days. By making Meles happy we have to transfer to him some Somalis originally from Ogadenia and tell him these are ONLF members."




President Riyale

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