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Gurey fired, Iley to follow soon: Phasing out Hooligan stooges?

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I would caution those who are hitting the dhaanto floor in Jigjiga and Addis tonight with the foreboding words of Christopher Okigbo: “Now that the triumphant march has entered the last street corner, remember o dancers, the thunder amongst the clouds”. This is a mere disturbance of the pattern of imposing outright fools, social rejects and hooligans. They are discarding used condemns, but hey they are already shopping for some more in the shops that sell libido material.


Abdirahman Gurey, a 29 year old moron who was the Trade Minister of Ethiopia is now fired by Meles, who stated what was obvious to everybody as a reason for the firing. The PM says the tongue-tied boy couldn’t perform his job and is therefore dismissed. Dead man walking Iley, currently under intense ‘evaluation’ in Addis Ababa wrote in his website that the regional Government requested for Gurey to be sent back to the region who ‘needs’ his expertise. He was trying to pre-empt what was coming, but Meles was unequivocal in his dismissal. Omer Haji, the finance bureau head, and the Auditor General are also called to Addis, apparently to brief the Federal government of the excesses of Iley.


There is a reason to breathe a sign of relief. The region will be put under another stooge and the oppression will continue, but by every measure it will be hard to imagine another leadership capable of the thuggery and hooliganism of Iley will follow. I hear the Tigre’s want to try another face, and want to blame Iley for all that went wrong in the last couple of years. I think Meles simply got ashamed of himself, for anyone doesn’t need to sit in front of Iley and Gurey for more than five minutes to see how misfit and moron they are. There are two other Ministers in the Federal set-up, Abdifatah and Ahmed Shide. I can disagree with their politics, but they are highly qualified and capable personalities. You can bear them, not complete i.d.i.o.t.s –Gurey and Iley. If you meet these guys you will simply find it hard to remove your hand from your mouth in shock and astonishment.


Ok, the worst the Tigres can do now is to put Suldan Wali on the throne. But he is a Ph. D holder in Agriculture, although personality-wise, you can think of any boozer you know who sleeps where the sun sets. But then, as the Amhara's often quip: ye tamare yigdhalegn (Let a learned man kill me!)

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I have met those personally beaten and tortured by Iley and they said there's no more loyal moron, porn peddler that use to beat his mom but let's see what Zenawi does.

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Ina-Iley waanu soo wada koray. He was notorious for beating his mom in the middle of the market shouting obscenities. Gurey, I was his boss and know him well. He is the vocabulary moron, basically you can tell by looking at him from distance. He speaks Amharic and was promoted because he used to translate for torturers in the prison at night when they are interrogating somali girls. There are lots of morons and fools around. Ina-lab-go'le, the head of security in the region, a cousin of Iley and former pick-pocket is one person who can compete with Iley's record. Prison head Abdi Bade, who used to forcefully rape female prisnors is another.


But I personally think Meles finally realized using these personalities is not winning him anything and wants to try more acceptable faces. Sadly, the army in the region will not allow any upright person to work there and I am sure the political longevity of people who try to serve the regime while getting closer to their communities will be short.


This news is not yet official, but it will be soon. Just got a call a while ago. For some reason, I just believe it will be Suldan Wali or the guy who is chewing here in Easligh Dr. Ahmed Sheikh. Ahmed Sheikh is a veternarian from Afdheer region, naive but good hearted. I can't see him ruling the region for more than few months if he takes power. Met him here and he updates me regularly about how he will be going back and taking power but I doubt. I think it will be Suldan Wali, whom I attended the same school in Harar. Suldan looks like the guy the Tigre's would want. Fluent Amharic speaker, unlike Ahmed Sheikh, more Ethiopian than Ethiopian, alcholic, but then surprisngly a pleasant character if you talk to.

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After firing two of my brothers (elder one and younger one) from their jobs and from Jigjiga [they now both work in Addis Ababa one for the UN and the other for an NGO} becaue] I am opposing the government, this moron Gurey who used to spend half of his time sitting in my house in jigjiga as a sort of friend of my younger brother, called me several times after becoming Minister of Trade of Ethiopia. He said he would talk to Iley and leave the boys alone if I could call Iley and say I am not opposing the ethiopian regime. Apparently, being from the same sub-clan with me, this would have made him score some points with the regime as someone who is weakening ONLF sympatizers. Even forced father to come to cakaaranews and force him to call me to come back home, but then he totally misunderstands the resolve on this side. Told him to hang both of the brothers he is talking about if he wants. I have no problem dying in exile. This useless should know. At a personal level, their leaving will ease some problem for my family.

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The Zack   



I am learning that Meles is actually planning to hand over his post to a fellow Tigray. There is a "seminar" going in Addis where all 9 "presidents" are being schooled about the new TPLF rules.

