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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo to address the Somalilanders in the UK on Saturday

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Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo to address the Somalilanders in the UK on Saturday




Ogeysiis: Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo la hadli doona Jaalliyada reer UK Maalinta Sabtida (12.11.11)


Dhamaan shacbiweynaha reer Somaliland ee ku dhaqan UK waxa la ogeysiinayaan in Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) uu la hadli doono jaalliyada reer UK maalinta Sabtida ee taariikhdu tahay 12-ka November, 2011. Saacadu markay tahay 17:00 galabnimo.


Saacada: 17:00-22:00


Taariikkhda: 12.11.2011


Goobta: 45 Prescot Street, London E1 8GP







Haddaba wixii faahfaahin ah waxaad kale soo xidhiidha telefoonada hoos ku xusan.


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^^ He's not going to meet with as many happy faces this time round. The old women of Burco are really not happy that he has not done anything to improve the city and surrounding areas since he became president.

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^^ habarta afka buuraysa waa tuu markiisa hore lacagta kaampinka kaa shaxaadi jiray, saaxib. "Wan ku taageeray" ayaay tedhi, "lacag na waan kuugo shubay" ayaay ku dartay, "markaad madaxweyne noqotay na, waxba ii maad sameen" ayaay hadalkiida ku qafishay. Ma been bay sheegtay dee? So dadka o nafta o keenay barigo "mucaarid bila kursi" aha habrahan iyo caruurtooda may aheen? Dee maanta waa "pay back time". Siilaanyo na, waa kan is xaadiray (foolish move on his part).



He is an ethnic Burcaawi warya. The old women are right in expecting him to do more there. :D

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Habarta afka buuraysa eh reer burco ma waxay moodaysa in caydh loo qorayo because habeen bay buranbur tirisay oo ay madaxw amaantay maanta inay is buuf buufiso looga ma baahna. Madaxweynaha somaliland ma lacag ba lugu shuba ma telefoon ba slaanta ku dhe inay mehered yeelaato.


Hadu yahay ethnic burcaawina ma waxa lugugu yidhi biyaha burco macaaneynaya siilaanyo slaamaha reer burco iyo kuwa reer berbera iyo kuwa reer hargeysa iyo kuwa reer borama wa isugu mid



Ngonge are you going to see the president on saturday

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Xaaji Xunjuf;757196 wrote:
Habarta afka buuraysa eh reer burco ma waxay moodaysa in caydh loo qorayo because habeen bay buranbur tirisay oo ay madaxw amaantay maanta inay is buuf buufiso looga ma baahna. Madaxweynaha somaliland ma lacag ba lugu shuba ma telefoon ba slaanta ku dhe inay mehered yeelaato.


Hadu yahay ethnic burcaawina ma waxa lugugu yidhi biyaha burco macaaneynaya siilaanyo slaamaha reer burco iyo kuwa reer berbera iyo kuwa reer hargeysa iyo kuwa reer borama wa isugu mid



Ngonge are you going to see the president on saturday

I am considering going, when I represent myself as Somalilander, I choose the beel of Egaal, I believe that's the one that holds the core ideology of the state.


I think secessionist parties are the most funniest, due to the passion for fiction, wallahi no joke.

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Xaaji X, Clan is Everything warya. Siilaanyo spent ten years telling us to choose him as president (with all that "wa marka yaga" nonsense) and now he he did not do anything for the centre of the universe. Dee waa khalad (marka loo eego dhinaca qabyaalada) habraha na xaq bay ku leeyhiin.


Yes. I think I'll be going on Saturday. Siilaanyo's nephews and cousins will make sure of that. :D

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This is what I was talking about. NGONGE is at his best when he delves into local separatist politics, bal siduu u sarrifay bahasha arag, xattaa Xaajigii buu baaqi u celiyey :D

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^^ Politics is politics, saaxib. It applies universally to all situations and the skill of the politician is measured exactly the same way on the local, national or international level. Once you put yourself in a position that allows the electorate to judge you, you must begin to deliver some of your promises (even if they were implied, as in the case of Siilaanyo and the people of Burco).


I apply the same principle to your beloved Sharif and the wily Imam but, since it does not fit in with your own agenda, you dismiss it as..horta what was the expression you borrowed from Che again? Oh yes, born again secessionist. :D


Going back to the topic at hand, of course, Siilaanyo will not be able to deliver the shiny palaces, dollar-infested rains or the 'well in every house' dreams of the Burco islaamo, but I expect him (if he's a politician worth his salt) to pull a rabbit out of the hat in this upcoming meeting to soothe the disappointed old ladies (the men give him more breathing space for some reason).


In addtion, I only speak of the ones I know about here (the Burco crew) by the way. Someone else (say a rascal from Saaxil) may know of grumblings taking place in that part of the republic. The beauty of it all is that it is democracy in action. The people putting the president on the spot.



Xaaji X miyuu ku ag fadheestay baryahan ninyaho? Waa kan khashaafkaaga la so yimid oo eedooyankiisa reer Burco afafkooda wax ka sheegay. Kalaaam faaariq! :D

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^^Calm down waryaa, :D oo bahasha sidaad u waday u wad


ps. Sharif is not a 'beloved' man of mine. As you could see , I ditched him the minute he deviated from his previous stance. But I expect you not to notice that :D


pps. Born again separatist, is coined by Prof. Abtigiis, the Azania supporter and Keynan army invasion cheerleader. Ironically, he himself become a born again O :D

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Ngonge, I think that in addition to corruption, proper planning & environmental policy is long overdue and the other top priority;

all those irregularly used mansions with huge gardens even in the centre of hargeysa is also poor use of space and destructive in terms of urban sprawl, the desertification with milk now imported accross the Ethio border, the all too deadly daily traffic (Rwandans have reduced accidents dramatically with little means), not to mention the dangerous industries in residential areas etc.


How could you raise awareness about those vital points (Sillanyo can maybe loan few advisers from Guelleh and his Cuban friends)?



PS: I will see if I can be there if you guys are coming too.

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NGONGE;757181 wrote:
^^ He's not going to meet with as many happy faces this time round. The old women of Burco are really not happy that he has not done anything to improve the city and surrounding areas since he became president.

Are you serious people are expecting him to improve anything? com'n people..

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^^ Yes people are expecting him to improve things. That is why he won the election, saaxib. What's with the xaasidnimo dee? It does not suit you. :D



Naah, Che came up with it first.


Did you ditch Sharif now? War waan kugo dhawakhnay dee.

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Waryaa NG, I am not xaasid but you and the habro in Burco are naive.. This is somalis, nothing gets improved.. Everyone comes on the hot seat with one reason which a plain and clear... "GET RICH".. So if Burco's expected improvement done by Duqaas, actually he made their lives even worse than before. He caused the lost of many Burco's sons for useless war, lost business and the rest..


That is why he won the election, saaxib. What's with the xaasidnimo dee? It does not suit you.

The only reason he won the ellection was "Waa markeenii"... You already admitted that..

Siilaanyo spent ten years telling us to choose him as president (with all that "wa marka yaga" nonsense)

Nothing more and nothing less..

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