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Somaliland and Puntland need eachother

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Carafaat you are completely missing the point here no one said people can't coexist and work together on key issues but there are or should be mutual interest for both people despite somalilands border dispute with somalias clan enclave of puntland. The two countries have zero diplomatic relationship that said africa s geopolitical culture is totally different than that of europe the greeks historically were an ancient empire the ruled much of europe at some time. You should look for an african solution in africa it might helpt eritrea and ethiopia two.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;761155 wrote:
President daahir rayaale said many times that he would wage a war if his country sovereignty is undermined not even the great cigaal said of the current presidnet of somaliland the people of awdal showed what they believe on 18 may this year from caruur to ciiroole.

There is no sovereignty. There was a specific BBC clip where the former NSS Berbera Station Chief couldn't answer the question regarding unity. His intentions were clear, he sucked out the money from your region and left for Dubai, true rageedi.


Of course they will come out on 18th of May, the day the one clan entity decided to call national day, because they live in the region, they are part of the maamul, but when peace prevails throughout Somalia, do not DOUBT that the people of Awdal will call off the game.


I am glad you mentioned Cigaal, why did he appoint Dahir Riyaale to be his successor? We both know the reason but please, do tell.

I can even see in your response that you can't argue against it, because you know it is true, instead, citing 18th of May celebrations, come on man..

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Dude I don't live in a world of when and if I deal with facts post this so called bbc interview I have never heard of it president rayaale was a real patriot he loves his country he can live in dubai jakarta where ever he likes. Somaliland is a multi tribal society their democracy works for the past 20 years they only gained the magnificent rayaale leader will be remembered for securing the border of somaliland as for you're little subclan enclave mini sub ub sub clan states are being created raas caseer state there is so much you need to worry about.


God bless

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Xaaji Xunjuf;761197 wrote:
Dude I don't live in a world of when and if I deal with facts post this so called bbc interview I have never heard of it president rayaale was a real patriot he loves his country he can live in dubai jakarta where ever he likes. Somaliland is a multi tribal society their democracy works for the past 20 years they only gained the magnificent rayaale leader will be remembered for securing the border of somaliland as for you're little subclan enclave mini sub ub sub clan states are being created raas caseer state there is so much you need to worry about.


God bless

Don't end this conversation, we are only beginning.


Ask around, ask people you know whether or not Dahir Riyaale said those words. Why is he in Dubai if he loves his country? At least leaders like Abdullahi Yusuf are there for political reasons, Dahir Riyaale doesn't seem to CARE for your secessionist region. He milked you and left.


Ras Caseyr is not a state, its a pseudo state and the fact that YOU of all people would bring up clan states within a CLAN state known as "Somaliland" is a bit embarrassing. We were just talking about Awdal and SSC, it's as if your memory relapses every few messages.


Which border are you securing? Puntland forces are stationed around Laascaanood, they are in Xudun, they are in Badhan, in Hadaaftimo, in Tukaruq, so please go ahead and tell me, which border it is you are securing.

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Lol puntland soldiers were in yagoori in 2003 where are they now some where near garowe who did that president rayaale did that lool daahir rayaale can live in dubai if he likes or london where is you're cadde muuse where is you're cabdilahi yusuf. Kiddo there is nothing else to discuss since you don't have an audio tape of president daahir rayaale kahin or else bring it as for raas casayr its a subclan of you're clan and they want their own state what is faroole going to do about that what about gagaab in galkacyo who wants his own little fiefdom there faroole puntland wuu kala diray deadly clashes every day in galkacyo shelling entire neighborhoods in galkacyo the killings of elders in boosaaso there are big problems there subsub clan state poppin out every where allow idin sahal.

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I don't have audio tape of Bush lying about Iraq but I know he did. Your argument is flawed, it's a fact and the fact that you are disputing such a great moment in his "presidency" is sad.


Didn't I just tell you the circumstances surrounding Abdullahi Yusuf not being in Somalia, and Cadde is in Somalia.


The people living in Awdal are also known as Dirta Waqooyiga, it's not a clan name so you might as well drop it, but it is one I can use as much much as you using the one regarding Ras Caseeyr.


Gagaab has no political power within his sub-clan counting 5 odays. It's like me saying I want my own state, it's like a homeless man on the street saying he wants his own state.


So when did it become entire neighbourhoods? I'll tell you what it has to do with it, absolutely NOTHING, you just want to change the subject. Now it is Faroole...


You are repeating semantics because you lost the argument.

