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Mogadishu: TFG shows a united front against Azania project:

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Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’isulwasaraha oo hal mowqif ka qaatay ciidamada Kenya ee Soomaaliya soo galay

7 mins ago | 0 comments




Shirjaraa’id oo ay si wada jir ah magaalada Muqdisho ugu qabteen madaxweyne Sharif Sh Axmed iyo Ra’isulwasare Cabdiwali Gaas ayey ku cadeeyeen mowqifkooda ku aadan soo galitanka ciidanka Kenya ee gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Madaxda dowlada KMG Soomaaliya ayaa si cad u sheegay in ay diidan yihiin in ciidamada dalka Kenya ay howlgallo ka dhex fuliyaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya balse ay xukuumaddu raali ka tahay in dowlada Kenya ay garabsiiso ciidamada lagu soo tababaray gudaha dalka Kenya haatana ka dagaalamaya gobolada Jubooyinka.


R/wasaaraha Soomaaliya Dr Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali oo ka hadlay shirka jaraa’id waxa uu beeniyey in madaxda ugu sareysa dawladda ay ku kala qeybsan yihiin ciidamada Kenya ee soo galay gudaha dalka Soomaaliyawaxa uu sheegay in xukuumaddu ay u saartay guddi uu madax ka yahay R/wasaaraha kana shaqeeya sidii arrimaha ka taagan dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Kenya loo xalin lahaa.


Kahor inta aysan hadlin Madaxweynaha iyo R/wasaaraha ayaa waxaa halkaasi lagu soo bandhigey bayaan ay si wadajir ah u saxiixeen labada dowladood ee Soomaliya iyo Kenya.


Bayaank oo uu aqriyey Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Soomaaliya Xuseyn Carab Ciise ayaa lagu sheegay in madaxda dalka ay ka codsadeen dowlada Kenya in ciidanka dowlada TFG-da ee jooga Jubooyinka ay ka taageerto dhanka qalabka iyo farsamada.


Arrinta ku saabsan ciidamada Kenya ee soo galay dalka Soomaaliya ayaa noqotay qodob dood kulul ka dhex dhaliyey dalalka Soomaaliya iyo Kenya iyo dowladaha gobolka oo dhan.

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Thanks Duke ,


This is expected from both men. It would have been shooting themselves at the foot if they embraced the illegal Kenyan invasion.

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Somalia reiterates opposition to Kenya incursion 2011-10-27 00:19:17 FeedbackPrintRSS


MOGADISHU, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Somali government on Wednesday reiterated its opposition to the Kenyan incursion into Somalia to fight Islamist militants, saying the national army should carry out the offensive.


In a joint press conference in the Somali capital, the Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Prime Minister Abdelweli Mohamed Ali, and Defense Minister Hussien Arab Isse, repeated the Somali government's stance that it opposes the Kenyan troops presence in the country.


"We want our troops to be the ones fighting al Shabaab and Kenyan forces to support us only in training and logistics in fighting the anti-peace groups," said Somali President flanked on both sides by his Prime Minister and the minister for defense during press briefing in the Somali capital Mogadishu.


The Somali officials thanked the Kenyan government for their support for the transitional federal government.


Somali defense minister Isse said that Kenya and Somalia have a "long history of friendship and cooperation that continues to this day".


"Kenya had long been effective supporter of peace and stability in Somalia. The transitional federal charter that created the TFG was agreed to in Kenya and Kenya have long been a leading advocate of having the international community assist the stabilization and rebuilding of our country," the defense minister said in a statement.


The statement comes days after Somali president first expressed opposition to Kenyan troop incursion into Somalia to battle with Islamist Al Shabaab militant that it accuses of carrying out abductions of foreigners within its borders.


Somali government said it was forming a high level committee led by the Somali prime minister to discuss with the Kenyan government about the military operations in Somalia.


The Somali prime minister for his part said that the recent communiqué issued following the visit by two key Kenyan ministers to Mogadishu outlined strategic partnership between the two countries in the fight against militancy, and piracy in Somali.


Kenya also said on Wednesday it has sought clarification from Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) on its position over the cross border incursions aimed at dismantling the militia group, al-Shabaab, in south of the lawless nation.


Kenya Internal Security Minister Professor George Saitoti said it was essential to have a unified approach in dealing with the instability in Somalia posed by al-Shabaab elements and its threats to peace and security in neighboring Kenya.

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Surely the Kenyan invasion will have the most negative impact on Somalis in Kenya. But Somalis have shown resilience before and will overcome this as well

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nuune;754205 wrote:
Somalia reiterates opposition to Kenya incursion
2011-10-27 00:19:17


MOGADISHU, Oct. 26 (
) -- Somali government on Wednesday reiterated its opposition to the Kenyan incursion into Somalia to fight Islamist militants, saying the national army should carry out the offensive.


In a joint press conference in the Somali capital, the Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, Prime Minister Abdelweli Mohamed Ali, and Defense Minister Hussien Arab Isse, repeated the Somali government's stance that it opposes the Kenyan troops presence in the country.


"We want our troops to be the ones fighting al Shabaab and Kenyan forces to support us only in training and logistics in fighting the anti-peace groups,"
said Somali President flanked on both sides by his Prime Minister and the minister for defense during press briefing in the Somali capital Mogadishu.


The Somali officials thanked the Kenyan government for their support for the transitional federal government.


Somali defense minister Isse said that Kenya and Somalia have a "long history of friendship and cooperation that continues to this day".


"Kenya had long been effective supporter of peace and stability in Somalia. The transitional federal charter that created the TFG was agreed to in Kenya and Kenya have long been a leading advocate of having the international community assist the stabilization and rebuilding of our country," the defense minister said in a statement.


The statement comes days after Somali president first expressed opposition to Kenyan troop incursion into Somalia to battle with Islamist Al Shabaab militant that it accuses of carrying out abductions of foreigners within its borders.


Somali government said it was forming a high level committee led by the Somali prime minister to discuss with the Kenyan government about the military operations in Somalia.


The Somali prime minister for his part said that the recent communiqué issued following the visit by two key Kenyan ministers to Mogadishu outlined strategic partnership between the two countries in the fight against militancy, and piracy in Somali.


Kenya also said on Wednesday it has sought clarification from Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) on its position over the cross border incursions aimed at dismantling the militia group, al-Shabaab, in south of the lawless nation.


Kenya Internal Security Minister Professor George Saitoti said it was essential to have a unified approach in dealing with the instability in Somalia posed by al-Shabaab elements and its threats to peace and security in neighboring Kenya.

Guys, dont try to spin this.


They hardly opposed it. they didnt even request Kenya to leave Somali soil. :D

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Zack, it is an order. get us a nuclear bomb. get us a site. The Imam of the site has clearly decided not to go to the heaven without the kins. :D

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War wax ka cajiibsan oo Azania la yiraahdo ayee sameeyeen.


Who would have thought that the underdog's of the Kismaayo Wars in the 90s would eventually get the upper hand. :D

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