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Sheikh Sharif: The Evolving Cleric

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GoldCoast, where did the PM clarify his remarks?


Although I cannot support it with facts and evidence (other than circumstantial), I believe TFG based their decision on inputs from a third country. It is not like they opposed Kenya. Without another credible support from another able source, it would've been difficulty for them to oppose Kenya. Kenya is the center of Somali power. The UN is based there.

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The PM never supported this invasion. Quoting silly newspapers doesn't mean much boys. Shariif, if what I am hearing is true and he doesn't change his mind, is taking a good stand against this aggression and the PM is on his side. Unilateral invasion should not be supported. The Kikuyo boys were not called in for help by the TFG. They just invaded on their own.


This is the PM statement on the original agreement:


"We agreed with our brothers Kenyan government in undertaking coordinated security and military operations spearheaded by TFG soldiers trained by Kenyan government. We welcome the support of the International Community in defeating Al-Shabaab and wish to emphasize the need to do this while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia"


No spin. Take it at face value.

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Lol! as if Kenya and Somalia would have come up with "we have agreed that the Kenyan army will pursue Alshabab inside Somalia in clear contravention of Somalia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. We affrim our mutual consent for the somali borders to be breached." Sharif is lying and it is clear. As to Abdiweli, I don't need his press release. I saw him what he was saying to the UN humanitarian Coordinator yesterday live. And it wasn't what LST wrote here.


Let us agree the two men arintii dib bay kala xumaatay. But don't say they didn't agree to it. What was Ali Geddi saying when Ethiopian troops were massing in Baidoa in 2006? "we don't have Ethiopian army in Somalia. We have trainers". Is n't the above statement more of the same?


LST, marti edeb daran inaan noqono oo hadhow nala soo dhajiyo magacayaga iyo reason: profanity ma rabo. :D Laakin when we finally get a home and Zack puts up our SOL, si cad baynu uwada hadli. :D

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^I am on the same page with you on this one. We are all against this foreign invasion but the TFG is lying as they always did, and this is nothing more than a lip service.


Kenyan forces have crossed the border weeks ago and are inside Somalia and in control of areas like Afmadow and some parts of Jubba, they also bombed Kismayo. If all these actions are illegal, and of course it is we know it, the TFG should/must have sent a clear message both the to Kenyan government and the UN demanding a complete withdrawal against this broad daylight Kenyan aggression. Anything short of that, waa xaraan wadayaal.

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Libaax-Sankataabte;754196 wrote:
The PM never supported this invasion. Quoting silly newspapers doesn't mean much boys. Shariif, if what I am hearing is true and he doesn't change his mind, is taking a good stand against this aggression and the PM is on his side. Unilateral invasion should not be supported. The Kikuyo boys were not called in for help by the TFG. They just invaded on their own.


This is the PM statement on the original agreement:


"We agreed with our brothers Kenyan government in undertaking coordinated security and military operations
spearheaded by TFG soldiers trained by Kenyan government.
We welcome the support of the International Community in defeating Al-Shabaab and wish to emphasize the need to do this
while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia


No spin. Take it at face value.

I think you're the one spinning the story to your liking my friend. The PM's position is clear. Listen to his VOA interview. He is basically saying KKenya needs to protect its tourism business so it can bomb Somalia back to the dark ages. I assume this is the first Sharif vs Gaas inner khilaaf. Yet another PM vs President showdown. Waa sunatalaahi latii qad khalat..... At least, we do know this time Sharif is on the right, protecting the sovereignty of the state.

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Libaax-Sankataabte;754196 wrote:
The PM never supported this invasion. Quoting silly newspapers doesn't mean much boys. Shariif, if what I am hearing is true and he doesn't change his mind, is taking a good stand against this aggression and the PM is on his side. Unilateral invasion should not be supported. The Kikuyo boys were not called in for help by the TFG. They just invaded on their own.


This is the PM statement on the original agreement:


"We agreed with our brothers Kenyan government in undertaking coordinated security and military operations
spearheaded by TFG soldiers trained by Kenyan government.
We welcome the support of the International Community in defeating Al-Shabaab and wish to emphasize the need to do this
while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia


No spin. Take it at face value.

Well, look at this charade of parading generic diplomatic statements as proof of one's political position. In light of the most recent remarks by His Excellency Dr. Abdiwel, some people are going to eat their words back. I said if Sharif doesn't evolve, I will aplogize and will be magnanimous in defeat. We don't expect that from the spinner (Xiin) and the owner (LST), it is not in their DNA. In their wood of the world, a man can not get it wrong, a man can not accept his errors. It is the only place in the world where the acclaimed dictum "to err is human" is not relevant. It is the land of the "waa la guu yaqaan" and therefore they shouldn't commit sins that can make their forefathers turn in their graves. They shold remain innovative with new ideas, new spins and evolve if possible.


P.S. I don't get my news from Garowe online, I said I saw the PM making remarks to a senior UN official and it was catagorical. He was not in agreement with the President's statement.

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^Don't you get tired of evolving? You were against the invasion before you were for the invasion. And you are for it. How many more times are you planning to flip flop?

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Can you produce a single sentence where I have said I am for the invasion after the EEZ issue was revealed to us? I evolved only once. I supported the invasion, we got a word of what was included in the RoadMap and then based on the new information, I changed my stance. Right now, I am against the invasion. Wadcuu shuadaaikum inkutum saadiqiin, saaxiib. Where is your proof. The Azania aliens issue is a parody and I hope you got it. But I am utterly disappointed by the insincerity of the Sharif and those who cheered for foreign occupation before. Exposing them is not endorsing external invasion. But if the Prime Minsiter comes out and supports this, I will see it the same way I see the Amisom matter. In that case, we will have to either reject foriegn troops in wholesome or accept them wholesome. There will be no retail acceptance.

