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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland armed forces clash with intruding Armed gangs in sanaags Capital+Several Arrests

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b-boy;756369 wrote:
I wonder who they will blame this time around???


2003 adhicaddeye they blamed the O.N.LF

2007 dhahar they claimed all "D's" from gedo to bari were fighting them

2011 kalshaale they went all out and blamed not only the O.N.L.F but alshabaab Puntland SSC C/waaq Ahlusunnah!!!

It's always the entire SNM clans against a sub-sub-sub-sub-subclan of D-block or W-block, and in the Somali Galbeed, it's the entire SNM clans against Reer Dhagaxbuur, which is a sub-sub-sub-subclan of O-Block ! It's embarrassing and they brag about it. lol


Laangaab foqol laangaab !

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AUN Inta dhimatay.. War is always bad, but I am seeing the same thing happening all over again where SNM never learns its lesson. Let us see what follows in the next few days.


The so called minister came all the way from Hargayse with armors and militia to ignite the fight and he is responsible everything that happened yesterday.. This war is between two clans lives in the city.


Gurmad badan baa ku sii qulqulaya Ceerigaabo so let us hope that worst never comes... Alle ha kala qaboojiyo..

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Ceerigaabo,(lasanod Online)- Dagaalkii shalay galinkii dambe ka qarxay gudaha Magaaladda Ceerigaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag, ayaa waxaa ku dhintay..



8 qof oo sadex ka mid ahayeen ciidamada Somaliland iyo dad shacab ah, waxaana jira dhaawac gaadhaya shan iyo toban qof.


Dagaalkan oo bilowday salaadii Casar ka hor ayaa waxa uu dhexmaray ciidaamo beeleed oo ka soo jeeda SSC iyo ciidamada maamulka Somaliland.


Dagaalkan oo ahaa mid xoogan isla-markaana la isku adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa waxa uu qarxay ka dib markii Wasiirka wasaaradda warfaafinta Somaliland Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade iyo taliyaha ciidanka Asluubta Xiirane ay ergo ahaan ugu tageen beesha *********** ee gudaha Magaalada, balse ciidamada beeshaas ayaa dagaal ku qaaday nimankaas, waxayna is-faro saareen ilaaladii labadaas nin la socotay, waxaana ilaaladii ku guuleysteen inay wasiirka iyo taliyaha asluubta ay soo samato-bixiyaan sida uu sheegay Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) oo ku sugan Magaaladda Ceerigaabo.


Duur wuxuu intaa ku daray in markii labada nin ay soo badbaadeen kadib ay ciidamada Somaliland oo ku sugnaa meel aan ka fogayn halka is-rasaaseynta hore ka dhacday ay bilaabeen hawl-gal ka dhan ah ciidamo beeleedka, halkaana uu ka qarxay dagaal culus.


“Arrintu waxay ka dhalatay kulan doceed wasiirka Warfaafinta Axmed Cabdi (Xaabsade) iyo taliyaha ciidamada asluubta Somaliland (Xiirane) beeshoodu la yeesheen oo ay kaga wada hadlayeen xaaladdii taagnayd ee nabadgelyo xumada iyo sidii loo soo afjari lahaa ka dib-na dhalinyaro cadhaysan oo isla beeshooda ah ayaa weerar qaawan ku qaaday, halkaas oo wasiirka iyo taliyaha aan waxba la gaadhsiin oo ay soo samata-bixiyeen ciidankoodii ilaalada gaarka ahaa waxaana arrintii ka hawlgalay ciidammada qaranka” ayuu yidhi Duur oo warbaahinta u waramay markii dagaalku joogsaday.


Wasiirka maamulka Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Carraale (Duur) waxa kale oo uu sheegay in ciidamada Somaliland qabteen shan ka mid ah ciidamo beeleedkii Somaliland dagaalka la gashay, kuwaas oo uu xusay in qaarkood dhaawacyo qabaan “Shan dhalinyaradii dagaallamaysey ka mid ah oo qaarkood dhaawacyo qabaan ayaanu qabanay oo laga hayaa” ayuu yidhi Duur, isaga intaa ku daray “Ciidanka Somaliland labo askari ayaa ka dhintay shan kalena waxa soo gaadhey dhaawacyo, waxa kale oo iyaduna geeriyootey hal qof oo dumar ah waannuna ka tacsiyadaynaynaa dhibaatadaas”.


Warar madax-banaan oo laga helay Magaaladda Ceerigaabo ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Somaliland ay ka dhaawacmeen 10 askari, dhimasahduna intaas ka badantahay shacabka iyo askartaba.