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War Degdeg ah: Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley oo Lasheegay in Xilkii Laga Xayuubiyay


3 November 2011


Addis Ababa (Kilil5)---Warar hordhac ah oo aanu ka hellay dad lagu kalsoonyahay oo ah madax sare oo katirsan Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida ayaa sheegaya in Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley laga xayuubiyay dhamaanba xilalkii uu hayay oo dhan, todobaad gudihiisna si rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqi doono xil ka qaadista Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley.


Xil kaqaadista Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley ayay sida ay wararka Shabakadda Kilil5 ka helayso madaxda sare ee DDS qaarkood sheegayaan in la horkeeni doono baarlmaanka deegaanka todobaadka soosocda, si xil ka qaadista madaxwaynaha rasmi looga dhigo. Waxay warar kale sheegayaan in dhawr todobaad kadib madaxwaynaha la keeni doono Jigjiga, si uu u baarlamaanka deegaanku u ansixiyo xil kaqaadistiisa, si rasmi ahna loogu dhawaaqo.


Madaxwayne Cabdi ayay Xukuumadda Dhexe iyo dadwaynaha deegaankuba ku eedeeyaan maamul xumo. Waxayna warar hoos oo soo gaadhay Kilil5 sheegayaan in madaxwaynaha lagu eedeeyay musuqmaasuq baahsan iyo in uusan kala aqooninba hantida uu isagu leeyahay iyo hantida dawladda iyo dadwaynaha. Waxaa kale oo lagu eedeeyay madaxwaynaha kaligii talisnimo iyo in uunan aqoonin sida ay dawladi ushaqeyso. Waxayna wararka ka imaanaya dhanka Xukuumadda Dhexe sheegayaan in Madaxwayna Cabdi ay iskawada horyimaadeen madax badan oo katirsan xukuumadda dhexe iyo waliba madax badan oo katirsan Dawlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya. Waxay wararku intaas ku darayaan in madaxwaynaha aad loogu eedeeyay inuu la dagay gobolka, wax shaqo dowladeed ah oo deegaanka kasocda oo lasheegi karana aysan jirin xiligan lajoogo.


Xukuumadda Dhexe ayaa lasheegayaa inay ka baqday inuu gobolku faraha ka baxo kadib markii ay bateen dacwooyinka ka dhanka ah ee laga soo gudbinayo Madaxwayne Cabdi Ileey oo lasheegay inay maalinba maalinta kadambaysa sii badanayeen iskudhacyada iyo khilaafaadka isaga iyo bulshada inteeda kale udhexeysa. Tacaddiyo badan oo dadka rayadka ah loogaystay iyo siyaasaddii deegaanka oo cakirantay ayaa lasheegayaa inay kamidyihiin dacwooyinka iyo eedeeymaha loosoo jeediyay Madaxwayne Cabdi.


Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley ayaan la sheegin waxa uu qaban doono marka xilka uu hayo si rasmi ah looga qaado. Warar qaarkood ayaa sheegaya in Xukuumadda Dhexe ay shaqo uga raadinayso wasaaradaha kale. Wali macadda qofka lagu badali doono Cabdi Iley.


Warar iyaguna aanu hadda uun helay ayaa sheegaya in Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed (Gurey) oo ah Wasiirka Ganacsiga ee heer federaal xil ka qaadis lagu sameeyay, kadib markii lagu eedeeyay karti xumo iyo waxqabad la'aan.


Dacwooyin badan oo ka dhan ah Madaxwayne Cabdi Iley iyo sida uu wax umaamullo oo dad kala duwan ugudbinayeen dawladda dhexe ayaa socday bilihii lasoo dhaafay oo dhan. Wixii kasoo kordha waran, kalasocda Shabakadda


Addis Ababa , Kilil5 Online

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The Gurey one is official. Iley is yet to be officially fired, but it will happen soon. Iley's close advisors are now peddling a lie that he is not fired but he is resigning. Who cares? 'Alshashum zor allu" he did not run away, he fastly turned the corner they say in Ethiopia. Wa is la halkii.


I wonder where the will live now? I expect the Tigres will give him something in Addis, but then a friend of mine was now asking me

containerkii Gaddafi la dhex dighay oo kale xageeynu ka helaa?" :D :D

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I feel a lit bit of gratification. Our efforts in diaspora somewhat paid off since he failed to sow divisions among the communities people. Zenawi spent a great of deal of moneys towards that effort. I wish we had that picture of him getting punched in MN or atleast few months in Jail 0gaden would suffice.


But I know another !diot is waiting in the wings to do Zenawi's dirty business.

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