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Hotel SSC

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You may not realize it yet, but you have been owned the minute you attempted to argue your Ethiopian tormentors will be good for Somalia and started to belly dance for such nonsensical argument in the name of fighting terror groups, forgetting of course your own people are tortured and murdered in the very same argument :D


That you are now creating side threads about SSC is a testimony to your fickle nature

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kk Abtigiis i beg to differ, the dhaanto dancers from Somali Galbeed might not be good at longterm politics but they can lead Mad Mullah, Omar Jess just to name few is a testimony to that. ;) .The Garaad group ehm ehm well what can i say when one sees how they praise other men belonging to different sub groups (Siad Bare, Mad Mullah etc) through bad and good all the time and oppose those from their closet kin within their sub group one immediately

realises they are indeed followers and not leaders. ;)

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xiinfaniin kkkk oh brother so now it's the other card and card that you want to rescue with them? :D Yusuf, Sharmaarke were men from Mudug/Bari and not Sool.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;761809 wrote:
^^^Salax you are not reading well Xiin Kor bu usi baxay kabtisina wu xidhay laxdisana wu diyaarsaday



kk actually he went beyond the card when he mentioned "Siyaads" of Gedo.

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That SSC belongs to a particularly numerous clan does not deny them the leadership they produced. The I should be on par with the larger block, ya galow :D


Siyaadis and Sayids are brothers , you should know

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xiinfaniin kk what has that "numerous" group that stretches from the infertile deserts of Bari to the red sands of northern Mudug and the eastern green hills of Sanaag done for them? let alone the Garaad group claiming credit for

the leadership of a man based as far as Ras Kamboni or Alula.

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The Zack   

Saalax;761812 wrote:
kk actually he went beyond the card when he mentioned "Siyaads" of Gedo.

For reer waqooyi, you know too much about the . LOL. You even know where the powerful Gedo branch hits on the tree. You also know the roots and the leaves.

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The Zack   

Saalax;761820 wrote:
The Zack i do know alot about different Somali groups in general, isilaliya.

The Garaads have produced many Somali leaders, you might need little help on that part of the history. They even lead today's Somalia. The popular Farmaajo admin was being led by the one and only Abdikarim,son of the Garaads. In fact, Farmaajo himself and many others were added to the TFG by Abdikarim. Sharif has turned to that guy many many times.

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Xinnfanin, you say you owned me in other threads. I say the following:

Blood and broken bones are vivid consequences of violence; they are not its cause or explanation.
The fact that one is wearing a leaking wound, however deep, suffered for trying to sell a fermenting milk to honest customers, should never be used to grant one innocence and the pity or apology he doesn’t deserve. The wounded man must answer some hard questions of how he got the damage and where, even if that means from hospital bed and between injections.


We relate to political debates like cinema goers whose sympathies are allotted on the basis of who the stronger side is, never on the basis of who cast the first stone, however small.
Losing an engagement you triggered does not render you innocent, or pity-deserving.


But Xinn knows this ‘cinema-goers’ syndrome and the man is a good strategist. He disappears after heavy artillery is deployed against his one-line jingo, and clandestinely throws a piteous ‘I am only human. I am exaggerated persona’ nonsense from his hideout. And the gullible nomads rally to chant slogans of support like unthinking horde tricked by a mischievous rabble rouser.


We agree Xinn is a good debater. We are just saying he sells secondhand huudheyd cloths.



You like Xaabsade for supporting your clan, you pillory Osman Kaluun ( a man who transcended clan identity) for going over the Tolka fence! Village hypocrisy! Come on, Oodweyne; you are not a coconut head. Don't act like one. :D

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Abdikarim? "information Minister Abdikarim Hassan Jamaa" kkkk. Come on The Zack you can do better than that.

Abdikarim was just a different version of Xaabsade the other information minister in Somaliland from the Garaad

group, although with all due respect Xaabsade is more influential and has bigger support base in Sool.

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The Zack   

Saalax;761825 wrote:
Abdikarim? kkkk. Come on The Zack you can do better than that.

How is that funny bal? Bal yaabkan eega LOL. War nimanku horta waa laf hoose, adiga laftaada yaa eego tolow the big baad ku gabbataa, waxaa laga yaabaa inaad beeraha qoddaan uun, taariikh ahaan yacni :D :D


Ever heard of Ismail Mire? He could be the reason that your ancestors remained Muslims ehehe. Halkaa noogu jooji waryaa.

He, too, was a Garaadi.

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The Zack Ismail Mire? kk. Ismail Mire was just a minor and the student of Mad Mullah which i chased numerous times and tol him you are not welcome in Burco or any of our lands. ;) The Mad Mullah feeling under pressure went on a poem rage regarding my group.

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