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Somalia: Galmudug Threatens Peace and Security in Puntland

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Puntland State of Somalia

23 November 2011

Somalia: Galmudug Threatens Peace and Security in Puntland

The Government of Puntland State of Somalia warns against the escalation of violent attacks in Galkayo city, where civilians, Government officials, humanitarian aid workers, and U.N. humanitarian flights have been targeted and disrupted by armed groups based in Galmudug neighborhood of Galkayo.

The following acts demonstrate the current growing escalation of violence in Galkayo:

• 6 November 2011 – Puntland commercial vehicle hijacked and is still be held by armed groups in Galmudug neighborhood of Galkayo city;

• 8 November 2011 – A second Puntland commercial vehicle hijacked and still being held by armed groups in Galmudug neighborhood

• 16 November 2011 – One Puntland civilian killed in ambush along the main road in Galkayo;

• 18 November 2011 – Puntland humanitarian aid worker employed by Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) killed in Galkayo;

• 20 November 2011 – Three civilians wounded in ambush on commercial vehicle;

• 21 November 2011 – Galkayo Airport shelled by anti-aircraft guns;

• 22 November 2011 – Puntland local government civil servant killed near Galmudug neighborhood, and the killers escaped to Galmudug;

• 22 November 2011 – Galkayo Airport shelled by anti-aircraft guns for second day in a row, disrupting commercial flights, and U.N. humanitarian flights at the airport;

This series of violent attacks originate in Galmudug neighborhood, in the southern part of Galkayo city. The Government of Puntland cannot tolerate the continuation of attacks against civilians, humanitarian agencies, commercial interests or the Galkayo Airport.

The Government urges the people of Puntland to unite and to remain vigilant against armed groups who threaten the peace, security and stability of Puntland State of Somalia.

Puntland Government calls upon the U.N. and the international community to note the growing escalation of violence originating from Galmudug neighborhood. The Government is constitutionally mandated to defend the people and the State from all security threats.

Communications Office
The Puntland Presidency
Puntland State of Somalia

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Puntland State of Somalia

23 November 2011

Galmudug Waxay Khal-khalgalinaysa Amaanka Puntland

Dowladda Puntland ayaa ka digaysa weerarada hubaysan ee ka socda magaalada Galkacyo, iyadoo bartilmaadeed laga dhiganayo bulshada rayidka ah, mas’uuliyiinta Dowladda, shaqaalaha hey’adaha samafalka, iyadoo kooxo hubaysan degen-na xaafada Galmudug ee magaalada Galkacyo ay khal-khalgaliyeen diyaaradaha Qaramada Midoobay (UN-ka).

Dhacdooyinka hoos ku xusan ayaa muujinaya dhacdooyinka amni-darro oo isa-soo taraya:

• 6 November 2011 – Baabur ganacsi oo Puntland laga leeyahay ayaa lagu afduubtay Galkacyo iyadoo weli ay kooxo hubaysan baabuurkaasi ku haystaan gudaha xaafada Galmudug.

• 8 November 2011 – Baabuur labaad oo Puntland laga leeyahay ayaa la afduubtay waxayna kooxo hubaysan baabuurkaas weli ku haystaan gudaha xaafada Galmudug ee magaalada Galkacyo.

• 16 November 2011 – Qof shacab ah oo Reer Puntland ayaa lagu dilay weerar ka dhacay magaalada Galkacyo isagoo wadada maraya.

• 18 November 2011 – Mas’uul u shaqaynayay hey’adda samafalka ee Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) ayaa lagu dilay magaalada Galkacyo.

• 20 November 2011 – Sadax qof oo shacab ah ayaa lagu dhaawacay weerar lagu qaaday baabuur ganacsi.

•21 November 2011 – Madaarka Galkacyo ayaa la duqeeyey.

• 22 November 2011 – Mas’uul Reer Puntland ah ayaa lagu dilay agagaarka xaafada Galmudug iyadoo dambiileyaasha ay u baxsadeen dhanka Galmudug.

• 22 November 2011 – Madaarka Galkacyo ayaa mar labaad la weeraray, iyadoo la carqaladeeyey howlaha dayuuradaha shacabka iyo dayuuradaha UN-ka ee howlaha samafalka.

Weeraradaan isxigay ayaa laga soo abaabulay xaafada Galmudug ee koonfurta magaalada Galkacyo. Dowladda Puntland ayaan marnaba u dulqaadan karin weerarada lagu hayo shacabka, hey’adaha samafalka, howlaha ganacsiga ama madaarka magaalada Galkacyo.

Dowladda Puntland ayaa shacabka ugu baaqaysa in loo midoobo meelna looga soo wadajeesto kooxaha lid ku ah nabada, amaanka iyo xasiloonidda deegamada Puntland.

Dowladda Puntland ayaa sidoo kale ogaysiinaysa Beesha Caalamka weerarada lagu hayo Puntland lagana soo abaabulayo xaafada Galmudug. Dowladda Puntland waxaa waajib Dastuuri ah ka saaran yahay inay Dadka iyo Dalkaba ka difaacdo cid kasta oo khal-khalka galinaysa amaanka.

Halkan ka dhageyso codka Afhayeenka Madaxtoyada PL


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Xaaji Xunjuf;760810 wrote:
Galmudug na walaga cabanaya lol

Puntland has too many eyes on it to play football with the young pseudo states.


Somali reconciliation conferences are to be held in Garowe, how would it look if it retaliated against an endangered specie?


They provoke when they know no one will attack.

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President Faroole has been actively pushing for the next round of reconciliation talks to be held in Garowe, something Mahiga was in favour of.


Why do you think Puntland never responds to anything from Galmudug, due to fear? I mean seriously, you think it is due to fear?


Man, we could take Laascaanood in a day if it wasn't for politics, you are sleeping sxb, way ahead of you militarily.



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Just talks i want to see action from the Garowe Boys as for the conference i think the conference will be held in Nairobi kenya.What politics is stopping you from fighting for the land you are Claiming?

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