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Jig-Jiga: Local authority arrest armed SNM militiamen : Pics

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Ethiopia oo sheegtay in Rag ka soo duulay Somaliland oo laayey dad Ethiopian ah oo la qabtay (Sawiro)



October 22, 2011 8:16 pm GMT - Written by PP - Edited by PP Print


Jig-jiga: (pp)- Maalmo kahor ayaa waxaa la ogsoonyahay in ay dad budhcad ahi kusooduuleen shacabka degmada yoocaale halkaas oo ay kulaayeen dad shacaba oo geeloodii iyo xoolahoodii lajooga islamarkaana aana kawarhayn sababta ay ulaynayaan, waxaana hubaala oo la ogsoonyahay inay budhcadaas soo duushay lahaayeen dano kale oo iyaga ugooni ah balse sikasta oo ay ahaataba waxay halkaas ku waxyeeleeyeen dad itoobiyaana oo shacaba iyadoo ay halkaas sida la ogsoonyahay ku dileen 7 ruux.



Rag la sheegay inay ka soo duuleen Somaliland oo Xasuuqay dad Ethiopian Soomaali ah

Haddaba sida lala wada socdo waxaa markiiba sidii ugu dhakhsaha badnayd budhcadaas soo duushay uhorgooyay oo kahor istaagay meeshii ay kasoogaleen ee ay kanoqon rabeen ciidamda sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee liyuu booliska iyagoo halkaas ku qabqabtay 6 gaadhi oo ay wateen iyo 57 nin oo hubaysnaa islamarkaan ciidanka oo ilaalinayay sharciga ayaana sidii uu sharcigu dhigayay ula dhaqmay dambiilayaashii ay halkaas ku qabteen iyagoo hareeraha ka maray kadibna ay isdhiibeen iyagoo gacmaha kor utaagaya qoryihii iyo rasaas aad ufarabadan oo ay wateena halkaas lagaga uruuriyay.



Maleeshiyaadka somaliland ee Gacanta lagu dhigay

Haddaba iyadoo ay ciidamadu sidii ugu dhakhsaha badnayd sharciga u horkeeneen maxkamadana lasaaray ayaa waxaan halkan idiinkusoo gudbinaynaa oo aad indhihiina ku aragtaan in baabuurta ay wateen iyo rasaasta ay wateenba ay ahayd mid wadanka somaliland laga



qaar ka mid raga hibaysan ee la soo qabtay


Cadaymaha raga la qabtay

soo abaabulay baabuurtuna ay tahay baabuurtii somaliland islamarkaana dib ayaan idiinkasoo tabin doonaa iyagoo kawaramaya qaabkii ay usoo duuleen iyo goobihii ay kasoo kicitameenba.



Aqoonsiga raga la qabtayRaashin & Rasaas

Guud ahaan shacabka wadanka itoobiya gaar ahaana shacabka deegaanka soomaalida itoobiya ayaa aad ugu farxay aadna ugu riyaaqay sidii dhakhsaha badnayd ee ay ciidamada liyuugu uhorgooyeen budhcadkaas wadanka kusoo duulay dadka itoobiyaanka ahna waxyeeleeyay iyo qaabkii ay sharciga u horkeeneen iyagoo gacanta kusoo dhigay 6 gaadhi oo hubaysnaa iyo 57 in oo la socday islamarkaana wakhtixaadirkan kujira gacanta dawlada deegaanka soomaalida itoobiya.

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This is false news. The people you see are poor villagers arrested from Dacawaleey area. There was the usual clan fighting in Yocaale district around Dacawaleey, and the 'SNM' clan killed about 11 men from the long-legged ones. I have to say there is a bit of expansionist tendacy from Hargeisa-allied clans. But then after the fighting was over, Abdi Iley sent his Liyu Police militias to arrest elders and youth of the other clan, in a bid to ingratiate himself witht his clan who despise him. This is the fact.


Dadkani waa dad reer-miyi ah oo tuulooyinkoodii laga soo uruuriyey.

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Xaanji Xanjo,


Arintani way soo noqnoqotay, dadkuna inuu isdilo ma fiicnee maad reerka odayaashooda la hadashid ood dhul-balaadhsiga iska daaya tidhaahdid? Dadku meeshuu rabo inuu dago way fiicantahay oo aan xuduud la kala yeelan laakin most people back home haven't reached that level of maturity.


