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DEG DEG: Masuul Ka Tirsan Hay’ada NRC oo Goordhow Lagu Dilay Waqooyiga Magaalada Gaalkacyo

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Muqdisho (RBC Radio) Masuulkaan la dilay ayaa waxaa lagu magacaabi jiray Axmed Jaamaca Maxamed waxaana la sheegay in uu ka tirsanaa hay’ada Hay’ad lagu magacaabo NRC xafiix ay ku leedahay magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Dilka ayaa wuxuu ka dhacay ka dib markii laga soo baxay salaadii Maqrib waxaana la sheegay in ay kageesteen kooxo hubaysan oo aanan heebtooda la garan.

Dilka ayaa wuxuu ka dhacay meel ku dhow masaajidka Dul Qarnayn oo kuyaala xaafada Israc ee waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo.

Waxaa la sheegayaa in ciidamada Amaanka ay howlgalo sameeyeen Dilka ka dib iyadoona ilaa iyo iminka aysan jirinj wax ay ku soo qabteen ciidamada amaanka howlgalka ay sameeyeen.

RBC Radio kala soco wixii ku soo kordhaa

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One should use his brain and establish the link between 'why every targeted killing happens in the Northern part of the city' and if it is Al-Shabaab, then 'why do they not target every person who is legitimately against their cause whether it be in the North or South'?

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