Ciidan Beeleedyo Gurmad ah oo ka imanaya deegaanada gobolka Sanaag ayaa kusoo jeeda dhinaca magaalada Ceerigaabo, kuwaasoo laga baqayo inay sii hurinayaan xaalada Gobolkaasi ka aloosan ee u dhaxaysa Beelaha wada dega magaalada oo qaarkood garab ka helayaan ciidamada Somaliland, taasoo u eg arrintii dhacday dagaalkii Kalshaale oo kale.

Warar kale oo xalay soo baxay ayaa sheegayay in Ciidamada Somaliland Magaaladda Ceerigaabo laga saaray si aanay magaaladda culays iyo colaad kale ugu sii kordhin, magaaladana ay dibedda ka joogaan.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee xaalada Gobolkaasi ayaa faalooyinka laga bixinayaa sheegayaan in weftigii ugu danbeeyay ee loo diray xaalada Cirka ku sii shareereen. Waxaana arrimaha Isha lagu hayo ee ugu waaweyn ah in weftiga loo diray aan uahayn kuwo ku haboonaa oo durtaba Beelaha is hayaa ka dhex arkeen arrimo Siyaasadeed iyo qabyaaladeed labadaba.


Sidoo kale waxa loo arkaa wasiirka Warfaafinta Xaabsade oo kale inaanu munaasib ku ahayn in loo diro beesha *********** ee Aanadu dhex taalo beesha kale ee Habaryoonis, taasoo ay sheegayaan aragtiyaha Samakataliska ahi in ay ku wanaagsanayd Siyaasiyiinta Reer Ceerigaabo in hawshaas loo daayo, gaar ahaana C/raxmaan Talyanle iyo Siciid Maxamed Cilmi oo hawsha hore ugu jiray, balse la sheegay in dhinaca Siilaanyo laga diiday.


Isku soo duuboo arrinta ka taagan Gobolka Sanaag ayaa iftiiminaysa siyaasadaa maamulka Hargeysa ee ah beelaha qaar cadaadis iyo xasuuq lagu hayo, waxayna keeni kartaa inay sii fogaato in gobolkaas lagu soo dabaalo deganaansho iyo nabad kuwada noolaansho, shacabkuna ka gilgishaan oo ka dagaalmaan in Maamulka Somaliland gacanta ku hayo gobollada SSC.

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A_Khadar;756450 wrote:
Ceerigaabo,(lasanod Online)-




Si kastaba ha ahaatee xaalada
Gobolkaasi ayaa faalooyinka laga bixinayaa sheegayaan in weftigii ugu danbeeyay ee loo diray xaalada Cirka ku sii shareereen. Waxaana arrimaha Isha lagu hayo ee ugu waaweyn ah in weftiga loo diray aan uahayn kuwo ku haboonaa oo durtaba Beelaha is hayaa ka dhex arkeen arrimo Siyaasadeed iyo qabyaaladeed labadaba.


Sidoo kale waxa loo arkaa wasiirka Warfaafinta Xaabsade oo kale inaanu munaasib ku ahayn in loo diro beesha *********** ee Aanadu dhex taalo beesha kale ee **********, taasoo ay sheegayaan aragtiyaha Samakataliska ahi in ay ku wanaagsanayd Siyaasiyiinta Reer Ceerigaabo in hawshaas loo daayo, gaar ahaana C/raxmaan Talyanle iyo Siciid Maxamed Cilmi oo hawsha hore ugu jiray, balse la sheegay in dhinaca Siilaanyo laga diiday.


Sending one minister who is despised by his own clansmen and another from the other beel involved in the fights plus askar iyo hub, all to intervene in what was basically tit-for-tat local killings. Yup, that wasn't going to blow up.


It was either very poor decision-making on the part of the Hargeisa Admin or a purposeful act to escalate a couple of gunfights into a bloodbath. Precedent dictates the former, which seems to be a chronic problem for these regional entities.


Whatever happened to the accepted tradition of sending elders and other respected members of each community to engage in peacemaking? Goormaa askar iyo sell-out politicians la isu diri jiray?


Finally, a possible positive: maybe we'll now see and hear less of Mr. Xaabsade after this.

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Yesterday, as I took the knife and stood next to a goat to be sacrificed for senseless religious fetish, the goat bleated repeatedly and later started vomiting. I was sad, and wondered if this cruelty against an innocent animal could be forgiven. But then it spoke with clear voice and I heard what she said with amusement. “It is not your knife, it is Xaaj Xundjuf’s thread about Ceerigabo that provoked this disgust”, she said. "Did you see him calling one clan's militia an army and another clan's militia a gang?", her last words before she died to give pleasure to human beings.


