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The Zack

Work from home?

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The Zack   

I do that sometimes and it is the coolest thing ever. Anyways, bal akhriya..


Talk Your Boss Into Letting You Work From Home


Working from home eliminates time you waste during a commute, can keep you comfortable and possibly make you more productive. Most importantly, it allows you to squeeze in a game of Mario Kart whenever the spirit moves you. With technological advances continuing to make telecommunication more popular, now is as good a time as any to spring a decent proposal on your boss to let you become a free range wage slave.


Money Under 30 advises you how to convince your boss to remove your leash:


* Be upfront about why you want to work from home. Or at least be plausibly upfront. If the move saves you from paying for two hours a day for daycare for your three kids, tell your cheapskate boss and he just might give you the go-ahead in lieu of giving you a raise. If you want to stay home to play Mario Kart, use the daycare excuse anyway. If you don't have kids, just use the commute thing.


* Tell your boss how it will help him and the company. Say you'll work more effectively in comfortable environs, or explain how basing yourself at home will cut down on gas mileage on visits to clients.


* Present a communication plan. Establish when and how you'll be available. If your boss sits 30 feet away from you but you communicate via IM or email rather than face-to-face, rationalize that you can do the same thing from your couch.


Kobtan guji for source:

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Most large employers in the UK allow some staff to work from home for a set number of days per week or month. I like the flexibility it offers to parents, e.g. if your kid is ill but you don't want to take a day off. But it would be pretty useless to someone like me. I am tres lazy at home, so trying to work from home would be the opposite of effective.

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^ Is that a new euphemism for unemployment? Thought you were teaching.


Wonder how long it takes to drive from one side of Hargeisa to another, surely not that long!

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The Zack   



Val, I used to be quite unproductive when working from home until I created an "office" in the basement of my place. Now I don't get distracted any more, I don't even have a tv there.

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Somalia;756473 wrote:
Man, so all of you people are actually in Somalia? Talking about commuting and stuff, that's hilarious


^Yes Somalia has buildings, cars and roads and some monkeys and wild animals. And yes people do commute to work. Not believable but true.


Depends the line of work one does but I wouldn't enjoy working from home. I rather do the work at the office than bringing it to home. Work problems, stress and deadlines to your home and family? No work stays where it belongs. Home is where life happens. Hated taking projects and finishing them at home.

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The Zack   

^Agreed on a lot you said. The winter time is what bothers me, I just hate shoving that snow when the temprature is below 0. That bothers me a lot. Other seasons are fine.

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^Which one?


I don't mind the snow Zack. Snow xaaqid is the most fun activity in the winter. It's the windchill that kills me. Snow waaba raxma mina-laah.

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Somalia lool at dhaqancelis that was harsh of you.


Working from home also has it's disadvantages you get distracted easily and are more prone to laziness and procrastination. Prefer working in a office makes me more productive and focused less distractions.

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The Zack   

Jacpher;756486 wrote:


I don't mind the snow Zack. Snow xaaqid is the most fun activity in the winter. It's the windchill that kills me. Snow waaba raxma mina-laah.

Yea but when its -21 degree, man it aint easy to shovel than snow. It just kills me.


Somalia, how is it odd to live in Somalia? War illeen tanoo kale!

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