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Wrong Conception of Politics: Futility and Dangers

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What is politics?

Politics comes from the Greek polis for city, ie politics is thus the art of managing public affairs or the "common good".

As Somalis who believe in monotheism and that the purpose of existence is to worship god, "common good" is thus akin to promoting Islamic ethics, just like the US founding fathers took their inspiration mostly from the Bible (with the Quran and other sources relegated to secondary sources) and religious groups such as the Quackers promoted the rights to freedom of worship for all monotheists as well as those of the oppressed.

It is also easy to envision that much of basic morality is widely shared; in fact, even many specific traits associated to Islam (or Judaism) are shared with Christian groups that discourage or prohibit substances such as alcohol, gambling, indecent clothing etc (the bible discourage from alcohol consumption, but permits modest ritual use of wine).


It can thus be inferred that, in theory, Somali politics should be the most straightforward, apart from religious debates on small details, as we all share the same system of morality and even total agreement on finer ethics.

Less naively, the clan factor concomitant with enduring vindictness as well as widespread ignorance have allowed unholy elites, vassal to foreign powers or power-hungry, to exploit popular resentments and fan the flames of passions.

The less than ideal result is that now we are spending most of our energies, time and scarce resources on facing imaginary threats rather than alleviating extraordinary levels of suffering by offering the most basic forms of healthcare prevention and training, importing surgeons or mitigating desertification.


In short, our elites and politicians alike have terribly failed and seem largely unable to grasp the real priorities and threats, let alone come with creative solutions and show leadership.

In contrast, Lee Kuan Yew, founding father of the miniscule singapor, is credited with ordering all state functionaries traveling abroad, not restricted to diplomats, to keep a detailed travel journal to share back home all that they have witnessed as to be potentially implemented in the island if warranted.

Needless to say such visionary, intelligent and fully committed leadership, combined with local discipline accomplished scientific and economic miracles within decades, turning all sorts of hardships, threats and inherent limitations into strength.


How can we then emulate resources poor nations such as Cuba that manage to offer world class healthcare and decent education to all its citizens and actively, proactively promote equality as absolute priority alongside the right to decent health services and living (housing etc)?

Should not be those rights to decent living for all as well as environment preservation the real focus of politics and elites?

Let's note here that such achievements are not the preserve of certain races or ideologies;

Cuba is half black and less and less committed to communism while another "poor", desertic country such as Jordan, which offer top prestation to healthcare tourists and noted public services to its masses, is not culturally dissimilar to us.


One can only hope that those of us with a modicum of intellect and ethics, relatively uncontaminated by primitive sectarism and small-mindedness would set the record straight about what really matters and develop the awareness of such nobler ideals and goals among their clansmen.


More specifically, the discourse should be diverted away from Puntland or Somaliland "threats" to how to gradually combat Qad, promote sustainable farming, pool resources or share best practice in surgical skills training and nutritional support to expectant mothers.


the latter is indeed vitally important and all the more crucial in our context as providing such mothers with adequate nutrition largely determines the future health and productivity of the next generation (incredibly, it seems easier to advocated for more guns rather than beans rations for mothers).


It would also greatly assists to adopt and promote a more "humanistic" and universal mindset.

Although nominally belonging to the Hargeysa clan, I can count at least half of my ancestors and relatives from the Borama one while, like many others, having three eight of my great-grandparents from the D-block federation

(two of them from a community originating from Buuhoodle but settling later in Arabsiyo) etc.

We all know too that traders from Hargeysa did not hesitate in switching from Berbera to Bossaso in the 90s and that most of the locals care more about their interests than clan passions.

So why not redirect the competition to a healthier one, eg where is more liveable and with better provision of services?

Likewise, our understandably disaffected brothers should realise that many share their ideal of ultimate union of all Somali regions and would not allow a particular region to be marginalised or "oppressed" regardless of a quite hypothetical recognition of secession (it is actually vital for Hargeysa to foster better links with such regions).

All the more reasons, therefore, to recalibrate our passions or focus and be extra cautious about fanning bestial animosities.


How could it be so hard, finally, to find visionary youths or leaders that reformulate the discourse of politics from the futile and self-destructive into the more Islamic, civilised and real struggles for equality, environment and well-being for everyone, taking inspiration from and competing with other nations in those areas?

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"Kerala, a state in India, is a bizarre anomaly among developing nations, a place that offers real hope for the future of the Third World. Though not much larger than Maryland, Kerala has a population as big as California's and a per capita annual income of less than $300. But its infant mortality rate is very low, its literacy rate among the highest on Earth, and its birthrate below America's and falling faster. Kerala's residents live nearly as long as Americans or Europeans. Though mostly a land of paddy-covered plains, statistically Kerala stands out as the Mount Everest of social development; there's truly no place like it"

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Abu Salman, I agree with you that it would be more constructive to work on those policy issue that we are less divided on.


Maybe a two track policy would be an idea, continue the current discourse of polarized debate and at the same time engage in a constructive dialogue on less polarizing political policies(for example, culture, languate, religieuz dialogue's, morals, value's, rights,etc).

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Kerala has a large migrant labour force in the Gulf that sends back billions. I think that does help to make up for some of the stats. But ultimately they have good leadership for developing region and that's the key difference.

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Foreign Banks in Africa, often present for more than a century, as well as official Aid have only managed to keep developing nations as poor or poorer (while destroying local societies and environments).


So why would Somalis, that managed to keep GDP levels comparable if not better than many of these countries, rush to welcome and celebrate foreign multinationals or banks (naively, as sign of "recognition")?


Who then represents the real enemy or threat?


Alarm as corporate giants target developing countries


Diabetes, obesity and heart disease rates are soaring in developing countries, as multinationals find new ways of selling processed food to the poor

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The 'Kerala Model' of Development: Development and Sustainability in the Third World



There are no secrets about the Kerala model, a poor state even by Indian standards:

just focus on equality (small-holders farming, limits on land size, rationed-subsidised food stores etc) and a new well-fed, empowered generation will be better positioned to educate itself and advocate for environmental conservation;

very little resources or ecological damage are needed but a firm commitment towards equality (the strenght of communists/socialists in building the Cuba or Kerala Model).



Now, we must absolutely realise that diverting discussions and focus towards "clans threats" or other petty issues simply means much less accomplished on what really matters, ie your community well-being or levels of suffering.



In contrast to those who waste common energy and attention and are therefore criminals both directly and indirectly, any group or person that advocate for equality, prioritise issues such as pregnant women and infants nutrition or urban open spaces, as green and open spaces very significantly lower criminality (just like modern, processed diet alter the brain and favorise violence), is indeed contributing directly and indirectly towards tremendous, incalculable public good.



"...if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...." (Qur'an 5:32).

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