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Somaliland and Puntland need eachother

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Would Israel shake hands with anyone that denies their nation hood? Somaliland probably will never come to terms with anyone that denies their right to self-determination, nationhood. Once you accept Somaliland has gone, then Somaliland automatically becomes your friend, until then you're enemy to the state.

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You don't have a right for nationhood, and it won't be granted to you. It hasn't even been granted to you during 20 years of civil war, what on EARTH makes you believe it will be given to you later?


PS: I do like that you compare yourself to Israel, it was bound to be revealed sooner rather than later.

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The funny thing is that whatever the outcome is of Somalilands nationhood, weather or not one consider eachother enemy or secesessionist. They will be eachothers neighbours FOREVER. :D

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We aren't Arabs that will be divided up.


Even if the region was to become a nation (which is ever so more bleak looking), it itself would be carved up along clan lines.


The likelihood of SSC and Awdal being part of what is essentially a region controlled by one clan is slim. Some people see the larger picture, I am afraid the people of "Somaliland" do not.

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Somalia;761091 wrote:
We aren't Arabs that will be divided up.


Even if the region was to become a nation (which is ever so more bleak looking), it itself would be carved up along clan lines.


The likelihood of SSC and Awdal being part of what is essentially a region controlled by one clan is slim. Some people see the larger picture, I am afraid the people of "Somaliland"
do not.

Lool Like Somalia right where you have 17 Clan states and 17 presidents that's what you wish for you're own Country but Please do not wish that for your Neighbors its not Cool. Doqonkasta iyado kaley ku mooda,Somaliland and the people of Somaliland are more united than ever. What you should Promote is the Unity of the people of Somalia the same way the people of Somaliland love the unity of their Country.

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AfricaOwn;761076 wrote:
Would Israel shake hands with anyone that denies their nation hood? Somaliland probably will never come to terms with anyone that denies their right to self-determination, nationhood. Once you accept Somaliland has gone, then Somaliland automatically becomes your friend, until then you're enemy to the state.

Ok, well I get why some of your enclave members come on Somaliaonline and bash any other governments in Somalia. You see, I understand that law and order in Somalia hurts your agenda. Why else would some on here continously post negative news everyday and then post stuff about patriotism about their enclave. I get it! It's a threat.


However, what I don't understand is if you truly are another country then why are you on this site posting things about your "country." Why would you be on another countries (Somalia) website and continously update people on what going on inside your so-called "independent borders"?


It would be like me looking up another countries forum and posting things everyday on Somalia's President and other news. How ridiculous would that look?


So again, I ask you, if you are an independent country then why are you posting on another countries forum?

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Guys, the idea of this thread was to give all those kids and newbies on this site, the impression that there is no real animosity only political diffrences. So keep this in mind when you post.

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Carafaad, by far, you are the most rational secessionist I had seen in my ten years of SOL. In person, face to face, most I come across as reasonable and believe in unity in the end, but kuwaan online ku jiro hoosgundida ayee dhigtaan, oo maba xishoodaan qaarkood. You, on the other hand, are not like that.


Keep doing that.

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Carafaat;761114 wrote:
Guys, the idea of this thread was to give all those kids and newbies on this site, the impression that there is no real animosity only political diffrences. So keep this in mind when you post.


You do know Political differences based on fundamental issues most of the time causes Animosity and mistrust

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Xaaji, Politics is about ideas and interest. Why would diffrent ideas and interest create animosity and mistrust between people?


MMA, I may have contributed to some of the heated online debates in the past. :D But I think by now Somali's have learned more about their own politicial ideas and interest and that of eachother, and that the time of polarized heated debates is over. And that we should work towards the greater public interest or common well-being of our people. Dad baanu u maqanahay oo wax naga sugiya.