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Hargeysa(Geeska)-Madaxweynihii hore ee Somaliland ayaa yarkasi cad ugu sheegay mudane ka tirsan aqalka odayaasha Maraykanka oo lagu magacaabo Senator Feingold, inay bulshada Somaliland dagaal ka xigto midnimo dambe oo ay la galaan Somaliya.


Warsidaha Wikileaks ee faafiya siraha kala duwan ee ay safaaradaha Maraykanku u diraan xaruntooda Washington, ayaa dhawaan baahiyay waxyaabihii lagaga wada hadlay kulan dhex maray Madaxweynihii hore Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo Senatar Feingold oo bishii December ee sannadkii 2009 ka dhacay dalka Djibouti, markaas oo uu xildhibaanku safar ku yimid gobalka Geeska Afrika islamarkaana uu Djibouti kula kulmay hoggaamiyayaashii xilligaas ee Somaliland iyo Somaliya.


Sida uu wikileaks baahiyay kulamadaas oo qabsoomay 19-21 December 2009, wuxuu senatorku ugu horayn Madaxweynihii hore ka tacsiyadeeyay qaraxyadii 2008 ka dhacay Somaliland. Daahir Rayaale, wuxuu Senator Feingold u sheegay in qaar ka mid ah dadkii gaystay qaraxyadadaas Somaliland ka dhacay 29 Oktoobar ay ka soo jeedeen Somaliland, laakiin ay ku soo tababarteen dalka Somaliya. “Laakiin xag jirku waa isku mid, macno ma leh meesha ay ka soo jeedaan iyo meesha ay ka yimaadeen, dhammaantood waa isku ajande.” Ayuu Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ku yidhi Senatarka.


Wuxuu sheegay in inta badan ee dadka reer Somaliland ay Booliska la shaqeeyaan iyagoo siinaya xogta lagu qaban karo argagixisada. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin wuxuu qaraxyadii 29 Oktoobar ku macneeyay, “Waxay noo ahaayeen baraarujin sidii Maraykanka ee September 11.”, waxaanu intaas raaciyay in qaraxyadaas ka sokow ay Somaliland ku jirtay hayaanka dawlad wanaaga tan iyo sannadkii 1991-kii.


Isagoo Daahir Rayaale, ka hadlaya aqoonsiga Somaliland, wuxuu sheegay in hadii ay heli lahaayeen caawimo toos ah ay awood u yeelan lahaayeen inay iska caabiyaan xag jirka. Waxaanu sheegay in haddii Somaliland la aqoonsado ay door ka ciyaari karto arrimaha koonfurta iyadoo cudud ku biirin karta Djibouti iyo Itoobiya. Wuxuu carrabka ku adkeeyay munaafaqnimada bulshada caalamka ee ku waajahan aqoonsiga dawladda ku meelgaadhka ah ee Somaliya oo aan shaqayn iyo sababta ay aqoonsan waayeen Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ee shaqaynaysa.


Isagoo ka hadlaya midnimadii Somaliya, wuxuu sheegay inay reer Somaliland tijaabiyeen midowga Somaliya oo ay arkeen midhihiisa, “Somaliland waxay samaysay midowgii, waanay tijaabisay mana jirto suurtogalnimo kale oo Somali weyn ahi.” Ayuu yidhi Rayaale.


Rayaale, wuxuu sheegay inay Somaliland ka duwantahay Somaliya, isagoo sheegay inay madaxda Somaliya isku mashquuliyaan inay arrin kasta ka yeeshaan shirweyne, “Xataa arrimaha yar yar, dhibaatadu Somaliya waxa weeye in qof kastaa uu isku dayayo inuu hoggaamiye noqdo, waxaanay aaminsanyihiin in xalku dibadda uga iman doono.


Wuxuu Daahir Rayale Kaahin Senator Feingold u sheegay inay Somaliland midnimo dambe ka xigto dagaal ay ku hoobato, “Somalilland weligeed la midoobi mayso Somaliya, haddii ay isku dayaan inay nagu qasbaana, waxaanu diyaar u nahay inaanu dagaalano ilaa aanu madhano.” Ayuu ku soo koobay Madaxweynihii hore doodda uu la hortagay Senator Feingold.


Magaalada borama awdal 18 may 2011




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Man, it's as if I am speaking to a wall.


What's happening now will not continue to happen if Somalia prevails. Awdal under any circumstances will not be part of your secessionist region. You are not arguing against that, you are just showing pictures of people in Awdal supporting the secessionist region... which they are CURRENTLY APART OF.


What do you expect the "leader" of the secessionist region to say?


Also, you haven't answered my question, why did Cigaal choose Riyaale to succeed him?

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