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Xaaji Xunjuf

Sheikh Sharif i am not Cabdilahi Yusuf and opposes Kenyan invasion of Somalia.

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Jacayle, don't exactly know what but surely something threw you out balance there :D. The substance was only a guess awoowe , magaaladeediina waad joogtaa ee haka caroon :D

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^^Weli waad caraysantahay. Haddaad caleenta cunin raali ka ahow wayraa,


laakiin khabarka iyo mubtadaha:D baro, the basics of reading awoowe

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Sharif may not be opposing this for nationalistic reasons

One can deduce from this, if it's the case, that he might have agreed to the invasion (waa ba hadii la weydiistay!).


Is it going to stoop any lower?

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