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Wasiir Duur: “Walaahi waxaan hayaa ciidan beel ka adag, ciidanka qarankuna amar bay ku qabaan inay d

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Wasiir Duur: Walaahi waxaan hayaa ciidan beel ka adag, ciidanka qarankuna amar bay ku qabaan inay dilaan ninka qoriga sita(DHEGEYSO)



(Hadhwanaagnews) Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Somaliland Md Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) ayaa khudbad uu ka jeediyay magaalada Cerigaabo munaasabadii Ciidul-Adxa laga dheehan karayay hanjabad iyo cagojugleyn uga dartay


Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee Somaliland Md Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) ayaa khudbad uu ka jeediyay magaalada Cerigaabo munaasabadii Ciidul-Adxa laga dheehan karayay hanjabad iyo cagojugleyn uga dartay xaaladii uu halkaa u tegay xalinteeda.


Wasiirka oo ku dheeraaday ka hadalka muhiimada ay nabadu horumarka u leedahay ayaa dhanka kalena si caro ka muuqata ugu hanjabay belaha keeb la yuurarka ah ee Ceerigaabo.


Halkaan Guji Si aad udhageysato Hadalka Wasiir Duur



Submitted By: Hassan Kuriya

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A khadar the guy doesn't make sense he says Somaliland army targets the people from the garaad clan how does that add up. Yasin Xiin fanin was a police officer working for the Somaliland police he was killed by a rival Clan it was a revenge Murder because Mr Garmaqaate was killed few weeks back by a person from the Garaad Clan. Thus some armed Gangs Killed the Somaliland police officer Yasin Xiin fanin to revenge Garmaaqate its silly and dumb and very uncivilized but that's what reer sanaaag were doing.

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Yeah I know why the guy in audio doens't make sense to you because he said somaliland is beel/clan and him said that makes no sense to you and anyone from your lot.. ;)

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I give up there is no point Wabaan ku gaboobay sidan , hadalku dadku halku ka mara


The man said that its all Siilaanyo's fault and the Ministers Fault lol how so

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^^ Yeah because they politicized. This matter should be left by odayada dhaqanka, but it was set as another sub-project and under the main project of somaliland.. Xaabsade loves such incidents!

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Yes because one of the community doesn't recognize such Xukuumad.. These communities lived side by side and within for so long and they can sort their issues by themselves like they used to. The enclave xukuumad shouldn't come into the city and bombarded with artillery to one side of the town... See that city was peaceful and SSC's technical armors were kept away from the city to keep it peace and now they are there.. This Siiraanyo for some reason is destroying your dream project from bottom up.. A year ago, it was Kalshale and now Cerigabo, and next will be LA's withdrawal..

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You have two clans Killing each others police chiefs based on clan both police chiefs are somaliland police chiefs and you are saying Somaliland Government should not intervene why the Garaad Community in ceerigaabo fully recognize Somaliland government as the central authority of ceerigaabo the past 20 years.You cannot say they should solve it there are elders guurti members and government officials that can do the job much and much better and as you see it it is solved now. Both groups agreed to stop the revenge killings no group is allowed with guns inside the city and blood money will be paid.And why would president Siilaanyo do such a thing he is the first Somaliland head of state who visits the front lines Gambadhe the man is 75 years old he wants to leave behind a legacy.

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A_Khadar;756983 wrote:
Yeah I know why the guy in audio doens't make sense to you because he said somaliland is beel/clan and him said that makes no sense to you and anyone from your lot..

Tell him ! lol


Xarshin-Boy wants to forcefully make his mind accept that Somaliland isn't a clan-enclave Administration consisting of ONLY the territories that is settled by the SNM-clan. It feels good being from Beesha SSC, knowing that I hold the keys to Somalia's Unity and Patriotism.

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I don't know if hired employees can represent an entire community and one concludes that they full recognized your enclave. XX, you may be listen and believe everything and anything you hear from you lot. Please broaden your sources and seek the reality..


The man from that audio is not politician but resident from Cerigabo though he lives in diaspora. What he said are more closer to the facts than what you hear or like to hear from ur leaders and their mouthpieces..

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A khadar sure he might be a resident of Ceerigaabo living in the united states the Garaad Community in Ceerigaabo never ever raised their voice saying the Somaliland government doesn't represent them even the armed Gangs from Fiqifuliye and Masagan who established them selves in south east of ceerigaabo few days ago trying to revenge the Killers of Yasin xiinfanin ilahay ha u naxaristo Who was by the way a Somaliland police chief how the hell will you try to revenge some one or something you don't even acknowledge to represent you.

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^^ Right on "INFINITELY" back and forth forever....


XX, Beside employed militias which are no different than Xabasde and likes in Hargayse, your enclave has no impact what so ever the other side of that town that your enclave doesn’t reside. Your enclave can claim same as they claim ruling everywhere in the so called s/l.. At the end, this is a clan fight and you enclave is one of the clan if you like it or not and you can called whatever soothes your sleep, still no gov rules the entire city..

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