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Haweenka hurdada badan

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nuune...mandhow bal is qars'bixi..ala maxeey kaa buuxdaa...yac! I don't know if those men nowdays exist...inanku haduu wax karin kerin..hanoqotee la guursado kuma istaahilo..wa saas..i advice that to my friends lol.

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MMA, I heard of similiar qiisoo - islamuhuu wexee yiradaan, there are a number of places and situation one should never allow another woman to enter. One of them is serving your husband - never allow another woman in your house to serve your husband, there is something 'sexy' about the act apparently - go figure!

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^ bal noo sheeg adigu hee. All I know is, I have been told I should never allow another woman to serve my husband...

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^Ha ha - could it the dependency be linked to the 'mother's attachment' - something about men and their

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;760983 wrote:
I don't know what cilmibaaris 'daraasad' ah ay isticmaaleen, but I remembered sheeko ka dhacday xaafadda South C ee Nayroobi.


Nin Soomaali ah iska ladnaa dhaqaale ahaan ayaa wuxuu deganaa xaafadaas aan kor ku sheegay, with his xaas iyo caruurtiisa. Also house help la joogtay oo Oromo ahayd. Every morning it was the maid who woke up first, ciyaalka quraac u diyaariso, u labistana, iskoolna u diyaariso. Then quraacda ayee u sii diyaarisaa xaajiga intuu sii qabeysanaayo, markuu soo labistana quraacdoo miiska saaran ayuu arkaa. Waxee also ogaatay quraacda uu jecelyahay. Nooca uu kala jecelyahay hadba maalin walba u sameyn jirtay. Qado wey ugu dari lahaydee laakiin qado uma imaan jirin guriga shaqadiisa Islii ahayd uu dukaamo waa weyn kulahaa.


If you are wondering, aawey xaaskii. Well, she is in her dreamy hurdo, kama qasna subax walba. Sidii saan loo ahaa, waxaa la ogaaday lee suddenly ninkii oo mehersaday gabadhii booyaasta la joogtay. Ha mehersadee ma xumee, wuxuuba dajiye another house kasoo horjeeda their old house xaaskii kale degantahay, a whole estate for herself. Islaantii kale yaa celinaayo hee, qaracan sida la sheegay. Sida la sheegay wey burisay but markii dambe soo ceshatay.


I just remembered dhacdadaan aan Nayroobi ku maqlay markaa aqriye maqaalka kor ku xusan.

MMA, if you watch somali riwaayo, check this old jabuti riwayad named "Qaahiro".. Abdinur allale in his early years is an actor.. Great riwaayad and has similar story you just mentioned..

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guriga joogo, shaahii waa diyaar, bariis,
yaanyo, mushaari, cambuulo,
, maharago, misir, bariis,



Intaaba hadii loo dalbay maxaa kamaqan..

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Malika;761921 wrote:
MMA, I heard of similiar qiisoo - islamuhuu wexee yiradaan, there are a number of places and situation one should never allow another woman to enter. One of them is serving your husband - never allow another woman in your house to serve your husband, there is something 'sexy' about the act apparently - go figure!

Fiirin badan baa la socota miyaa???

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Malika;761921 wrote:
MMA, I heard of similiar qiisoo - islamuhuu wexee yiradaan, there are a number of places and situation one should never allow another woman to enter. One of them is serving your husband - never allow another woman in your house to serve your husband, there is something 'sexy' about the act apparently - go figure!

Or otherwise, hire a house help man. There is this Soomaali lady I know (she owns the new apartment we live in Islii) that lives in South C that has a male maid. Waa Sansibaari sidaa maqlay. He cooks, cleans and does everything a maid is expected from. Quite few others ayaa jiro like her who hired males, laakiin kuwa Oromo female house helps hire gareeye thinking that would be safe. It wasn't.


Sheeko kale ayaa jirto about Oromada booyaasada ah iyo Soomaalida isguursado. There was a man visiting from Mareykanka to his his sister and her family in South C. He was guurdoon. Marba mid loo keeni jiray, gabdho wada yar yar, qaarkood wey diidi jireen kuwana asagaa diidi jiray. Intii mid loo raadinaayeyba gabadhii Oromada guriga ka shaqeyneysay hoos ka shukaansaday, kuna qabtay, iyagoo leh waa isguursaneynaa la arkay. It was said said his sister wasn't happy about it.


C/qadar, I will check that ruwaayad.

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