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Puntland: Galckayo airport attacked

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Deg Deg: Air-potka Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo la Weeraray


Hobiya yaal Ayaa Barqanimadii Saakay Lagu Soo Weeraray Air-potka Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Walina Lama Sheegin Cid Wax Ku Noqotay Duqayntaasi .

Ciidamada Ilaalada ka Haya Air-potka Ayaa Ka jawaabay Weerarkaasi Duqaynta Ah Oo Uga Yimid Dhinaca Konfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo Iyadna Lama Xaqiijinin Qasaaraha Ka Dhashay Duqayntaasi.

Duqaymahaan Ayaa waxaa la sheegayaa in ay ku lugleeyihiin malshiyaadkii weerarkii Shalay ku qaaday Baabuurkii caanaha siday Ee Ku Soo Jeeday Gaalkacyo Sida La Xaqiijiyay Kaas Oo Ay Qasaaro Ka Soo Gaartay Maleeshiyadii Gaariga Jidka U Gashay, Iminka Waxaa Kacsanaan Laga Dareemayaa Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Taas oo Ka Dhalatay Duqaymo Lagu Bartilmaameed saday Garoonka Diyaaradaha Magaaladan Gaalkacyo.

Duqayntaan Waxaa Laga Maqlaayay Qaybo Badan oo Kamid Ah Magaalada Gaalkacyo Taas oo Argagax Ku Beertay Dadka Ku Dhaqan magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Wixii ka soo Kordhana Waxaan Kala Socon Doontaan Warbaahinta


Axmed Maxamed (Rajaa)


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Dear Duriyada,

It don't look good to be ALWAYS reporting uniformly bad news of the rest of Somalis...Wanna control perilous perception of your image try to out maneuver the rest of the site contributors by staying above petty tit-for-tat garbage of cultural politics of resentment .You have to coach your objections in away that highlights the positive of the good of all Somalis.Don't be lulled by others misfortunes.....

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Che -Guevara;760445 wrote:
^Nigga, you are asking too much.

Exactly.You just cant stop the Salaxs and Xaji Xunjufs of this world.

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STOIC;760409 wrote:
Dear Duriyada,

It don't look good to be ALWAYS reporting uniformly bad news of the rest of Somalis...Wanna control perilous perception of your image try to out maneuver the rest of the site contributors by staying above petty tit-for-tat garbage of cultural politics of resentment .You have to coach your objections in away that highlights the positive of the good of all Somalis.Don't be lulled by others misfortunes.....

Good point. They don't realize it makes them small and worthless. Instead be thankful for the peace and well being God gave you, while your brethren are tested with war, famine and poverty.

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What brethren? the one that wants to attack my people in Somaliland? or the one that doesn't want Somaliland to succede in it's goal while his hiding behind AMISOM tanks and is swearing once Somalia gets central government they will try to attack Somaliland? kkkk . Innocent sincere civilians are our brethrens not crooked pseudo nationalists.

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Its a provocation trying to test Puntland's response. This has been done many times.


First they attack villages and small towns around Eastern Mudug and then Galkacyo.


They know there's too much at stake for a response.


2 men from Galmudug were killed in Eastern Mudug a few days ago when they tried to attack a small convoy, while the people in the convoy had 2 wounded. So they attack and they lost 2 men, that's probably what's bothering them this time.

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Gudoomiyihii xaafada Horumar Muuse Aadan oo La Dilay Iyo Duqayn Hada Lagu Hayo Garoonka Gaalkacyo


Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011 at 12:04 pm


Duqayn Ayaa Iminka Ku Socota Garoonka Diyaaradaha oo Ay Ku Hayaan oo Kooxo ka soo Jeeda Dhinaca Galmudug Wararka Aan Ka Helaayo Saraakiil Ka Tirsan wasaaradaa Maaliyada oo Ku sugan Air-potka Magaalada gaalkacyo.

Dhinaca kale Goor Dhaw waxaa Toogasho Lagu Dilay Gudoomiyihii xaafada Horomar Muuse Aadan Lama Garanaayo Sababta ka Danbeeysa Dilkiisa Lakiin waxaa Ay Kamid Tahay Amaan Darida ka Jirta Gobolka Mudug Lama Oga In Ay Xiriir layihiin Labadan Dhacdo iyo In Kale

Duqayntaan Ayaa daba socota Hanjabaad Ka Imaaneysay kooxaha hubaysa oo ka soo jeeda Konfuta Gaalkacyo Taas oo Ku Saabsanayd In Ay Xiridoonaan Garoonka waa say Hadalka Udhigeen Maleeshiyo Beeleedkaas,

Ilaa Iyo Hada lama Oga Cid Wax Ku Noqotay Duqayntaas laakiin Waxaa Heegan Sare Lagiliyay Ciidamada Si Ay u Difaacaan Amaanka Garoonka Iyo Nawaaxigiisa.

Axmed Max’d


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