The Somaliland authorities or elders played right into Iley's hands when they announced on BBC "Beelo rer-Somaliland ah iyo kuwo itoobiyaan ah ayaa islaayey."


Tigreega ayaa raba dadku inay islaayaan, aadna isu nacaan. Iley is killing his own clan more than any other clan and no one should feel he represents a clan. Everyday we hear heart-breaking tales of rape and killing, the latest being a girl I grew up with, Ladan Mohamed. She had a dispute with a wife of a Liyu-POLICE man, and the miscreants simply took her and raped her until she passed out. So much more painful than a small clan skirmishes is the daily humiliation our women and men face from the Tigres and their mercenaries.

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Abtigis waan ogahay amxaaradu waxay maagan yihin iley mashruuc bala soo siiyey inu deegaanka somalida degen isku diro. Qaar garab siiyoo support one clan against the other



Somaliland senate members called for peace between the clans that fought in dacawalay and yoocaale


Iley wants to use the liyo militia to get support from his tribesmen that he support them over the ethnic somalilanders in the regions that's why many from the bigfoot community the last year or so support the dds authority in jigjiga


Waryaa nuune maxaad ku qoslaysa. Abtigis mar mar run bu sheega marmarka anay caadifadu qaadin.


Also jabhad la dagalaanta liyo police ba lugu dhawaaqay few days ago its called wsnm

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Xaaji Xunjuf;753353 wrote:

Iley wants to use the liyo militia to get support from his tribesmen that he support them over the ethnic somalilanders in the regions that's why many from the bigfoot community the last year or so support the dds authority in jigjiga

True! We are happy Iley is doing that billing for the Tigre's. As ONLF, waa la kala miirmay, oo anyone who was supporting the liberation front on the basis of shallow tribal sentiment has gone to Jigjiga as diaspora peace-makers etc etc. Dadkii qudhunka ahaa ee qabyaaladu gogooysay sheekadan rer-hebel baan dhulka ka eryayaa ayey la dhaceen. But the other tribes also must think about bigger issues that unite people. Markuu Iley qabiilkooda laayana, shacab baa lalaayey, markuu reeriisa laayana horumar baa la gaadhay oo shiftadii waaa la soo afjaray sheeko ma aha! It is what kilil5 used to peddle when Iley was arresting O youth and elders. Once, he came back for Rasso and dismantled their aspiration of having a separate district(which i fully support by the way), you now go and see that website and its shrieks.


Abtigis mar mar run bu sheega marmarka anay caadifadu qaadin.

You are right. I lie sometimes, like when I argue "Somaliland is a one-clan projects" :D :D Wararkaas weeye kuwa beenta kula ah xaaji.

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Abtigis you have to understand ileey wants to be seen by his Community that he is a Bigfoot hero thus he will give extra privileges to his clan. The federal government in adis ababa does not really care if Iley uses the liyo Militia to fight against other Clans as long as he keeps ONLF and other rebels in check.


And he is winning lots of hearts and Minds keep in mind especially from the Dhagaxbuur area Admiral Cismaans Clan who most of the time have Clan battles with the Baligubadle Community in Ethiopia , ileey just needs to say remember when the bad Wolf was killing your sons in dacawalay and yoocaale who was there to give you a hand and was helping you against the aggressors from the Baligubadle Clan.


Its me iley i am one of you, support me as the regional governor forget all the other nonsense the Jigjiga Authority Administration belongs to us lets make the best of it let's marginalize all the other Clans and show who is the real Boss in the Somali region.


And yes Abtigis you're dislike for progress democracy nationhood and the coexistence between the various Somaliland communities is not very much appreciated but you already knew that Abti. But there are times you tell the truth like maanta oo kale.

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The Baligubadle Community in yoocale and dacawaly are double citizens both Ethiopian and Somaliland they have their Somaliland papers and documents that does not mean the Somaliland government or army was involved in silly Clan wars.

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The Zack   

AYOUB;753396 wrote:
^ Ah look Zack is here.
The Tigre boy was looking for you.

Yea I am here, what tigre boy? Somebody from sl turned to tigre?

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