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Sheikh Sharif: The Evolving Cleric

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Dear Ayoub, The Splittest


Thanks for the video. The good Professor seems to be making a lot of excuses as to why Kenya invaded Somalia. He is clearly siding with Kenya on this, and I think that is wrong. Sharif on the other hand made a bold statement that what Kenya is doing is circumventing TFG. I am with Sharif on this. It is possible Sharif will walk away from his position in the next few days. Still, I will have oppose it on the grounds that Alshabaab cannot be defeated by foreign troops.


Abtigiis;753867 wrote:
Bishaaro. Bishaaro. Bishaaro. Bil Khayr dhaha dadweeynoow.


CARAVAN Travel and Tolnimo Agency
oo idin leh soo dhawaada. In Caravan, our religion is Islam, our state is Puntland, our destination is Kismayo. There is no God but Allah, and Mohamed is his messenger. There is no state but Puntland and Faroole is its leader. Others can only have a separatist enclave, a buffer-zone. We provide translation and notarial services. We certify some states, we reject others and we qualify some others. And the big-foots, as footloose people, can only own a buffer zone or live under established states. They cannot own their fifedom in Somalia. Those who believe in this noble doctrine, please join us. Call our chairman Xinnfanin at his Gollis number 252-456-766-12 or write to him at

^^:D :D :D


You are losing it there profesoore , there is a clear The Zack factor there :D

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Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.


Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,

Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.


He was our North, our South, our East and West,

Our working week and our Sunday rest,

Our noon, Our midnight, Our talk, Our song;

We thought that his nationalism would last for ever: We were wrong.


The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.

For nothing now can ever come to any good.


(With apologies to A H Auden).


Samir iyo Imaan, A&T. Xiin real nationalist ayuu ahaan jiray. :D

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xiinfaniin;753868 wrote:
Still, I will have oppose it on the grounds that Alshabaab cannot be defeated by foreign troops.

Ya. They can only be defeated by Sharif's local boys the Amisom. Not by foreigners.


Waxaa kalood nagala socon karta barta internet'ka ee

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Prof Abtigiis, we are being a bit emotional now, are we not? Easy with the dot com references awoowe :D


AMISOM Is a multinational forces that sustain current TFG. Look at the countries from which they are drawn, and there is no sense of conflict of interest or historical ambitions toward Somalia's territorial integrity. When you regain your senses, I am sure you will agree with me

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NGONGE;753870 wrote:
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,

Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,

Silence the pianos and with muffled drum

Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.


Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead

Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,

Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,

Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.


He was our North, our South, our East and West,

Our working week and our Sunday rest,

Our noon, Our midnight, Our talk, Our song;

We thought that his nationalism would last for ever: We were wrong.


The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;

Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;

Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.

For nothing now can ever come to any good.


(With apologies to A H Auden).


Samir iyo Imaan, A&T. Xiin real nationalist ayuu ahaan jiray.

Amiin!geeridu waa xaq. waa la wada dhiman. Xinn galbay, ku kale mooye. Allow nin ma ahaa?


Ayoub is afadiisa, AT, Goldcoast iyo faarax brawn waxay halkan tacsiyo uga dirayaan eheladii iyo qaraabadii u ka tagay Xinnfanin gaar ahaan xasskii uu katay kalsumo Goohe, qaraabadiisa General Duke, Mr. Somalia, LST, Ducaysane iyo asxaabtiisii.

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There was no argument Xinn all along. You were playing tha man,not the ball, and I refused to play this wrong game. :D


But in the meantime what we started to cajole time and have a grin led us to a discovery of mammoth importance. It showed us Xinn's restless caravan has a defined destination, one that doesn't need long trek. We followed your reasoning and as it spin, spin, and spin at different levels like a finely-knit Iranian carpet some fool tore apart, the last thread came up with a name: It is called Kismayo.


On the issue, are we now going to also go qualifying which foreigner is good and which one is bad? You said Alshabab can only be defeated by somalis. Amisom are not Somalis, unless you are saying all with black head (sheeps included) are Somalis. Why would you think they will defeat Alshabab then? And if they can't defeat Alshabab, why should they sleep next to your Sharif? Some consistency please, even from the grave! :D


Or are you saying there is another dimension to this and the Alshabab in Mogdishu can be defeated by foreign troops but those in the Jubbas can't?

