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Xiinfaniin deserves an apology

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This is a systematic campaign to lynch verbally and defame the good name and reputation of an honorable Somali citizen from the great land of Punt by the Ethiopian (Somali speaking) man and the secessionists. This is a wicked agenda and an unacceptable conspiracy against the proud Somali citizen.


Long live Somalia, long live Somalinimo :D


Where is that hees of Maryan Mursal: Somali ceeb udiida Somali cay udiida, some should post it, war yaa yaqaanay heesaha, where is Aaliyah? Lol


To my all proud Somali citizens, say it after me:



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Xiin may have suffered the slings and arrows of Abtigis (and Ngonge) lately, but he is still a good sport.They say any fool can evaluate and critique Somali politics, but it takes self-control to be good in debating on any Somali forum without losing your bearing ..Though as a seccesionist I don't agree with the man, but i like to read his arguments for greater Somalia.


PS i think it is respectful debates that keeps people coming back and read most of the arguments here...

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Blood and broken bones are vivid consequences of violence; they are not its cause or explanation. The fact that one is wearing a leaking wound, however deep, suffered for trying to sell a fermenting milk to honest customers, should never be used to grant one innocence and the pity or apology he doesn’t deserve. The wounded man must answer some hard questions of how he got the damage and where, even if that means from hospital bed and between injections.


We relate to political debates like cinema goers whose sympathies are allotted on the basis of who the stronger side is, never on the basis of who cast the first stone, however small. Losing an engagement you triggered does not render you innocent, or pity-deserving.


But Xinn knows this ‘cinema-goers’ syndrome and the man is a good strategist. He disappears after heavy artillery is deployed against his one-line jingo, and clandestinely throws a piteous ‘I am only human. I am exaggerated persona’ nonsense from his hideout. And the gullible nomads rally to chant slogans of support like unthinking horde tricked by a mischievous rabble rouser.


Qandalawi should be ashamed of himself. Of all people, he is a man I expect to see the hollowness of Xinn's argument. We are not Ethiopians, nor are we Kenya's errand boys. We are genuine Somalis who are trying to find practical solution to Somalia's problem. How can a man of Qandalaawi's statue fail for the absurd fear-mongering that Somalia is at a risk of becoming small 'Statelets". Isn't that what it already is?


We agree Xinn is a good debater. We are just saying he sells secondhand huudheyd cloths.

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if using my own standard to measure xiin's political credentials. i'd say, he's a 6/10. for he is all talk and no action. it doesn't help his case when in the surreal world of SOL, he is spoken about as thought he is a minister, albeit one on the way out.

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:D :D


It is harsh to say Xinn is the proverbial intelligent fool, the one they say "can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent", while all that it takes to undo the complexities the fool mounted is "a touch of genius", one that makes things simpler.


But Albert Einstien must have been talking about Xinn when he said "He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice." :DWho disputes that Xinn is a man who revels in taking the common position, the chants of the uninitiated rank and file? He reflects the opinions of the rank and file and therefore always politically correct, but with little substantive contributions to the way forward.

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^^The way forward for you is to regain your senses and stop belly dancing Ethiopian troops' march into Somalia. For NGONGE is to halt his shrinking intellectual muscles to a manageable stage. For me is to continue the path of moderation, which I have quite comfortably been on.


Again no apologies are warranted, this is after all an online forum

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