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Moving Ethiopian Poem: I will Die Standing

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Following the self-immolation of school teacher Yenesew Gebre in Dawro, Southern Nations, Nationalities and people’s region of Ethiopia on November 11, 2011, the story is the talk of the town in Ethiopia . Yenesew, the Ethiopian Bouazizi, spoke of the injustices of the Meles regime and said he will highlight the plight of oppressed Ethiopian by sacrificing himself for the cause of freedom. You can follow the story on the BBC and elsewhere. I raised this issue after reading a deeply moving, tear-inducing poem, Asradaw, a first-rate Ethiopia poet composed in tribute to the martyr of liberty. I am not doing justice to the poem, and have posted the link so that those who read Amharic can see for themselves.


Here is the poem “I will die standing”.


I won’t wait for death, sleeping on my bed

I will go to it, riding the macabre horse

Nor will I bath with tears, sitting and weeping

I won’t kneel down, bending my knees

I will not wait for it, to come and take me

I will go to it, so it doesn’t come for him (other Ethiopians)

Let it know my pride, let it see my courage

I will die standing, I will never kneel down!


I won’t look for a cave, to hid myself in

I don’t want jungle, where I disappear into

My neck will not stare down, nor will I turn my face

My bones will not tire; I will not fold my limps

I will wait for death, beating my chest

Parading the shield of honour, of valour

No! I will not kneel down, I will die standing

Let it know I am brave, the progeny of a brave

I won't wait for death, in the darkness of night!


So that it takes me, while no one sees and hears

Never will I beg death, to spare me today

To procrastinate, and donate more ages to me

To make me bed-ridden, and mishandle me there

And later on take me, roughing up my body


I will wait for it, under the clear sun

Let this be my oath, to the earth, to the sky

I will die standing, like Jesus Christ

Until I resurrect, in a homecoming triumph!


Wishing it offers me, fractional more years

I will not wait for death, in a reclining respite

I will go to it, so it doesn’t come for him (other Ethiopians)

Let what comes come, I will not hide from it

I will not wait sleeping, so death comes and takes me

It will meet me standing, I myself will go to it

I will not kowtow to death, out of a longing to live

Never will I beg death, beseeching it to spare me

I will never kneel down, I will die standing

Let it know I am brave, the progeny of the brave!!


The Amharic link:

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