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Ngonge is wrong. You are not dead Xinn, nor are you sick. You merely evolved like your Shiekh. :D And acquired a different state of nationalism, one that is too complex and hard for simpletons like me to fathom. :D

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Abtigiis;753886 wrote:
There was no argument Xinn all along. You were playing tha man,not the ball, and I refused to play this wrong game.


But in the meantime what we started to cajole time and have a grin led us to a discovery of mammoth importance. It showed us Xinn's restless caravan has a defined destination, one that doesn't need long trek. We followed your reasoning and as it spin, spin, and spin at different levels like a finely-knit Iranian carpet some fool tore apart, the last thread came up with a name: It is called Kismayo.


On the issue, are we now going to also go qualifying which foreigner is good and which one is bad? You said Alshabab can only be defeated by somalis. Amisom are not Somalis, unless you are saying all with black head (sheeps included) are Somalis. Why would you think they will defeat Alshabab then? And if they can't defeat Alshabab, why should they sleep next to your Sharif? Some consistency please, even from the grave!


Or are you saying there is another dimension to this and the Alshabab in Mogdishu can be defeated by foreign troops but those in the Jubbas can't?

Well the differences in security terms are clear. AMISOM has an indefinite mandate in the capital, the Kenyans do not. Unless you think the Kenyans are planning to indefinitely occupy the region( dont think this will work either), I don't see the point in arguing in hypotheticals. They will hand over whatever they gain to their handpicked allies. Do you believe those allies will be able to stabilize the region? Hold off AS when the Kenyans leave? Or even hold off opposition from other Somali factions opposed to their agenda? Serious question.

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So, you want the Kenyan's to have an indefinite manadate to exorcise the ills of its aggression? or you are simply worried the militas who replace them will fight each other? Is that not true to the TFG army in Mogadishu too? Are they not fighting each other right now in many occassions? Are they not attacking food distribution centers? What makes you believe they will not break down into factions when Amisom withdraws? Or do you forsee a Somalia with Amsiom as its national defence force for ever? What shallow logic are are you coming up GC? Quite uncharacterstic of you!


Anyway, the issue was never about this. It was about Shabab cannot be defeated by foreigners, Xinn's argument.

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Prof. Abtigiis, you lost this argument. Go find another argument.


If we believe you, you are against Kenya's invasion, and you are against Azania. Yet you're writing essays in favor of both.


Reminds me the poet:

Sidii gaari shaagi ninyahow gees walba u jeeda

Oo labadiisaa jeeb ......:D

Mindhaa laba garaadlow mar danbe kaama guro sheeko

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Abtigiis;753899 wrote:
So, you want the Kenyan's to have an indefinite manadate to exorcise the ills of its aggression? or you are simply worried the militas who replace them will fight each other? Is that not true to the TFG army in Mogadishu too? Are they not fighting each other right now in many occassions? Are they not attacking food distribution centers? What makes you believe they will break down into factions when Amisom withdraws? Or do you forsee a Somali with Amsiom as its national defence force for ever? What shallow logic are are you coming up GC? Quite uncharacterstic of you!


Anyway, the issue was never about this. It was about Shabab cannot be defeated by foreigners, Xinn's argument.

To make it clear, I've never fully endorsed the TFG, AMISOM or its initiatives.I have zero dog in this fight and I believe there is little long term hope on a continued reliance on foreigners to impose governance, especially when governance proves to be highly ineffective. This extends to the TFG as well. I am far from a TFG or Sharif cheerleader, but on this specific issue I see the Kenyan intervention as only compounding and multiplying the relevant problems you've referred to as opposed to solving them. Considering you've brought up the many, legitimate, flaws with the TFG approach, I can only see the Kenyan intervention as a worse example. I have issues with both, I am far from inconsistent, but this seems particularly egregious.

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Abtigis believes the Kenyans are not as evil as the Ethiopians to make a long story short he does not mind if they install Azania in Kismayo. Nor does he care how the Kenyans Entered Somalia if its legal or illegitimate.

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I will not play that game again, Xinn. Let us play the ball.


Sidii nin waynoo maradii, meel xun kaga booday

oo mid waalane warkii,meel walbaba u tuuray

oo magac xumo iyo ka biqi, maamus inuu waayo

meeraystayeey, maxaa mawjadan i galiyey


Author: afaraydaya aniga copy right keeda leh ee la soco.

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