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Kombolcha, Etthiopia...

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My company recently won a contract in Kombolcha, Ethiopia to carry out a PMC work for a rather large steel production site and as we are to embark on our first visit soon, I wondered what the place is like politically and geographically - does anyone know what killil it belongs to (in other words who are the natives, Oromo, Amhara, Affar etc) and whether it's a war zone (like the Somali region) or not.


Thanks in advance.

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Dear Complicated,


There are two Kombolcha's Ethiopia, both tiny villages. One is near Harar, the other on the way to Wollo (Dessie town). Both are predominatenly populated by Oromos (muslims). Long time since I saw them, they must have grown to the size of burco city by now, I would imagine. Weather conditions the one next to Harar pleasant (mild), The one near Dessie the same but occassinally gets hot. Beautiful scenary for both, unless overpopulation haven't changed the green fields.


Distance - the one in Harar - about 500 Km from Addis Ababa to the East; the one in Wollo - about 400 or there about from Addis Ababa to the North East. Adminstratively the one in Wollo falls under Amhara region (but there is a region called Oromia zone to which it belongs); the one near Harar is in Oromia.

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