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The simple reason why Kenya invaded

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Rags to riches, Kenya is engaged in discussions to change the maritime border, when the UN rejected the deal where Sheikh Shariif effectively signed over our sea, they had to use the other option which it seems they had on the table all along.


That option was to train Somalis from Dadaab refugee camp and other places but they had to be from the clan that lives in NFD and in Jubaland. That has been in work since 2009.


“The training programme was initiated early in 2009 at the request of President Sharif and under the auspices of his then Minister of Defence Mohamed Abdi Mohammed `Gandhi`.” “Kenya hosted the programme, and Ethiopia has been closely been involved. Approximately 2,500 youths were recruited by clan elders and commissioned agents both from within Somalia (exclusively the Juba valley) and North-eastern Kenya, including the Daadab refugee camps,” states the report.

-Nairobi Star/All Africa Global Media

The plan is to use the clan that is the majority in NFD to influence their clansmen so Kenya can explore for oil in the Somali territory and create a buffer zone for their own interests. This way the UN can't do anything since it's Somalis doing the work and the maritime border will look the same.


Somalia is effectively being carved up by its neighbours.

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