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Somaliland Parliament Ammends a Law, Support the Youth

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The Somaliland parliament voted for a new amendments to the local council election law. The new article now says if you are 25 years old, you can run for the local council elections instead of 35 in the previous article.


This is a big step forward and good opportunity for the youth to take part in the country's development and democracy.

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Its still ridicolous that someone has to be 25 years, to run for local council elections.


If an 18 year old is smart enough to vote,why not run for elections.

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Finally waxay fahmeen in maskaxda gaboowday oo Qabiil uun daba ordaysaa aanay wax faa'iido ah wadanka u soo wadin. imisaan lahaa Soomaaliya kuwa kaliya ee dhisi karaa waa dhalinyarada. Iminka 25 jir hadii ay ogoladeen. Insha-allah 5 sano ka dib waxay ogolaandonaan 18 jir in uu ka qayb qaadan karayo.


Xaaji xaasidnimada intaad iska daysid dhalinyarada chance-kooda sii wadanka si fiican ha u dhisaane.

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