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Global Village: Common Destiny?

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Lately, local youth started organising themselves to fight back the cuts and lack of prospects, with a guest from Occupy Wall Street joining from accross the Atlantic, and taking inspiration from their peers from Chile to Cairo (sequels of the recent historical riots are still very visible).


Apparently, inequalities, banks and corporate excesses or plutocratic rule are unifying themes for the abused masses from all over the globe, hence some tentative cooperation.


Against such morally neutral corporations and elites, whether in Seattle or South Africa, more or less thoughtful and organised reactions are increasingly expected everywhere, with regular parties out of touch or untrusted.


Indeed, the rights to decent healthcare and education, equality, safety nets and infrastructure are still largely ignored even within the richest countries.


Fortuitously, I was recently curious and reading about Cuban world celebrated unique achievements in health and education despite very low levels of spending in the hundreds of dollars per capita and per year, more than 10 time less than in the USA, achieving better Cuban indicators in many areas (racial and income equalities are also much better than before the revolution, while ecological footprint is minimal).


In fact, many of my former school comrades went to study in that island (mostly medicine, like many other students from the USA to Pakistan), with some marrying locally.


With one of those mother-in-laws strikingly resembling my own mother physically, professionaly and with even very close birth days; I could not help but wonder how she would probably have devoted her youth and enthusiasm to likewise alleviate her fellow compatriots suffering, fighting within the "Ministerio de Salud Publica".


Is it not greed and prejudice, edulcorated with ideology-driven pseudo-science such as economics, the twin evils humanity faces



How comes the little needed to make huge differences everywhere is so patently denied or deviated, even when means are so disproportionate and ever increasing at the cost of the environment and future generations?


How long will frivolous entertainments, facades of democracy, consumerism and propaganda of racial and religious prejudices keep the masses away from asking together the right questions, ie those regarding their basic rights to decent living, environment and future?






PS: it is noteworthy that Venezuela's current government, supported by those racially and economically oppressed, sent immediate food aid to Somalia, with further fundraising from local militants, in contrast to the token measures of constantly interfering and richer former colonial powers such as France or Italy.

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