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Amin Amir on Kenya Ethiopia

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Dear Oodweyne,


I resent your gate-crushing into matters that are not of your business, ceteris paribus, meaning provided your erection for a phoney state called Somaliland hasn't subsided yet. No one is saying what is happening is ideal, but i expect you to know about the "Theory of Second Best" if you have ever came across the teachings of the dismal science we call "Economics". That is what we are talking about. For you, the UN is a threat for it will undermine all that you have dreamed in the sands of Haji Saalax and oodweyne. So, it is understandable why you have to act nervously like a spinister visited by a suitor for final appraisal and is shaking out of sheer fear of being judged unfit for matrimonial selection. :D

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Oodweyne;760643 wrote:


And the tragedy of it all is that, here we have intelligent folks like
Mr. Abtigiis
(who should know better), but for some unaccountable reason, seemed to be forever hoping that some sort of
"re-born Somalia"
; or at any rate
"uncooked one"
(for the benefit of others, if that picture is anything to go by), will be had at the time the fire that is the underneath political reality of Somalia finishes.


Hence, no wonder, I do not question as to why the average illiterate Somalis in the dusty streets of that cursed country seemed to be royally confused about everything; given, that their brightest and best educated ones (in which the likes of
Mr. Abtigiis
comes to mind) seemed to falling for the oldest trick of the world in which any territorially ambitions nations in the world always tell it's intended victim.


Which is that of saying I am out to help you in here. And, this of course, in turn, was the precise line of argument that
Herr Hitler
have told those French's rich folks who feared the Communist when he invaded their country in


And he told them, that their hard-earned money and their upper-class lifestyle was safe with his Nazi's regime right-wing politics, lest the Soviet's inspired proletariat revolution that was coming from the French left at that time was devoured them all...


Consequently, according to the sentiment that has been aired around here too often, it seemed to be suggesting that the Kenya and Ethiopia are selflessly going to clean the stables for that
"pretty girl"
, given that her hands seemed to be occupied with a large and wet dose of
at the moment.


And, therefore when the dirty job is done, then, they (i,e., Ethiopia and Kenya) will gladly hand-over the
of the Jubba region to her; so that she could move in to that
"clean house"
, and live there, happily, ever after, indeed...


Aah, what a jaw-dropping fantasy we weave, when our fancy takes a flight of it's own, indeed...

Succinctly put indeed. History repeats itself

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On Amir, the man is avid follower of Somali affairs and has a keen interest in the geopolitical gymnastics that are exercised on the expense of Somalis.

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