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Jama Mohamed Qalib Arrives Hargeysa

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After 17 years of living exile ,,,, after a failed Somaliweyn project ,,,, after all these years of shame and isolation, Jama Mohamed Qalib finally decided to come back home and repent.


Welcome back duqa ..... and after 17 years, look the progress the people made.


A lesson to the rest of the losers ........

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Has he said I repented? were is the evidence?


Jama is among the rare breed of Somalis who rose above clan line, above qooysnimo and chose to sit on a higher national pedastal. He is an inspiration to many somali youth. When you and your ilk chose to suffocate in tight rer-hebel pants, he chose a big trouser with windows and ventillation. Such are the men I respect and admire. Not fools like Adan Siiro who subordinate even their belief to their tribal ancestory.

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I know where you're coming from ,,,, So it will be a waste of time to argue. I can use that precious time to do something else useful.


I just have to record your statement for your future stances though.

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Abtigiis;753112 wrote:
Has he said I repented? were is the evidence?


Jama is among the rare breed of Somalis who rose above clan line, above qooysnimo and chose to sit on a higher national pedastal. He is an inspiration to many somali youth. When you and your ilk chose to suffocate in tight rer-hebel pants, he chose a big trouser with windows and ventillation. Such are the men I respect and admire. Not fools like Adan Siiro who subordinate even their belief to their tribal ancestory.

Like I said

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Cabdalle Xaaji Cali oo mar Ka ahaa Mayer Degmada Berbera markii Danbena Xubin ka noqday Baarlamaanka Federal ka iyo Wasiir ku xigeenba Xukuumadihii kala Danbeeyey ee TFG Somaliya aya saaka ay xidheen Ciidanka Booliska Madaarka Hargeysa.


Siyaasi Cabdalle Ayaa ilaa iyo hadda waxa uu ku xidhan yahay Saldhiga Madaarka Hargeysa iyada oo aan loo soo dhaadhicin Xaga Gudaha Magaalada. Xukuumada Somaliland ayaan iyadu wali ka hadal Xadhiga Cabdalle oo fadhiguusu ahaa Magaalada Nairobi oo uu ka soo duulay.


Do&(n dheh ,,,,, wuu iska soo raacayaa :D

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Cabdalla Xaaji Cali waa qoloma? Miyaa laga laandheeraysan yahay? Meeshaas qabiilkaa diin ka ah oo nin reer-xoog weyn leh intaa madaarka kuma xidhnaadeene!

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Abtigiis;753116 wrote:
Cabdalla Xaaji Cali waa qoloma? Miyaa laga laandheeraysan yahay? Meeshaas qabiilkaa diin ka ah oo nin reer-xoog weyn leh intaa madaarka kuma xidhnaadeene!

lool Abtigiis.


Abdalle Xaaji Ali waa reer Berbera, wuxu ahaan jiray Duqa Magalada Berbera. Airportkan lagu xiray ee Hargeisa, waxa loo bixiyay magaca adeerkii(AUN Egaal). Markaa laguma xirin laangaabnimo. :D

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Why is Abdulla arrested but not Jama Qalib? Sounds like a double standard. It's not a question of either individual's power within the community since Jama Qalib was previously arrested by the previous administration without any real fallout.


Let us know since you're on the ground.

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Xaaji, ninka ma UDUB bay ilaamdeer yihiin ooy is xigaan? :D


Is Siilaanyo saying:


Tirtirsiiyahaad Cabdallow noogu timid tacab qasaaruun dheh

Tartan meelna aan gaadhiniyo turuqyo daaluun dheh

Tamashlaha aan meel looga dhalan tookh u socodkeeda

Toddobaad waxaan gaadhiniyo tuhumo beenaad dheh

Dhamaan reerkiina tadhahay ee tikidhka soo goostay

Taariikh Somaliland ugu horloo maanta timi uun dheh

Tii UDUB idiin soo dhistay taran hadaad moodey

Tukayaal hormuud laga dhigiyo toxoble daayeer dheh


Afartaa tacliintaan bartiyo tix iyo geeraar dheh

Tiiqtiiqsi hadal loo yidhoo tudhis la'aaneed dheh

Tol-yaraha hubkii dili jiriyo toorri iyo seef dheh

Jaamacaa xoog-tolkii amaankiisa taabka ku adkeeyey

Taladaa hadaad aayar uun tiisa ugu toostay

Kulmiyihii lagu tuntiyo Ngonge toos dheh

Mar hadday tolniimadii horiyo talawadaag diidey

Nin walbaa wuxuu taransadiyo tab iyo xeeshii dheh

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Mintid Farayar;753138 wrote:


Why is Abdulla arrested but not Jama Qalib? Sounds like a double standard. It's not a question of either individual's power within the community since Jama Qalib was previously arrested by the previous administration without any real fallout.


Let us know since you're on the ground.

Jama M Qalib was coming after he informed the government and said he is retired of the politics. Kan kele just popped in plane and arrived without prior information and forgiveness.


Dhakhda xumi albaab iska ballaqan bay mooday dee ,,, :D

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Abtigiis;753112 wrote:
Has he said I repented? were is the evidence?.

Faisal C Waraabe welcomed him at the airport. :) Then again, maybe he ( Gen Jaama Yare) played the clan card you suggested he is supposedly above. :)


PS The great Rayaale Kaahin did put this "lan-dheere" of yours in the very airport cell before deporting him. :)

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