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Puntland: Galckayo airport attacked

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Saalax;760572 wrote:
What brethren? the one that wants to attack my people in Somaliland? or the one that doesn't want Somaliland to succede in it's goal while his hiding behind AMISOM tanks and is swearing once Somalia gets central government they will try to attack Somaliland? kkkk . Innocent sincere civilians are our brethrens not crooked pseudo nationalists.

By posting negative news about these people will somehow help your cause and win you recognition.

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AsadSL;760657 wrote:
isla yaab bro.

Maxaa la yaaba? I stand by my comment. It's not a call for violence but a reconstruction program.

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Saalax;760572 wrote:
What brethren? the one that wants to attack my people in Somaliland? or the one that doesn't want Somaliland to succede in it's goal while his hiding behind AMISOM tanks and is swearing once Somalia gets central government they will try to attack Somaliland? kkkk . Innocent sincere civilians are our brethrens not crooked pseudo nationalists.

Cuqdada iska saar. Nobody wants to attack Somaliland. Having different political understanding does not sever the ties of kinship. I bet a close relative of yours is against secession but the blood relationship remains.

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Somalia;760611 wrote:
Baraxley should be LEVELLED to the ground.

Who is going to take up that task and make your dreams come true? or should I ask the question in 4 simple words and say "you and what army"?


Don't kid yourself kiddo, stay in school.

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Well, if you'd read what you even quoted, I mean you didn't just read it, you quoted, I said it should be levelled, I didn't say by who or that I was going to carry it out.


My dreams are coming true, if you think stuff like this goes unnoticed..

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