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Somaliland president Ahmed Siilaanyo receives french delegation in his office+PICS

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Somaliland’s President meets French Delegation


Posted on 20/10/2011 in Latest Headlines



Hargeisa ( president Mr. Ahmed Mohamoud Siilaanyo meets with French delegation today that is on a short visit to Somaliland. The meeting took place at the presidential office in Somaliland’s capital of Hargeisa. In the first place, Somaliland president briefed the delegate about the general situation in the country.




According to press release issued from the presidential spokesman Mr. Abdilahi Mohamed Daahir ‘Cukuse’ it stated that Somaliland president Mr. Siilaanyo held a high level meeting with French delegation. The meeting was held at the office of the president today as the press release states.




The French delegation is headed by the French ambassador to Djibouti Mr. Rene Forceville.




The ambassador told that the main aim of their visit has something to do with enhancing and upgrading the cooperation and the bilateral relation between Somaliland the French government.




The ambassador further added that his government is keen on assisting Somaliland be it development and enhancing private trade.




Second. Somaliland president took the opportunity to brief the delegate about the general situation in the country be it the genuine peace and stability that Somaliland achieved.




The president added that Somaliland achieved miracles when it comes to maintaining security on the ground and its territorial waters and it is now working hard on achieving genuine development.




Somaliland president hailed the French delegate’s arrival to Somaliland and he seized the chance to demand from the French government as well as the international community to provide an assistance Somaliland when it comes to the underscored achievements.




Somaliland president was accompanied by the planning and development Dr. Sacad Ali Shire, and the foreign affairs secretary Dr. Mohamed Rashid Sh. Hasan.




The French ambassador to Djibouti Mr. Rene Forceville was accompanied by Renu Morechaux from the French defense ministry, the first secretary at the French embassy to Djibouti, Alexdener Jabet.

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Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Kulan la yeeshay Wefti ka socday Faransiiska


October 20th, 2011


Hargeysa (Somaliland.Org)- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), ayaa maanta qaabilay wefti ka socday dalka Faransiiska oo socdaal rasmi ah ku yimid dalka.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland wuxuu weftiga uga waramay xaaladda dalka, waxaanu sidaasi ku sheegay war-saxaafadeed maanta uu soo saaray Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada Cabdilaahi Maxamed Daahir (Cukuse), waxaanu u qornaa sidan:- “Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) waxa uu Maanta qasriga Madaxtooyada ku qaabilay Wefti Saddex xubnood ka kooban oo ka socda Dawladda Faransiiska oo uu hogaaminaayo Safiirka u fadhiya Dalkaas, Jamhuuriyada Jabuuti, Ambassador Rene Forceville.


Safiirka ayaa ujeedada Socdaalkooda ka waramay waxa uu sheegay in ay tahay sidii loo kobcin lahaa ee kor loogu qaadi lahaa xidhiidhka iyo iskaashiga u dhexeeya labada wadan ee Somaliland iyo Faransiiska.


Safiirku waxa u sheegay in ay Dawladiisu danaynayso in ay Somaliland ka caawiso dhinaca horumarka iyo kobcinta Ganacsiga Gaarka ah.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane, Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa Weftiga uga waramay Xaaladda nabad-gelyo ee Dhabta ah ee Somaliland.


Madaxweynuhu waxa u sheegay in Somaliland ku guulaysatay Adkaynta Badda iyo Berigaba haatana ay u xaydan tahay inay ku talaabsato horumar dhan walba leh.


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu soo dhaweyey imaantinka Weftiga Faransiiska waxaanu dawlada Faransiiska iyo Beesha Caalamkaba ka dalbaday in ay Somaliland ku gacan qabtaan Dedaalkeeda ay la timid.


Dhinaca Somaliland waxa Madaxweynaha Kulankan ku wehelinayey Wasiirka Qorshaynta Qaranka iyo Horumarinta Dr. Sacad Cali Shire & Wasiiru Dawlaha Arrimaha Debeda Dr. Maxamedrashiid Sheekh Xasan


Dhinaca Weftiga waxa Safiirka kulankan ku wehelinayey


1. Renu Morechaux, Director, Ministery of Defence of France


2. Alexdener Jabet, First Sect, at French Embassy in Djibouti.”

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