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Xaaji Xunjuf

Sheikh Sharif i am not Cabdilahi Yusuf and opposes Kenyan invasion of Somalia.

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Madaxweynaha oo kasoo horjeystay soo galitaanka Kenya ee Somalia


Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG oo maanta booqday goobihii ay la wareegtay dowladda ee degmada Dayniile ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Xarakada Al Shabaab ay ku jabiyeen dagaaladii ka dhacay degmadaasi, isagoo dhinca ka hadlay soo galitaan ciidamada Kenya ee gudaha Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shaarif Sheekh Axmed oo ay wehlinayeen Saraakiil ka kala tirsan dowladda KMG iyo kuwa AMISOM oo maanta booqday goobihii ay dowladda kala wareegtay Al Shabaab ee degmada Dayniile oo la hadlay Warbaahinta ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay dagaaladii u dambeeyay oo ay degmada Dayniile kula galeen Xarakada Al Shabaab iyo soo galitaanka ciidamada Kenya ee gudaha Soomaaliya.


Sheekh Shaarif Sheekh Axmed ayaa waxa uu sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay guulaha dowladda ay ka gaartay dagaaladii ay Shabaab kula galeen Xarakada Al Shabaab degmada Dayniile oo uu sheegay inay ku jabeen, waxaana uu tilmaamay inay ka go’an tahay dowladda iyo AMISOM xaqiijinta amaanka magaalada Muqdisho.


Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya oo hadal qaaday intii uu ku guda jiray booqashada maanta uu ku tagay degmada Dayniile ciidamada dowladda Kenya ee soo galay Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dadka siyaabo kala duwan ay fusirteen arintaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in dowladda aysan raali ka noqoneen wax shaki keeni kara islamarkaana wax u dhimaya xiriirka labada dal ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, isagoo sheegay inay xad gudub tahay in Kenya ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dowladda aysan ka warqabin.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa ugu dambeyn waxa uu ugu baaqay Xarakakada Al Shabaab inay joojiyaan qaraxyada maalmihii u dambeeyay ay ka gaysanayeen magaalada Muqdisho, waxaana uu ka dalbaday inay Nabada qaataan oo ay wada hadal la galaan dowladda Soomaaliya.

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Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya oo hadal qaaday intii uu ku guda jiray booqashada maanta uu ku tagay degmada Dayniile ciidamada dowladda Kenya ee soo galay Soomaaliya ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dadka siyaabo kala duwan ay fusirteen arintaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in dowladda aysan raali ka noqoneen wax shaki keeni kara islamarkaana wax u dhimaya xiriirka labada dal ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya, isagoo sheegay inay xad gudub tahay in Kenya ay ku dhaqaaqdo wax dowladda aysan ka warqabin.


Understandably a weak position from Sharif but a correct one nevertheless. Kenya's invasion will only strengthen Alshabaab, not weaken it.

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This Shariif is a buffoon, he utters every little nonsense that comes out of his mouth without thinking or paying attention to it. He thinks he's representing ciyaalka xaafada Caliyaale and not the highest authority of this TFG. Only a week ago, after the Kenyan troops entered Somalia, his government met a high Kenyan delegation at Villa Somalia including the foreign/interior minister of Kenya.


Hadhow ayuu dhihi doonaa sidiisii, 'Aryaa waa kanoqday casilaadi R/wasaarah aan casilay' Lol

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useless populist and pretender this uninitiated Sheikh is! Which dowlad is he talking about? The one that is cowering behind Amisom in Mogdishu?

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Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has said his transitional government is opposed to Kenya's military incursion into Somalia.


Monday, October 24, 2011


Just over a week ago Kenya sent soldiers over its border into Somalia to pursue militants from the Islamist al-Shabab group .


It blames the insurgents for a spate of recent kidnappings near the border, which al-Shabab denies.


Nairobi said the deployment was done with the Somali authorities' approval.


For more than two years, President Ahmed's weak UN-backed interim government has been battling al-Shabab, an al Qaeda-linked group which controls much of south and central Somalia.


His government relies on a 9,000-strong Africa Union force for its security in the capital, Mogadishu.


Air raids


Speaking to journalists at the scene of recent fighting in Mogadishu, Mr Ahmed said Kenyan support in terms of training and logistics was welcome but his government and the people of Somalia were opposed to the presence of the Kenyan army.


The BBC's East Africa correspondent, Will Ross, says his comments put the Kenyan government in a very difficult position.


It is possible that the Somali authorities have spoken out because they are opposed to the idea of Kenya helping to establish a semi-autonomous region in Somalia known as Jubaland, he says.


This is seen by some as the main aim of the Kenyan government's military incursion, our correspondent says.


Last week, a Somali general told the BBC his troops were working with Kenyan forces advancing from the border towards the port city of Kismayo.


On Sunday there were aerial bombardments on Kismayo, an economic stronghold of al-Shabab.


The Kenyan army told the BBC that a military base belonging to al-Shabab was hit, but the militants said no damage had been caused.


Kenyan army spokesman Maj Emmanuel Chirchir would not confirm whether Kenyan or other allied forces had carried out the raid.


He told AP news agency that the French navy had bombed the town of Kuda along the coast from Kismayo on Saturday night.


Last week, al-Shabab lost control of the coastal town of Ras Kamboni after attacks by the Kenyan navy and a local militia.


The French authorities said they had learnt last week that a Frenchwoman kidnapped from Kenya by Somali gunmen earlier in the month had died.


Other foreigners being held in Somalia include a British woman abducted from a coastal resort and a Kenyan driver and two Spanish aid workers seized from the Dadaab refugee camp near the Kenya-Somalia border.


Al-Shabab has threatened reprisal attacks in Kenya if the troops do not leave. Kenya's police chief says a grenade attack overnight in Nairobi which injured 12 people in a nightclub could not be linked to the militant group.

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^^Did they sign an agreement? Please elaborate on that


That they were at Villa Somalia only proves that they talked ...not necessarily agreed.

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This does not say much Jacayl.


Sharif may not be opposing this for nationalistic reasons. I understand that. But oppose he does and is good thing, methinks.

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Wasiirka gaashaandhiga Soomaaliya Xuseyn Carab Ciise ayaa sheegay in labada dal ay isku raaceen in ay iska kaashadaan dhinacyada amaanka, siyaasada iyo dhaqaalaha iyo sidi ay meel uga soo wada jeesan lahaayeen Al ShabaB.



Dowlada Kenya ayaa dhawaan soo gelisay Soomaaliya ciidamo fara badan kuwaasi oo ay ku sheegeen in ay baadi goobayaan shaqaalo ka tirsan MSF oo laga soo afduubay xeryaha Dhadhaab.

Sheekh Shariif, iyo madaxda TFG way ogyihiin sababta ay askarta Kenya u soo galeen dhulka Soomaaliya in ay tahay baadi goob ay baadigoobayaan dadkii laga soo afduubay bartamaha wadanka kenya.

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Abtigiis;753413 wrote:
useless populist and pretender this uninitiated Sheikh is! Which dowlad is he talking about? The one that is cowering behind Amisom in Mogdishu?

Wa waxaan kuu sheegayay maalintii hore, badow yaho. The Sharif is disagreeing with the Kenyan action (on principle) lakin ha iska wataan. :D



Juje, next peice of advice I give will cost you. Macalinka u sheeg.

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