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United Colours of Benetton Campaign

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Really cool campaign made by the United Colours of Benetton. Less shocking then what they use the make in the '90, but still touching.


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quite shocking with its graphic portrayal of homosexuals. its always disturbing to see two men or women at it. i'm very conservative you see, next time I'd appreciate a warning ya Carafaat. other than the homos its a good campaign, but what bothers me is the de facto message, namely promoting homosexuality.

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Vatican pledges legal action against Benetton

VATICAN CITY—The Vatican is taking legal action against the Benetton clothing company to prevent the circulation of an ad featuring a fake photo montage of Pope Benedict XVI kissing a top Egyptian imam on the lips.

Warning for Archdemos and co...(fake) image of pope kissing an Egyption sheikh I'm no lawyer but isn't photoshoping famous people kissing each other opening you up for lawsuits? I like the 'unhate' message but the campaign is poorly executed imo.

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