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Redifing Somali pan-nationalism.

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It is pedantry, but Mintid is not even a real Somalilander. Why he hobnobs with secessionsts is baffling? Still, I respect how he communicates his opinions. But a man of his calibre should rise above clan fray. And this false "we can't join a burning house" is not good enough reason for him to prefer suffocating pants when he can wear a big Alxalaaf-99 by embracing somliweyn.

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Abtigiis;761270 wrote:
It is pedantry, but Mintid is not even a real Somalilander. Why he hobnobs with secessionsts is baffling? Still, I respect how he communicates his opinions. But a man of his calibre should rise above clan fray. And this false "we can't join a burning house" is not good enough reason for him to prefer suffocating pants when he can wear a big Alxalaaf-99 by embracing somliweyn.



Someone is having a laugh... Where's the DNA test, saaxiib?




When the 'Shantii Somali' are willing to sit down together on the issue (including Djibouti), then the process can start. I understand your point on finding other non-political issues to commune over - but some of us are rather skeptical on the repeated attempts to sink our hard-won situation through backdoor entrances such as these well-meaning, but rather naive attempts at a greater unity.


Having said that, your idealism is 'respected' in my corner.

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Che -Guevara;761225 wrote:
^ just wanna throw a party where Xalimos from everywhere come. N here we thought you were going for genuine dialogue.

Che, there as a genuine need for a dialogue and I really belief we have the momentum right now. But this dialogue has to start of positive, constructive and non-political. Just to realize again that there is a lot we share besides the existing diffrences in political vieuws. And what better way then having a blast of a party together.:D

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This pan nationalism thing is nonsense, it never worked and it never will. Somalia needs Alshabaab style movement but sane and moderate that can deal with the outside world in sensible manner.

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Mintid Farayar;761275 wrote:


Someone is having a laugh... Where's the DNA test, saaxiib?




When the 'Shantii Somali' are willing to sit down together on the issue (including Djibouti), then the process can start. I understand your point on finding other non-political issues to commune over - but some of us are rather skeptical on the repeated attempts to sink our hard-won situation through backdoor entrances such as these well-meaning, but rather naive attempts at a greater unity.


Having said that, your idealism is 'respected' in my corner.

Mintid, I understand the skepticism about (political)unity coming through backdoor entrances. But why fear something that hasnt worked, failed and is even dead for the last decades? And if this form of nationalism and unity has failed utterly, why not come up with your own Somali alternative?


Isn't it strange that a couple of ideas from some teenagers, who made all this up back in the 1950's is still dominating us? Call me arrogant, but I belief we could come up with ideas for our times.

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Isn't the alternative already there ?? .... The 5 Somalis should be there at the moment until things change with the time. The fifth one needs to get its things together though.

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JB, the Somali regions are there but there is hardly any systematic cooperation, they all seem to be pre-occupied with themselves and with foreign influences they can hardly withstand. And through some sort of cooperation on common issue's they could constructively achieve more, better results for their peoples and stand stronger.

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somalis will always inter-act,inter-marry & cross to each otha.somalism is been thrown into the frying pan,now what's important is peace & bread.If it's 10 different states or one don't matter.I'm skeptical of those insist on one somalia at every corner.Trust me is not the game in town nowadays.Fine eithe way If at a later date they come together or go their separate ways .

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United Somalia is the best option, United we stand and divided we fall. Somali Unity is a noble goal, but Somali Unity shouldn't be pressured or forced to Somali people. If every Somali clan and region want to have their own little state, that is fine as well. Awdal State, Somaliland, Maakhir SSC State, Puntland State, Galmudug, Hiiraan State, Azania, etc

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NGONGE;761226 wrote:
^^ I fully believe we can. In fact, this reminds me of a conversation I had with Norf the other day. He suprised me by telling me that paying for adverts on Somali TV (Universal, etc) was very cheap. This instantly got my mind whirring and I thought of conducting a secret experiment (the cost would have been worth it really).


By the way, Shukri Shankaroon is a bit of an obvious name. Think of one along the same lines but make it slightly more subtle. Wa ma Sheikh Sharif ayaa naga caqli weyn? If he can masqurade as a wadaad, we can bleed blue nationalism (and, no, not the SOL type).


I like your ideas there but those don't go far enough nor do they take advantage of the "political" and "social" opportunities that Somalia's plight presents.


Bal give me five minutes to cook it through in my mind.

Ngonge, I am getting curious what you been cooking all weekend? :D

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