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At the start of this thread, we said the Shiekh will evolve but we don't know what words he will use to do the turn. We now know the word. With his propensity for duplicity, the Sheikh is unlikely to hold his ground in the face of the mounting pressures. And he will turn for the sake of "the Masaaliixda ummadda".


Associated Press is reporting that allies are disturbed by Shariff's call they should halt advance against Alshabab. It is a test of his leadership and he has a unique opportunity to make me accept my own falliblity in character reading. We shall see. Read more....




You can also see the source of the info about sharif tellinh AMISOM to halt advance. It is not yet widely circulated but it is not a secret among the diplomatic and international community.

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Contrary to Xinn and LST's charitably expert analysis, it doesn't look like the Sharif had consulted those who matter. It could be a small fish or aide told him to oppose the aggression during subax prayers and the Sheikh breathed without much thought. Serious analysts think this time there may actually be a method to the Sharif's madness. They allege he is trying to create a confusion that can help in him getting a spare life beyond next August. But he may have hastened his downfall with his pronouncements, right or wrong. Mahiga is the actual president of somalia, Sharif is merely the mayor of Mogadishu. He should know that. Getting airborne nonstop should create false sense of invincibility. It is a shame, but where was he when Farmajo was shamed by an accord signed in Uganda? Wasn't he the implementer. That was a more clear case of breach of Somali soverignity and integrity. Why didn't he oppose that?


Anyway, here is what the US and EU feel about his latest evolution. They wonder if he is evolving back to his old skin, which was the outer softer layer of terror. You scratch his skin a a little deeper and you find fatwas and stonning in his blood.



USA iyo EU oo diiday go'aankii Shariif


Mareykanka iyo Midowga Yurub ayaa sheegay inay kasoo horjeedaan go'aankii uu Madaxweynaha DF Shariif Shiikh Axmed ku diiday cidamada Kenya ee ku jira gudaha dalka Somaliya, iyagoo sheegay inay u arkaan qorshe uu ku diidan yahay in dagaal lala galo Al-shabaab.


Saraakiil u hadlay EU iyo USA ayaa sheegay inay soo dhaweynayaan go'aanka ay Kenya ciidamada ugu dirtay Koonfurta Somaliya,waxana ay ku dareen inay u arkaan mid lagula dagaalamayo Al-shabaab oo khatar ku ah amaanka gobolka oo dhan.


"Go'aankii Shariif waa mid dhaawac u geystay taageerada aan u hayno DF, waayo waa mid lagu diidan yahay in Al-shabaab la ciribtiro" ayuu yiri sarkaal ka tirsan dowlada Mareykanka oo sheegay in xukuumada Washington ay aad uga caroortay hadalkaas.


Madaxweynaha DF ayaa Isniintii sheegay inaysan ogolayn ciidamada Kenya ee iska soo galay dalka, isagoo sheegay inay sumacad daro ku tahay Somaliya, wuxuuna isla markaa sheegay in ciidamada AMISOM ay ku joogaan dalka ogolaasho dowladeed iyo mid shacab.


"Tani waa arin muujinaysa in Shariif uu ka xun yahay in la weeraro kooxdii uu horay uga tirsanaa" ayaa laga soo xigtay saraakiil ka tirsan EU iyo USA oo ku sugan Nairobi, iyagoo sheegay in qorshaha Kenya ay ciidamada ku gelisay Somaliya uu yahay mid ay taageersan yihiin.


Saraakiishan waxay sidoo kale sheegeen in dalalkooda ay bixinayaan dhaqaalaha Kenya ay ku faragelinayso gobolada Koonfurta Somaliya oo ay Al-shabaab awood badan ku leedahay si loogu guuleysto in laga saaro kooxdan oo caqabad ku ah amaanka Kenya.


Wasaarada arimaha dibada ee Mareykanka ayaa sidoo kale sheegtay inay dib u eegis ku sameynayso taageerada ay u hayso DF iyo dhaqaalaha ay siiso dowlada si ay howlaheeda ugu wado.


Afhayeenka dowlada Kenya iyo saraakiil Midowga Afrika ka tirsan ayaa iyaguna niyad xumo ka muujiyay hadalka Shariif ee ku aadan ciidamada Kenya, iyadoo Alfred Mutua uu sheegay in dowladiisa ay ka go'an tahay inay qabsato Kismaayo.


Sidoo kale Afhayeenka AMISOM Maj. Paddy Ankunda ayaa sheeagy in Shariif uu amar ku siiyay in la hakiyo dagaaladii ka socday Dayniile, isagoo taas ku fasiray inuu u sheegay in dad badan oo ka cararay dagaalada Muqdisho duleedyada ku sugan yihiin.

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NGONGE;754411 wrote:
^^ Don't let them distract you, saaxib. For once, you're on the right track and are making perfect sense.

Stop it mayn. A&T works well under pressure, just ask his boss-lady. :)

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What Prof Abtigiis does not know is our positions are not contingent upon others stance or on a mere perception of clan interest. Forget Gaas. Faroole is supporting the Kenyan invasion. For the wrong reasons.


We opposed it yesterday. And we oppose it today.

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