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Xaaji Xunjuf

ssc political party condemns Kulmiye party's press release concerning the Sanaag issue

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Guddoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo Nasiib Daro ku Tilmaamay Hadalo ka soo Yeedhay Hogaanka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Beeniyayna inay SSC wax ah Lug ah ku lahayd Shaqaaqadii Ceeirgaabo(HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO)

Halkan ka Dhegayso


Hargeysa(Waaheen) Gudoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo dhawaan lagaga dhawaaqay Magalada Hargeysa Md. Kayse Cabdi ayaa Jawaab Kulul ka bixiyey Hadal ka soo yeedhay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi, kaasi oo ahaa in Kooxada SSC ay ka danbeysay Dagaalkii Ceerigabo ka dhacay, Waxanu Kayse hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa Mid ay Cadaawadi ka muuqatay, Waxaanu Muuse Biixi ka Codsaday in uu ka Noqdo hadalkii hore, Waxanu Xusay in Ururka SSC aanu ahayn Cadawga Somaliland, Balse ururkoodu yahay Mid Dumuqradiyadeed.

Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in wixii ay qoriga u qaateen, ee ay ka dagaalamayeen ay ahayd sidii ay u heli lahaayeen wixii ay tabanayeen dhinac kasta taasoo uu sheegay in hadda oo la gaadhay in dagaalkii ay ku jireen u bedeleen dhinaca siyaasada iyo Dimuqraadiyadda.

Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka filayay hogaamiyayaasha Axsaabta Siyaasada ee Somaliland in ay soo dhawayn doonaan balse ay hadalo ka culus nukliyeerka ay u jeediyeen kuwaasi oo la isticmaalo Wakhtiga Ololaha Balse aan imika loo bahanayn, Waxanu Beeniyey in ururkoodu yahay Mid Argagixiso.

Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in Nabadii ceelalyada ahayd ee bishii March ay ku qaaten Degmada Widhwidh ay wali halkii ka taagan tahay isla markaana aanay wax lug ah ku lahayn shaqaaqada ka dhacday Ceerigaabo taasoo uu sheegay inaanay mar qudha dhicin in SSC ka dagaalanto Gobolka Sanaag.

Wuxuu u soo jeediyay Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf inay shacbiga reer Somaliland gaar ahaan kuwa reer Hargeysa in ay ka feejignaadaan wararka aan jirin isla markaana ay hiil uga baahan yihiin lana garab is-taago, wixii waxyeelo ahna la iska dhowro.

Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Muuse Biixi mid uga gol lahaa sidii loo baajin lahaa Shirweyne ay maalinta Bari ah ku qabsan lahaayeen Hargeysa maadaama oo uu sida uu sheegay hadalkiisu u ahaa mid ka daran folkaane.

Hargeysa(Waaheen) Gudoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo dhawaan lagaga dhawaaqay Magalada Hargeysa Md. Kayse Cabdi ayaa Jawaab Kulul ka bixiyey Hadal ka soo yeedhay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi, kaasi oo ahaa in Kooxada SSC ay ka danbeysay Dagaalkii Ceerigabo ka dhacay, Waxanu Kayse hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa Mid ay Cadaawadi ka muuqatay, Waxaanu Muuse Biixi ka Codsaday in uu ka Noqdo hadalkii hore, Waxanu Xusay in Ururka SSC aanu ahayn Cadawga Somaliland, Balse ururkoodu yahay Mid Dumuqradiyadeed.

Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay in wixii ay qoriga u qaateen, ee ay ka dagaalamayeen ay ahayd sidii ay u heli lahaayeen wixii ay tabanayeen dhinac kasta taasoo uu sheegay in hadda oo la gaadhay in dagaalkii ay ku jireen u bedeleen dhinaca siyaasada iyo Dimuqraadiyadda.

Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay inuu ka filayay hogaamiyayaasha Axsaabta Siyaasada ee Somaliland in ay soo dhawayn doonaan balse ay hadalo ka culus nukliyeerka ay u jeediyeen kuwaasi oo la isticmaalo Wakhtiga Ololaha Balse aan imika loo bahanayn, Waxanu Beeniyey in ururkoodu yahay Mid Argagixiso.


Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in Nabadii ceelalyada ahayd ee bishii March ay ku qaaten Degmada Widhwidh ay wali halkii ka taagan tahay isla markaana aanay wax lug ah ku lahayn shaqaaqada ka dhacday Ceerigaabo taasoo uu sheegay inaanay mar qudha dhicin in SSC ka dagaalanto Gobolka Sanaag.

Wuxuu u soo jeediyay Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf inay shacbiga reer Somaliland gaar ahaan kuwa reer Hargeysa in ay ka feejignaadaan wararka aan jirin isla markaana ay hiil uga baahan yihiin lana garab is-taago, wixii waxyeelo ahna la iska dhowro.

Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf wuxuu ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Muuse Biixi mid uga gol lahaa sidii loo baajin lahaa Shirweyne ay maalinta Bari ah ku qabsan lahaayeen Hargeysa maadaama oo uu sida uu sheegay hadalkiisu u ahaa mid ka daran folkaane.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;756991 wrote:
Guddoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo Nasiib Daro ku Tilmaamay Hadalo ka soo Yeedhay Hogaanka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Beeniyayna inay SSC wax ah Lug ah ku lahayd Shaqaaqadii Ceeirgaabo(HALKAN KA DHEGAYSO)

Halkan ka Dhegayso


Gudoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka SSC ee Somaliland oo dhawaan lagaga dhawaaqay Magalada Hargeysa Md. Kayse Cabdi ayaa Jawaab Kulul ka bixiyey Hadal ka soo yeedhay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi, kaasi oo ahaa in Kooxada SSC ay ka danbeysay Dagaalkii Ceerigabo ka dhacay. Waxanu Kayse hadalkaasi ku tilmaamay in uu ahaa Mid ay Cadaawadi ka muuqatay,,


Political history is being made here. For a change, opossing vieuws on the SSC issue being heard in the capital of Somaliland, where politics is made and discisions are taken. Dont underestimate the significance of what is going on here.


SSC guul.

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Carafaat;756997 wrote:
Political history is being made here. For a change, opossing vieuws on the SSC issue being heard in the capital of Somaliland, where politics is made and discisions are taken. Dont underestimate the significance of what is going on here.


SSC guul.

;);) Would it be nice if he is there for the SSC voice/cause! I will give him one credit though, he is a street smarty knows howto much living out and from the enclaves...

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Atleast this guy is telling Siilanyo's goverment in the face in what he thinks in the middle of Hargeysa. And not crying for the help of western leaders in foreign lands or behind his computer while in Starbucks Minnesota :D

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^^ Why is he telling that to Silanyo now? The man committed treason the same day when his people were being slaughtered by Silanyo's militia..


Did you ever hear "Shake the branches so fruits to fall".. The man is shaking branches so $s to fall though he is unaware of that the enclave is broke as hell.

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Only Allah can know or judge if someone is truly daacad. We can only judge them based on their words and actions. And this guys is telling it to the face. This is called Democracy.


In a dictatorship where you are judged and prosecuted for your vieuws you have an excuse to choose exile, but Keyse shows you that you can take things in own hands.


War dalkii kusoo noqda oo dadkii wax u qabta. cid ku hortaagan ayaa iska yar.

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Carafaat;757016 wrote:
Only Allah can know or judge if someone is truly daacad. We can only judge them based on their words and actions. And this guys is telling it to the face. This is called Democracy.


In a dictatorship where you are judged and prosecuted for your vieuws you have an excuse to choose exile, but Keyse shows you that you can take things in own hands.


War dalkii kusoo noqda oo dadkii wax u qabta. cid ku hortaagan ayaa iska yar.

Which one should come first, Democracy or Justice.. Let tell you what is wrong with this project of s/l enclave. This man of Kayse killed two of your enclave soldiers. Then just because he changed his position, with no justice no consequence of his crimes, he was well received coming to Hargaysa.. Tell me something about that man... I rather have justice than democracy..


BTW I like your last sentence.

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Carafaat;757008 wrote:
Atleast this guy is telling Siilanyo's goverment in the face in what he thinks in the middle of Hargeysa. And not crying for the help of western leaders in foreign lands or behind his computer while in Starbucks Minnesota

Lol @ the irony. Carafaat, aren't you and your clan that ones who has been sitting on British and European lap since the 1800s? Aren't you the one who cried for Mengistu to help you? Aren't you the one whose in every Western Political Institution, including the Gay Communities of the West in asking for help and "recognition"?


Hahahahaha, walahi your irony has surpassed your logic.

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Knight of Wisdom;757024 wrote:

Lol @ the irony. Carafaat, aren't you and your clan that ones who has been sitting on British and European lap since the 1800s? Aren't you the one who cried for Mengistu to help you? Aren't you the one whose in every Western Political Institution, including the Gay Communities of the West in asking for help and "recognition"?


Hahahahaha, walahi your irony has surpassed your logic.

Kow, if back in the '70 and eighties one could express its opinion or start a political movement, I am sure nobody would go to Mengistu or start a rebel movement. Ofcourse as a Worshipper of Dictators and their policies, I assume you cant comprehend caus and effect.

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Carafaat;757139 wrote:
Kow, if back in the
'70 and eighties one could express its opinion or start a political movement
, I am sure nobody would go to Mengistu or start a rebel movement. Ofcourse as a Worshipper of Dictators and their policies, I assume you cant comprehend caus and effect.


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