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Pirate Faroole leader of Puntland vows to fight Galmudug wants eastern Sool community involved

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The Zack;760874 wrote:
The title of the thread talks for the thread. Just say Farole dammit! Why call him a pirate?


Faroole has a history of having links with Pirates.



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Carafaat;760865 wrote:
Dont shoot the messengers. Even on the Erigavo issue it were Somalilanders who posted it here on SOL. So you cant blame them for posting NEWS on SOL. that is the idea of having discussion on current political events. The fact that more more negative news coming from Puntland is not the fault of XX, Saalax or any else.


You better spend your energy on trying to understand what is happening in your State and how to improve the situation.



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Gudomiyihii Xafada Hormar ee Magalada Galkacyo Muuse Aadan Xassan (Tagoog) ayaa goor sii horaysay dablay hubaysan ku dileen magalada Galkacyo, dad Goob Joogayaal ah ayaa u sheegay War-Fidiyeenada inuu dilkaasi Gaystay Wiil Yar oo Madaxa Duuban kaasi oo Lahaa Astaanta Lagu Yaqaan Al-Shabaab ee ah Cimaadada Guduudan.


Booliska Gaalkacayo oo Heegan la galiyay ayaan wali soo qaban Kooxdii Falkaasi soo Lameegtay waxana la sheegay inay Shir Deg deg ah yeesheen Golaah Amniga ee Gaalkacayo kuwaasi oo ka Xaajoonaya Amaanka Gobolka Mudug.


Shalay ayaa Gantaalka Lidka Diyaaradaha lagu Ganay Garoonka Diyaaradah ee Magaalada Gaalkacayo waxana la sheegay in Gantaalkaasi ay soo Tuureen Malayshiyaad Hubaysan oo aan la aqoon Haybtooda.





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