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Carafaat this is more than just simple politics when people try to undermine the fundamental principles of a state that belongs to a particular group it creates more than just simple political differences and you know that

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Back in 2004 I participated in an international summercamp organized every 4 years by the international union of socialist youythg. The summercamp was organized that year in Thesalonikki, Greece. More then 8000 young people from 120 countries came together for one week of socialistic introdicnation through, workshops, debates, sharing tents, showers, party's,etc. At the first evening an opening ceremony was held in one of the big tents where 8000 people were crowded together. First we sang socialist struggle songs together, then every country delegation had to climb the podium and entertain the crowd for 5min by singing socialist songs from their country, waving red socialist flags and their national flags. It was amazing sight I call tell you, to see all that socialist brotherhood.


When the Macedonian delegation climbed the podium, hundreds of the present large Greek delegation even the guards, staff, men, women, even senior Greek politicians(our hostst) started booing, yelling and screeming at the Macedonians for more then 10minutes. Making it impossible for the Macedonians on the stage to speak or even be heard, they drove off humiliated from the stage. We were shocked and amazed, about what just happened, socialist turning on other socialist, no solidarity, no euqality, no fraternity? I went to the Macedonians,who I shared a train with and got to know as an very friendly, modest quite good looking people, to ask them why the Greeks turned on them like that, where this animosity cam from and offer them some sympathy. They explained to me that its because of political conflict between the two countires. Ever since Macedonia became independant back in the 90's,Greece was blocking Macedonian membership in most international fora's demanding the country change its name. The country became member of the UN using Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia as an official name.


Greece reason for opposing Macedonia is because Greece has an own Province called Macedonia. And both the Province in Greece and the country called FYR Macedonia are claiming to be the real historic Macedonia of Alexander the Great. For both countries this issue goes very deep, very fundemental and principle issue for the both State's history, existence and legitimacy.

So deep that the neighbouring countries boycot eachother everywhere possible, Greece has even blocked Macedonian EU membership and frustrated its nationhood. Macedonia could prevented all this, bu just giving their country another name, but it didnt because it was something fundemental for them.


Today, 7 years later Greece is almost bankrupt and many EU countries want it out of the Euro. Greece has no neighbours who are member of the Euro, and who can express any solidarity by buying more of their bonds,, it stands alone. While Macedonia is not EU member, but booming in terms of economics but no Greek investors who can profit from it, because they hardly investged in eachother.


My message Xaaji. Aqoonsi, calan, kursi UN'ta wax ka muhiimsan ayaa jira nolosha. Hadee iimaniso, wee imanisaa haduu ilaahay yiraahdo. Hadii kalena waa wax qoron oo qadr Iilahay ah. No need to fight your neiighbour for. Someday we might need eachother for something more important and then you will realize all this animosity is a waste.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;761109 wrote:
Lool Like Somalia right where you have 17 Clan states and 17 presidents that's what you wish for you're own Country but Please do not wish that for your Neighbors its not Cool. Doqonkasta iyado kaley ku mooda,Somaliland and the people of Somaliland are more united than ever. What you should Promote is the Unity of the people of Somalia the same way the people of Somaliland love the unity of their Country.

Which neighbours? Listen, I don't know if you are playing with me, but your secessionist region doesn't have 1 clan, I know the power lays within 1 clan but there's others.


They've shown that they will not be part of it. I know Dahir Riyaale is your best argument but when he was "President" of this supposed sovereign state he was on BBC and he couldn't give a state answer on reunification. I'll try and find the clip for you.


Please try and discredit me, the people of Awdal, forget SSC, the people of Awdal whom I myself know a lot, regarded as the most intellectual Somalis do not want to be part of your region IF it was recognised and Somalia was at peace. It's just the way it is.


SSC, well, you can forget that one.


There is no unity in the secessionist region, there's delusion of grandeur and you are trying to fill that void of emptiness by coming online and pretending you live in a real country, you do not.


Excellent point @Carafaat, that's the point I've been trying to put across his mind, there's a larger picture.

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President daahir rayaale said many times that he would wage a war if his country sovereignty is undermined not even the great cigaal said of the current presidnet of somaliland the people of awdal showed what they believe on 18 may this year from caruur to ciiroole.

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