Xaaji, this drivel smells like the callous fart of a sleeping person, which doesn't inconvinience the owner but sends the awake shying away and out of sorts.


Ma qajilo Silaanyo ceebna waa nimaan ka qiiroone


Intuu dawladdii qoys ka dhigay keligi qoondaystay


Uu qadiyey soomaaliyoo wada qamuunyaysan


Qaynuun darrada uu ku kaco qarad markuu yeesho


In qabyaaladdii laga tagaa lagu qadhaabtaaye


Intuu qaraf ku gubo meel markay qaraxdo baaruuddu


Yuu qoomamoodaa dabkuu qiiqiyee shidaye


Dadku waa iswada qoomi jirey taniyo Qaabiile


Qaartiyo dagaalkii warmuhu qiimi ma lahayne


Isagaa qasuumo u wadaye yaa isu qalabeeyey?

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This is sad. War on Ciid wow. What remains is that Cerrigaabo is a Muse Ismacil Town and the Dhulbahnate Millita have been aressted and and the rest chased out.

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Valenteenah.;756464 wrote:
Sending one minister who is despised by his own clansmen and another from the other beel involved in the fights
askar iyo hub, all to intervene in what was basically tit-for-tat local killings. Yup, that wasn't going to blow up.


It was either very poor decision-making on the part of the Hargeisa Admin or a purposeful act to escalate a couple of gunfights into a bloodbath. Precedent dictates the former, which seems to be a chronic problem for these regional entities.


Whatever happened to the accepted tradition of sending elders and other respected members of each community to engage in peacemaking? Goormaa askar iyo sell-out politicians la isu diri jiray?


Finally, a possible positive: maybe we'll now see and hear less of Mr. Xaabsade after this.

What would you have done to get a handle on the situation? Elders are already involved in mediating this matter from what I read elsewhere. Seems tensions are still high, It's very easy to criticize but at least the gov tried to get a handle on the situation on the ground aside from having 'elders' involved. Somalis are still stuck in certain primitive acts like affording protection to murderers who clearly commited an act of cold blooded killing. Doesn't matter where in the world it occurs when someone in an authority figure is murdered the back lash is usually very swift and sometimes ugly. A police chief gets murdered in any major city in the world the entire city will be turned upside down to find his killer. The tribal nature of somalis is the only powder cake that makes this situation slightly different. Now imagine this killers identity is known but he is being afforded tribal protection, tribal vigilantes seek revenge for the police chief and kill back some other more prominent and innocent members of the killers tribe and the beat goes on. If Somalis are to move beyond these primitive traditions governments should and have to establish the rule of law over the rule of tribal tradition plain and simple. So whether the politician is a 'trader' or you like or you don't like him is irrelevant. He represents the government and there has to be some sort of order established by that government, maybe these people should all go home and cool off instead of reading all these tribal incitements to violence from all over the place including this thread.

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Abtigiis;756465 wrote:
Yesterday, as I took the knife and stood next to a goat to be sacrificed for senseless religious fetish, the goat bleated repeatedly and later started vomiting. I was sad, and wondered if this cruelty against an innocent animal could be forgiven. But then it spoke with clear voice and I heard what she said with amusement.
“It is not your knife, it is Xaaj Xundjuf’s thread about Ceerigabo that provoked this disgust”,
she said.
"Did you see him calling one clan's militia an army and another clan's militia a gang?",
her last words before she died to give pleasure to human beings.


Xaaji, this drivel smells like the callous fart of a sleeping person, which doesn't inconvinience the owner but sends the awake shying away and out of sorts.


Ma qajilo Silaanyo ceebna waa nimaan ka qiiroone


Intuu dawladdii qoys ka dhigay keligi qoondaystay


Uu qadiyey soomaaliyoo wada qamuunyaysan


Qaynuun darrada uu ku kaco qarad markuu yeesho


In qabyaaladdii laga tagaa lagu qadhaabtaaye


Intuu qaraf ku gubo meel markay qaraxdo baaruuddu


Yuu qoomamoodaa dabkuu qiiqiyee shidaye


Dadku waa iswada qoomi jirey taniyo Qaabiile


Qaartiyo dagaalkii warmuhu qiimi ma lahayne


Isagaa qasuumo u wadaye yaa isu qalabeeyey?


Gabaygi Ciidanka qaranka




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